


我正在尝试构建NASA cFS版本6.5,该版本在运行Ubuntu的64位Jetson TX2上使用32位应用程序。

我遇到错误"gcc: error: unrecognized command line option -m32"


Package gcc-multilib is not available,but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing,has been obsoleted,or is only available from another source

我尝试使用apt search gcc-multilib寻找其他软件包,并安装了: gcc-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabi gcc-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabihf gcc-multilib-x86-64-linux-gnu gcc-multilib-x86-64-linux-gnux32


我尝试取消注释sources.list中的所有行,运行sudo apt-get update,然后尝试安装,但仍然没有成功。



好的,所以我从具有cmake的文件删除了-m32选项,并尝试进行编译,但出现了很多错误,从typedef错误到missing;和其他,因为它们可能超过100个错误,所以不会列出所有错误,但是我得到的第一个错误是: /home/deployer/CFS-101.initial/osal/src/os/inc/common_types.h:285:5: error: #error undefined processor


#ifndef _common_types_
#define _common_types_

#ifdef __cplusplus
   extern "C" {

** Includes

** Macro DeFinitions

** Condition = TRUE is ok,Condition = FALSE is error 
#define CompileTimeAssert(Condition,Message) typedef char Message[(Condition) ? 1 : -1]

** Define compiler specific macros
** The __extension__ compiler pragma is required
** for the uint64 type using GCC with the ANSI C90 standard.
** Other macros can go in here as needed,for example alignment 
** pragmas.
** NOTE: The white-Box (coverage) unit testing may need to disable
** these extra attributes.  These test builds define the OSAPI_NO_SPECIAL_ATTRIBS
** macro to disable this.
#if defined (__GNUC__) && !defined(OSAPI_NO_SPECIAL_ATTRIBS)
   #define _EXTENSION_     __extension__
   #define OS_PACK         __attribute__ ((packed))
   #define OS_ALIGN(n)     __attribute__((aligned(n)))
   #define OS_USED         __attribute__((used))
   #define OS_PRINTF(n,m)  __attribute__ ((format (printf,n,m)))
   #define _EXTENSION_ 
   #define OS_PACK
   #define OS_ALIGN(n) 
   #define OS_USED 
   #define OS_PRINTF(n,m)

 * If the host system has a ISO C99 standard stdint header file,prefer it.
 * This ensures that fixed-width types are correct including on 64-bit systems.
#if defined(_HAVE_STDINT_)

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
 * We should not make assumptions about the bit order here

  typedef uint8_t                               osalbool;
  typedef int8_t                                int8;
  typedef int16_t                               int16;
  typedef int32_t                               int32;
  typedef int64_t                               int64;
  typedef uint8_t                               uint8;
  typedef uint16_t                              uint16;
  typedef uint32_t                              uint32;
  typedef uint64_t                              uint64;
  typedef intptr_t                              intptr;
  typedef uintptr_t                             cpuaddr;
  typedef size_t                                cpusize;
  typedef ptrdiff_t                             cpudiff;

 * Fall back to default integer type maps -
 * These deFinitions assume a 32-bit processor
#elif defined(_ix86_) || defined (__i386__)
/* ----------------------- Intel x86 processor family -------------------------*/
  /* Little endian */
  #undef   _STRUCT_HIGH_BIT_FirsT_
  #define  _STRUCT_LOW_BIT_FirsT_

  typedef unsigned char                         osalbool;
  typedef signed char                           int8;
  typedef short int                             int16;
  typedef long int                              int32;
 _EXTENSION_ typedef long long int              int64; 
  typedef unsigned char                         uint8;
  typedef unsigned short int                    uint16;
  typedef unsigned long int                     uint32;
  _EXTENSION_ typedef unsigned long long int    uint64;

  typedef unsigned long int                     cpuaddr;
  typedef unsigned long int                     cpusize;
  typedef long int                              cpudiff;

#elif defined (_ix64_) || defined (__x86_64__) 
/* ----------------------- Intel/AMD x64 processor family -------------------------*/
  /* Little endian */
  #undef   _STRUCT_HIGH_BIT_FirsT_
  #define  _STRUCT_LOW_BIT_FirsT_

  typedef unsigned char                         osalbool;
  typedef signed char                           int8;
  typedef short int                             int16;
  typedef int                                   int32;
  typedef long int                              int64;
  typedef unsigned char                         uint8;
  typedef unsigned short int                    uint16;
  typedef unsigned int                          uint32;
  typedef unsigned long int                     uint64;

  typedef unsigned long int                     cpuaddr;
  typedef unsigned long int                     cpusize;
  typedef long int                              cpudiff;

#elif defined(__PPC__) || defined (__ppc__)
   /* ----------------------- Motorola Power PC family ---------------------------*/
   /* The PPC can be programmed to be big or little endian,we assume native */
   /* Big endian */
   #define _STRUCT_HIGH_BIT_FirsT_
   #undef  _STRUCT_LOW_BIT_FirsT_

   typedef unsigned char                        osalbool;
   typedef signed char                          int8;
   typedef short int                            int16;
   typedef long int                             int32;
   _EXTENSION_ typedef long long int            int64;
   typedef unsigned char                        uint8;
   typedef unsigned short int                   uint16;
   typedef unsigned long int                    uint32;
   _EXTENSION_ typedef unsigned long long int   uint64;

   typedef unsigned long int                     cpuaddr;
   typedef unsigned long int                     cpusize;
   typedef long int                              cpudiff;

