


您好,尝试将两个双向链接列表连接在一起。我拥有的代码确实可以工作,但不能确定它是否正确。 concat方法是加入双向链表。例如,如果具有linkedString t =新的linkedString(“ Super”)和另一个linkedString s =新的linkedString =新的linkedString(“ man”),并且将通过执行linkedString newString = t.concat(s)来调用; concat的值应该是超人。但是我不确定我是否做得正确。问题是如何充分利用双向链表表示。

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     package project2;

import static project2.Project2.*;

 * @author denge

public class LinkedString <T> implements LinkedStringInterface <T> {

    private class Node <T> {

        protected T data; // the value of the data itself
        protected Node <T> next;// // next current in the list
        protected Node <T> prevIoUs;  // link to prevIoUs current

        public T getData() {
            return data;

        public void setData(T data) {
            this.data = data;

        public Node getNext() {
            return next;

        public void setNext(Node <T> next) {
            this.next = next;

        public Node  getPrevIoUs() {
            return prevIoUs;

        public void setPrevIoUs(Node <T> prevIoUs) {
            this.prevIoUs = prevIoUs;

        public Node(T value) {
            this.data = value;
            this.next = null;
            this.prevIoUs = null;

        public Node(T value,Node <T> newNext,Node <T> newPrevIoUs) {
            this.data = value;
            this.next = newNext;
            this.prevIoUs = newPrevIoUs;

        public String toString() {

            return data.toString();


    private Node <T> last; // tail of list
    private Node <T> first; //head of list
    private int counter; // keep track number of elements in the linked list. 

     * constructors to initialize linklist counter to zero
    public LinkedString() {
        counter = 0;

    public LinkedString(char[] value)
        for (int index = 0; index<value.length;index++)

    public LinkedString(String original){

        for (int index = 0; index <original.length();index++)

    public char charat(int index)throws LinkedStringException{
        if (index <0 || index>length())
      Node <T> current = this.find(index);

      return (char) current.data;

    public LinkedString<T> concat(LinkedString str) throws LinkedStringException

            throw new LinkedStringException("List is Empty");

        LinkedString<T> tempString = new LinkedString(this.toString() + str.toString());
        return tempString;

    public LinkedString<T> substring(int beginIndex,int endindex) throws LinkedStringException{
            throw new LinkedStringException("Current List is empty.");


        if (beginIndex<0)
        if (endindex>length())
        var current = this.find(beginIndex);
        String tempString2="";
        int tCounter=beginIndex;
        while (current!=null&&tCounter<endindex+1)
            tempString2 = tempString2 + current.data;
        var str = new LinkedString(tempString2);
        return str;

     * Puts value at the start of the list
     * @param value Value to be added at the beginning of the list.
        private void addToFirst(char value) {

               Node <T> current = new Node(value);
        if (isEmpty()) {
            first = last = current;
        } else {
            first.prevIoUs = current;
            current.next = first;
            first = current;
            first.prevIoUs = null;
     * Appends value to the end of the list
     * @param value Value to be added at the end of the list.
    private void addToEnd(char value) {

        Node node = new Node(value);
        if (isEmpty()) {
            first = last = node;
        } else {
            last.next = node;
            node.prevIoUs = last;
            last = node;

private void thowExeption(int index)
    if (index<0)
        throw new LinkedStringException("Beginning Index can not be less than 0. Beginning index provided " + index);
    if (index>length())
        throw new LinkedStringException("Ending Index can not be greater than " + length() +". Ending index provided " + index);


     * Searches the entire list to check to see if value is in the list.
     * @param value The data is be compared with each item in the list.
     * @return Returns true if value of the data exists in the list. Returns
     * false if the value provided does not exists in the list.

    public boolean contains(T value) {

        Node <T> current = first;
        boolean isFound = true;
        /*try {
        } catch (LinkedStringException ex) {
            isFound = false;

//        while (current != null) {
//            if (current.data == value) {
//                isFound = true;
//                return isFound;
//            }
//            current = current.next;
//        }
        return isFound;

    private Node getPrevIoUs(Node <T> node) {
        var current = first;
        while (current != null) {
            if (current.next == node) {
                return current;
            } // end if statement             
            current = current.next;
        } // end of while loop

        return null;


     * Method converts the list to an Array. 
     * @return Returns an char Array of values

     * Prints out the items of the linked list.
    public void printList() {
        println("\n-------------------Printing in the Forward direction------------------");
        var current = first;
        println("Number of Items that are in the list: " + length());
        //println("first -> ");
        while (current != null) {
            System.out.print(" ");
            current = current.next;

          println("\n-------------------Printing in the reverse direction------------------");
         current = last;
        println("Number of Items that are in the list: " + length());
        //println("first -> ");
        while (current != null) {
            System.out.print(" ");
            current = current.prevIoUs;

    public String toString(String direction){
        String printedList="";
     if (direction.equalsIgnoreCase("forward")){
         var current=first;
     printedList = printedList + current.toString() + " ";
     current = current.next;
        if (direction.equalsIgnoreCase("reverse")){
            var current=last;
     printedList = printedList + current.toString() + " ";
     current = current.prevIoUs;
return printedList;
    public String toString(){
     String printedList="";
     var current=first;
     printedList = printedList + current.toString();
     current = current.next;
return printedList;

