
使用Publish包导出cox回归结果时出错无法将类““ summary.regressionTable””强制转换为data.frame

如何解决使用Publish包导出cox回归结果时出错无法将类““ summary.regressionTable””强制转换为data.frame


as.data.frame.default(x [[i]],可选= TRUE,stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors)中的错误: 无法将类别“ summary.regressionTable”强制转换为data.frame

我尝试了这里提到的另一种方法Export coxph summary from R to csv) 但这给了我这个错误



data<-read.table(text="time status  age gender  race
15  1   70  f   white
70  0   60  m   black
212 1   65  m   others
10  0   45  m   black
20  1   30  f   others
14  0   27  f   white
36  0   65  m   white
20.37097957 0   45  m   white
44.01586607 1   30  f   white
51.29873743 0   27  f   white
8.253579038 1   70  f   white
58.49852945 0   60  f   white
32.44848147 1   65  m   white
57.93159063 0   70  f   white
64.62613556 1   60  f   black
78.98468361 0   65  m   others
15  1   70  f   white
70  0   60  m   black
212 1   65  m   others
10  0   45  m   black
20  1   30  f   others
14  0   27  f   white
36  0   65  m   white
86.57105915 0   45  m   white
89.1741374  1   30  f   white
60.13106619 0   27  f   white
26.0941471  1   70  f   white
20.95514934 0   60  f   white
99.4575019  1   65  m   white
86.69263409 0   70  f   white
212 1   65  m   others
10  0   45  m   black
20  1   30  f   others
14  0   27  f   white
36  0   65  m   white
54.2720264  0   45  m   white
91.77489557 1   30  f   white
93.23043261 0   27  f   white
47.9968136  1   70  f   white

covariates <- c("age","gender","race" )
univ_formulas <- sapply(covariates,function(x) as.formula(paste("Surv(time,status)~",x)))
univ_models <- lapply( univ_formulas,function(x){coxph(x,data = data)})
# Error in as.data.frame.default(x[[i]],optional = TRUE,stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors) : 
#   cannot coerce class ‘"summary.regressionTable"’ to a data.frame
## Another approach (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61482594/export-coxph-summary-from-r-to-csv)
out = tidy(a)
#Error: No tidy method recognized for this list.

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