


编辑2:问题已解决。约阿希姆·绍尔(Joachim Sauer)和病毒拉拉基亚(Viral Lalakia)的道具。



因此,我有一个通用类Pair<T>,我想成为SerializableComparable。 此外,我想要 T成为Comparable(而我需要Serializable变成Pair<T>也可以序列化。)




public class Pair<T extends Comparable<? super T> & Serializable> implements Comparable<Pair<T>>,Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 5797102044530257848L;
    private T first;
    private T last;

    public Pair(T first,T last) {
        this.first = first;
        this.last = last;
    public Pair() {

    // And so on

public class PairCoord extends Pair<Integer> implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 8389593640798914292L;

    public PairCoord(int first,int last) {
        super(first,(last + 8) % 8);
        // Since each of the 3 squares are loops,the node before n°0 is therefore n°-1
        // Except that n°-1 doesn't exist,but (-1 mod 8) = 7 
        // The only issue is that % isn't a modulo,but the remain of the euclidean division
        // So by adding 8 to "last",I make sure that the number in the operation is positive,// and since for all x >= 0,% behaves like mod,I have my node number correct (between 0 and 7) 


而且我在firstlast字段上有SonarLint严重警告,因为它们无法序列化,即使我将它们标记为可序列化(“ Serializable”类中的字段也应该是瞬态或可序列化”)




private static final long serialVersionUID = 5797102044530257848L;

private T first;
private T last;

public Pair(T first,T last) {
    this.first = first;
    this.last = last;
public Pair() {

// And so on


公共类PairCoord扩展Pair实现Serializable {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 8389593640798914292L;

public PairCoord(int first,int last) {
    super(first,(last + 8) % 8);
    // Since each of the 3 squares are loops,the node before n°0 is therefore n°-1
    // Except that n°-1 doesn't exist,but (-1 mod 8) = 7 
    // The only issue is that % isn't a modulo,but the remain of the euclidean division
    // So by adding 8 to "last",I make sure that the number in the operation is positive,// and since for all x >= 0,% behaves like mod,I have my node number correct (between 0 and 7) 


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