
将多文件上传到Amazon S3

如何解决将多文件上传到Amazon S3


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    .Box.has-advanced-upload {
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      -webkit-transition: outline-offset .15s ease-in-out,background-color .15s linear;
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  <div class="container" role="main">

    <form action="https://s3-[removed].amazonaws.com/[removed]" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" novalidate class="Box">
      <input type="hidden" name="key" value="uploads/${filename}">
      <input Access Key ID type="hidden" type="input" name="AWSAccessKeyId" value="[removed]">
      <input Signature type="hidden" type="password" name="signature" value="[removed]">
      <input type="hidden" name="acl" value="private">
      <input type="hidden" name="success_action_redirect" value="[removed]">
      <input type="hidden" name="x-amz-server-side-encryption" value="AES256" />
      <input type="hidden" name="policy" value="[removed]" <!-- Include any additional input fields here -->

      <input type="input" class="text-input" name="x-amz-Meta-tag" value="" placeholder="Your Name Here" />

      <div class="Box__input">

        <input type="file" name="file" id="file" class="Box__file" data-multiple-caption="{count} files selected" multiple />
        <label for="file"><strong>Choose a file</strong><span class="Box__dragndrop"> or drag it here</span>.</label>

        <button type="submit" class="Box__button">Upload</button>

      <div class="Box__uploading">Uploading&hellip;</div>


  <script type="8f8d05b8d77097cd667d97f3-text/javascript">
    'use strict';

    (function(document,window,index) {
      // feature detection for drag&drop upload
      var isAdvancedUpload = function() {
        var div = document.createElement('div');
        return (('draggable' in div) || ('ondragstart' in div && 'ondrop' in div)) && 'FormData' in window && 'FileReader' in window;

      // applying the effect for every form
      var forms = document.querySelectorAll('.Box');
      Array.prototype.forEach.call(forms,function(form) {
        var input = form.querySelector('input[type="file"]'),label = form.querySelector('label'),errorMsg = form.querySelector('.Box__error span'),restart = form.querySelectorAll('.Box__restart'),droppedFiles = false,showFiles = function(files) {
            label.textContent = files.length > 1 ? (input.getAttribute('data-multiple-caption') || '').replace('{count}',files.length) : files[0].name;
          },triggerFormSubmit = function() {
            var event = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');

        // letting the server side to kNow we are going to make an Ajax request
        var ajaxFlag = document.createElement('input');

        // automatically submit the form on file select
        input.addEventListener('change',function(e) {


        // drag&drop files if the feature is available
        if (isAdvancedUpload) {
          form.classList.add('has-advanced-upload'); // letting the CSS part to kNow drag&drop is supported by the browser

          ['drag','dragstart','dragend','dragover','dragenter','dragleave','drop'].forEach(function(event) {
            form.addEventListener(event,function(e) {
              // preventing the unwanted behavIoUrs
          ['dragover','dragenter'].forEach(function(event) {
            form.addEventListener(event,function() {
          ['dragleave',function() {
          form.addEventListener('drop',function(e) {
            droppedFiles = e.dataTransfer.files; // the files that were dropped


        // if the form was submitted
        form.addEventListener('submit',function(e) {
          // preventing the duplicate submissions if the current one is in progress
          if (form.classList.contains('is-uploading')) return false;


          if (isAdvancedUpload) // ajax file upload for modern browsers

            // gathering the form data
            var ajaxData = new FormData(form);
            if (droppedFiles) {
              Array.prototype.forEach.call(droppedFiles,function(file) {

            // ajax request
            var ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();

            ajax.onload = function() {
              if (ajax.status >= 200 && ajax.status < 400) {
                var data = JSON.parse(ajax.responseText);
                form.classList.add(data.success == true ? 'is-success' : 'is-error');
                if (!data.success) errorMsg.textContent = data.error;
              } else alert(ajax.response);

            ajax.onerror = function() {

          } else // fallback Ajax solution upload for older browsers
            var iframeName = 'uploadiframe' + new Date().getTime(),iframe = document.createElement('iframe');

            $iframe = $('<iframe name="' + iframeName + '" style="display: none;"></iframe>');

            iframe.style.display = 'none';


            iframe.addEventListener('load',function() {
              var data = JSON.parse(iframe.contentDocument.body.innerHTML);
              form.classList.add(data.success == true ? 'is-success' : 'is-error')
              if (!data.success) errorMsg.textContent = data.error;

        // restart the form if has a state of error/success
        Array.prototype.forEach.call(restart,function(entry) {
          entry.addEventListener('click',function(e) {

        // Firefox focus bug fix for file input
        input.addEventListener('focus',function() {
        input.addEventListener('blur',function() {

  <script src="https://ajax.cloudflare.com/cdn-cgi/scripts/7089c43e/cloudflare-static/rocket-loader.min.js" data-cf-settings="8f8d05b8d77097cd667d97f3-|49" defer=""></script>

<div class="background"></div>


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