
在reactjs gradle节点插件中使用基于环境的url

如何解决在reactjs gradle节点插件中使用基于环境的url

我正在使用gradle-node-plugin构建我的reactjs应用程序。 我想基于dev,nit,nat,prod的环境使用url。 我们正在使用Spring Boot应用程序。当我以bootrun运行应用程序时,它使用的是gradle-node-plugin生成的bundle.js。我不确定如何使用环境变量构建bundle.js。


apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'com.moowork.node'

def jsBuildDir = project.buildDir.absolutePath
def jsProjectDir = project.projectDir.absolutePath
def jsSourceDir = jsProjectDir + '/src'
def jsPublicDir = jsProjectDir + '/public'
def packageJsonPath = jsProjectDir + '/package.json'
def nodejsDir = jsProjectDir + '/nodejs'
def npmDir = jsProjectDir + '/npm'
def yarnDir = jsProjectDir + '/yarn'

node {
    // Base URL for fetching node distributions (change if you have a mirror).
    distBaseUrl = 'https://nodejs.org/dist'

    // If true,it will download node using above parameters.
    // If false,it will try to use globally installed node.
    download = true

    // Set the work directory for unpacking node
    workdir = file(nodejsDir)

    // Set the work directory for NPM
    npmworkdir = file(npmDir)

    // Version of Yarn to use.
    yarnVersion = '1.10.1'

    // Set the work directory for Yarn
    yarnworkdir = file(yarnDir)

    // Set the work directory where node_modules should be located
    nodeModulesDir = file(jsProjectDir)

jar {
    from jsBuildDir
    includeEmptyDirs = false

task jsBuild(type: YarnTask) {

    inputs.dir jsSourceDir
    inputs.dir jsPublicDir
    inputs.file packageJsonPath
    outputs.dir jsBuildDir

    dependsOn yarn_install
    args = ['run','build']
    workingDir = projectDir

jar.dependsOn jsBuild


gradlew clean build.


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