
ckEditors UploadAdapter未设置ImageSource

如何解决ckEditors UploadAdapter未设置ImageSource

我在我的网站上使用ckEditor和CostumAploadAdapter。 我想为我的WebSiteUsers创建一种电子邮件客户端。 当我在ckEditor中插入图像时,该图像通过UploadAdapter被上传到服务器,并且该图像显示在编辑器中。 但是,当我在服务器端查看发送的文本的内容时,每个图像只包含"<figure class="image"><img></figure>"。不是图像名称或服务器上的位置。 我试图在适配器的load-Listener中显式设置imageName(仅用于测试目的),但是没有成功。



class MyUploadAdapter {
    constructor( loader ) {
        // The file loader instance to use during the upload.
        this.loader = loader;

    // Starts the upload process.
    upload() {

        return this.loader.file
            .then( file => new Promise( ( resolve,reject ) => {
                        this._initListeners( resolve,reject,file );
                        this._sendRequest( file );
                        } ) );

    // Aborts the upload process.
    abort() {
        if ( this.xhr ) {

    // Initializes the XMLHttpRequest object using the URL passed to the constructor.
    _initRequest() {

        const xhr = this.xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

        // Note that your request may look different. It is up to you and your editor
        // integration to choose the right communication channel. This example uses
        // a POST request with JSON as a data structure but your configuration
        // Could be different.
        xhr.open( 'POST','/uploadScript.PHP',true );
        xhr.responseType = 'json';

    // Initializes XMLHttpRequest listeners.
    _initListeners( resolve,file ) {

        const xhr = this.xhr;
        const loader = this.loader;
        const genericErrorText = `Couldn't upload file: ${ file.name }.`;

        xhr.addEventListener( 'error',() => reject( genericErrorText ) );
        xhr.addEventListener( 'abort',() => reject() );
        xhr.addEventListener( 'load',() => {

                const response = xhr.response.url;

                // This example assumes the XHR server's "response" object will come with
                // an "error" which has its own "message" that can be passed to reject()
                // in the upload promise.
                // Your integration may handle upload errors in a different way so make sure
                // it is done properly. The reject() function must be called when the upload fails.
                if ( !response || response.error ) {
                    return reject( response && response.error ? response.error.message : genericErrorText );

                // If the upload is successful,resolve the upload promise with an object containing
                // at least the "default" URL,pointing to the image on the server.
                // This URL will be used to display the image in the content. Learn more in the
                // UploadAdapter#upload documentation.
                resolve( {
                    default: response
                    } );
                } );

        // Upload progress when it is supported. The file loader has the #uploadTotal and #uploaded
        // properties which are used e.g. to display the upload progress bar in the editor
        // user interface.
        if ( xhr.upload ) {
            xhr.upload.addEventListener( 'progress',evt => {
                    if ( evt.lengthComputable ) {
                    loader.uploadTotal = evt.total;
                    loader.uploaded = evt.loaded;
                    } );

    // Prepares the data and sends the request.
    _sendRequest( file ) {
        // Prepare the form data.
        const data = new FormData();

        data.append( 'filetoUpload',file );

        // Important note: This is the right place to implement security mechanisms
        // like authentication and CSRF protection. For instance,you can use
        // XMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader() to set the request headers containing
        // the CSRF token generated earlier by your application.

        // Send the request.
        this.xhr.send( data );

function MyCustomUploadAdapterPlugin( editor ) {
    editor.plugins.get( 'FileRepository' ).createUploadAdapter = ( loader ) => {
        // Configure the URL to the upload script in your back-end here!
        return new MyUploadAdapter( loader );

.create( document.querySelector( '#message' ),{
extraPlugins: [ MyCustomUploadAdapterPlugin ]
} )
.catch( error => {
        console.log( error );
} );



$uploaddir = "uploadImages\\";
$uploadfile = $uploaddir . ($_FILES['filetoUpload']['name']);


echo "{\"url\":\"meer.jpg\"}";




在php中的uploadScript中: $ file_name = $ _FILES ['fileToUpload'] ['tmp_name']; echo $ file_name;



$uploaddir = "uploadImages\\";


$uploaddir = "uploadImages/";



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