#elif defined(_m68k_) || defined(__m68k__)
   /* ----------------------- Motorola m68k/Coldfire family ---------------------------*/
   /* Big endian */
   #define _STRUCT_HIGH_BIT_FirsT_
   #undef  _STRUCT_LOW_BIT_FirsT_

   typedef unsigned char                        osalbool;
   typedef signed char                          int8;
   typedef short int                            int16;
   typedef long int                             int32;
   _EXTENSION_ typedef long long int            int64;
   typedef unsigned char                        uint8;
   typedef unsigned short int                   uint16;
   typedef unsigned long int                    uint32;
   _EXTENSION_ typedef unsigned long long int   uint64;

   typedef unsigned long int                     cpuaddr;
   typedef unsigned long int                     cpusize;
   typedef long int                              cpudiff;

#elif defined (__ARM__) || defined(__arm__)
/* ----------------------- ARM processor family -------------------------*/
  /* Little endian */
  #undef   _STRUCT_HIGH_BIT_FirsT_
  #define  _STRUCT_LOW_BIT_FirsT_

  typedef unsigned char                         osalbool;
  typedef signed char                           int8;
  typedef short int                             int16;
  typedef long int                              int32;
  _EXTENSION_ typedef long long int             int64;
  typedef unsigned char                         uint8;
  typedef unsigned short int                    uint16;
  typedef unsigned long int                     uint32;
  _EXTENSION_ typedef unsigned long long int    uint64;

  typedef unsigned long int                     cpuaddr;
  typedef unsigned long int                     cpusize;
  typedef long int                              cpudiff;

#elif defined(__SPARC__) || defined (_sparc_)
   /* ----------------------- SPARC/LEON family ---------------------------*/
   /* SPARC Big endian */
   #define _STRUCT_HIGH_BIT_FirsT_
   #undef  _STRUCT_LOW_BIT_FirsT_

   typedef unsigned char                        osalbool;
   typedef signed char                          int8;
   typedef short int                            int16;
   typedef long int                             int32;
   _EXTENSION_ typedef long long int            int64;
   typedef unsigned char                        uint8;
   typedef unsigned short int                   uint16;
   typedef unsigned long int                    uint32;
   _EXTENSION_ typedef unsigned long long int   uint64;

   typedef unsigned long int                     cpuaddr;
   typedef unsigned long int                     cpusize;
   typedef long int                              cpudiff;

#else  /* not any of the above */
   #error undefined processor
#endif  /* processor types */

 * Boolean type for compatibility --
 * Note it is a bad idea to typedef "bool" or "boolean" -- MANY other projects
 * and libraries also define a boolean type due to the lack of a standard bool in C89.
 * But calling it simply "bool" or "boolean" almost guarantees a namespace conflict
 * if trying to use OSAL with one of those other existing projects.
 * RTEMS 4.11 no longer defines boolean type by default (deprecated) probably also
 * due to the high likelihood of name conflicts.
 * In order to preserve compatibility for apps written against prior versions of
 * OSAL,the name "boolean" is typedefed as well,but this may be turned off
 * in a future version whenever appropriate.

  typedef osalbool boolean;

#ifndef NULL              /* pointer to nothing */
   #define NULL ((void *) 0)

#ifndef TRUE              /* Boolean true */
   #define TRUE (1)

#ifndef FALSE              /* Boolean false */
   #define FALSE (0)

** Check Sizes 
CompileTimeAssert(sizeof(cpuaddr) >= sizeof(void *),TypePtrWrongSize);

 * Any code that depends on this macro should be fixed so as to not need it.
 * The value for this had been set by the BSP makefiles but this is not reliable,* especially on processors that support both big- and little- endian modes e.g.
 * ARM and MIPS.
 * This is deprecated and only here to bridge the gap until code that depends
 * on this can be fixed.  Do not write any new code that uses this macro.
 * If using an older makefile that defines one of the BIT_ORDER macros already,* then this entire section is skipped and the macro is used as-is.

#if defined(__BYTE_ORDER) && __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN || \
    defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__) || \
    defined(__ARMEB__) || \
    defined(__THUMBEB__) || \
    defined(__AARCH64EB__) || \
    defined(_MIBSEB) || defined(__MIBSEB) || defined(__MIBSEB__)
/* It is a big-endian target architecture */
#elif defined(__BYTE_ORDER) && __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN || \
    defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN__) || \
    defined(__ARMEL__) || \
    defined(__THUMBEL__) || \
    defined(__AARCH64EL__) || \
    defined(_MIPSEL) || defined(__MIPSEL) || defined(__MIPSEL__)
/* It is a little-endian target architecture */

#endif /* !defined(SOFTWARE_BIG_BIT_ORDER) && !defined(SOFTWARE_LITTLE_BIT_ORDER) */

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif  /* _common_types_ */

我尝试检查是否有stdint.h和stddef.h,结果是,但是我不知道为什么 HAVE_STDINT 没有定义。另外,没有情况可以检查 aarch64 这是我的机器,所以我更改了

#if defined(_HAVE_STDINT_)

#if defined(_HAVE_STDINT_) || defined(__arch64__)


Source file 'to_config.o' contains objects of class type 'ELFCLASS64 (2)' which is unsupported by this utility 



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