
如何在Spatie Laravel备份中仅保存5个最近的备份?

如何解决如何在Spatie Laravel备份中仅保存5个最近的备份?

我已经在我的应用程序中配置了Spatie / Laravel备份,并且为此做了固定的工作,每天自动进行备份。但是我可以只保存最近的5或10个系统备份吗? 如果创建了新备份,则应删除最旧的备份! 这是我备份配置文件的清理策略:

'cleanup' => [
         * The strategy that will be used to cleanup old backups. The default strategy
         * will keep all backups for a certain amount of days. After that period only
         * a daily backup will be kept. After that period only weekly backups will
         * be kept and so on.
         * No matter how you configure it the default strategy will never
         * delete the newest backup.
        'strategy' => \Spatie\Backup\Tasks\Cleanup\Strategies\DefaultStrategy::class,'default_strategy' => [

             * The number of days for which backups must be kept.
            'keep_all_backups_for_days' => 7,/*
             * The number of days for which daily backups must be kept.
            'keep_daily_backups_for_days' => 16,/*
             * The number of weeks for which one weekly backup must be kept.
            'keep_weekly_backups_for_weeks' => 8,/*
             * The number of months for which one monthly backup must be kept.
            'keep_monthly_backups_for_months' => 4,/*
             * The number of years for which one yearly backup must be kept.
            'keep_yearly_backups_for_years' => 2,/*
             * After cleaning up the backups remove the oldest backup until
             * this amount of megabytes has been reached.
            'delete_oldest_backups_when_using_more_megabytes_than' => 5000,],


 public function create()
        try {
            // start the backup process
            $output = \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Artisan::output();
            // log the results
            Log::info("Backpack\backupmanager -- new backup started from admin interface \r\n" . $output);
            // return the results as a response to the ajax call
            return redirect('/backups')->with('message','Backup Created Successfully!')->with('alertType','alert-success');
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            return redirect('/backups')->with('message','Backup Failed,Try again')->with('alertType','alert-warning');

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