
使用Docker托管R plumber API

如何解决使用Docker托管R plumber API

我正在Windows笔记本电脑上工作,并希望使用Windows的Docker桌面托管我在R(使用水管工包装)中制作的我的API。 在here中找到的教程提供了一个使用以下命令运行预安装的管道工代码的示例:function exactMatch(a,b) { a = a.split(' '); b = b.split(' '); let s = []; let out = []; let x = a.map(x => b.includes(x) ? x : null); x.forEach((v) => { if (v == null) { out.push(s); s = []; } else { s.push(v); } }); out.push(s); out = out.map(x => x.join(' ')).filter(x => x); return out; } let a = "your majesty they are ready"; let b = "your highness they are ready"; let c = exactMatch(a,b); console.log(c); a = "your majesty they are ready,but this is another test"; b = "your highness they are ready,yet this is another test"; c = exactMatch(a,b); console.log(c); a = "hello your majesty they are ready,but this is another test"; b = "hi your highness they are ready,but this is another test made"; b = "hi your highness they are ready,yet this is another test completed"; c = exactMatch(a,b); console.log(c);。这将承载给定位置中存在的API:“ C:\ Users \ sidmh \ Documents \ R \ win-library \ 4.0 \ plumber \ examples \ 04-mean-sum \ plumber.R” 但是,我想在以下位置托管一个API:“ C:\ Users \ sidmh \ Documents \ Nutri \ plumber.R” 我该怎么办?


您将需要适应plumber文档中的Dockerfile,以将自定义my_plumber_api.R脚本连同以下内容一起存储在“ app”文件夹中:


FROM rstudio/plumber

# list all the needed packages here in the same fashion
RUN R -e "install.packages('broom')"

# to launch your docker container
CMD ["/app/my_plumber_api.R"]


$ cd projet_folder
$ docker build -t my_plumber_api .
$ docker run -p 8000:8000 my_plumber_api


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