     * @return Returns True if linked list is empty
    public boolean isEmpty() {

// returns true if empty and false if not empty
        return counter == 0;


     * Returns number of items in the list. For example if the list contains 3 2
     * 1 0 the return value is 4
     * @return Size of the list.
    public int length() throws LinkedStringException {
if (isEmpty()){
    throw new LinkedStringException("List is empty.");

        return (counter);

     * Clears out entire content of the array.

    public void removeAll() {
        if (isEmpty() == false) {
            first = last = null;
            counter = 0;
    }//clears the entire link list. 

     * @throws LinkedStringException Throws an exception if index provided is Out of
     * Bounds or out of range.
     * @param index Where in the list to retrieve the data.
     * @return Returns the data store at a given index.
    public T get(int index) throws LinkedStringException {
        if (index < 0 || index >= counter) {
      var current = find(index);
        return (T) current.data;

     * Returns the first value of the linked list.
     * @return

    private Node <T> find(int index) {
        var current = first;
        for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) {
            current = current.next;
        return current;

     * Compares the Values of two list. 
     * @param List Second list to be compared. 
     * @return
     * Returns true is both lists are the sames size all and values are equal to 
     * each other.  If one sets of data are not equal then method will return false.
    public boolean equals (LinkedString List) throws LinkedStringException
        if (this.isEmpty()&&List.isEmpty())
        throw new LinkedStringException("Unable to Compare due to both Lists being empty.");
        throw new LinkedStringException("Unable to Compare due to an first list being empty.");
       if (List.isEmpty())
           throw new LinkedStringException("Unable to Compare due to an Second list being empty.");}
        println("Comparing two link lists.");
        var current = first;
        var tempCurrent = List.first;
        if (this.counter != List.counter)
        return false;
        while (current!=null){
             println(current + " " + tempCurrent );

          if (current.data != tempCurrent.data)
             return false;}
             current = current.next;
    return true;

 * To change this license header,choose License Headers in Project Properties.
 * To change this template file,choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.
package project2;

//import java.util.LinkedList;
//import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.*;

 * @author denge
public class Project2 {

     * Prints out to the console with a newline character. 
     * @param x
    public static final void println(Object x) { System.out.println(x); }
     * Method prints a blank line. 
    public static final void println() { System.out.println(); }

     * Printing out to the console. 
     * @param x data that needs to be printed out
    public static final void print(Object x) { System.out.print(x); }
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner input = new Scanner(system.in);

        int index = 0;
        char[] data = {'S','u','p','e','r'};
        char[] data2 = {'B','o','y'};
        LinkedString <Character[]> secondCList = new LinkedString<>(data2);
        LinkedString <Character[]>  firstCList  = new LinkedString(data);
        LinkedString <String> firstSList = new LinkedString("Wonder");
        LinkedString <String> secondSList = new LinkedString("Woman");
        LinkedString <String> tempList = firstSList.concat(secondCList);
        //  tempList = firstSList.concat(secondCList);

        println("----Printing out table testing out length method--------");

        println("LinkedList Names        Contents          Length");
        println("firstCList\t\t\t\t" +  firstCList.toString()+"\t\t\t\t"+firstCList.length());
        println("secondCList\t\t\t\t" +  secondCList.toString()+"\t\t\t\t\t"+secondCList.length());
        println("firstSList\t\t\t\t" +  firstSList.toString()+"\t\t\t\t"+firstSList.length());
        println("secondSList\t\t\t\t" +  secondSList.toString()+"\t\t\t\t"+secondSList.length());
        println("tempList(concat)\t\t" +  tempList.toString()+"\t\t\t"+tempList.length());

        println("------testing out charat method----------");
        println("\nThe 3 character of firstCList = "+  firstCList.charat(2));
        println("The 2 character of firstSList = "+ firstSList.charat(1));
        println("Testing out the get() at value 3 of secondSList: "+(Object) secondSList.get(2));

        println("\n----testing out conatenation method -----------");

        println("Concatenating firstCList with secondCList " + firstCList.concat(secondCList));
        println("Concatenating firstSList with secondSlist " + firstSList.concat(secondSList));
        println("Concatenating firstSList with secondCList " + firstSList.concat(secondCList));
        println("Concatenating firstClist with secondSList " + firstCList.concat(secondSList));

        println("\n---Testing out Substring Method----");
        println("Printing the 2nd to 3rd character from firstCList: "+firstCList.substring(1,2));
        println("Printing the 1st to 3rd character from firstSList: "+firstSList.substring(0,2));
        println("Printing the 2 to 7 character from tempList: "+tempList.substring(1,6));

        println("\nNow testing to see if the exception handling is working. clearing out firstCList");
        println("Is firstCList empty: " + firstCList.isEmpty());
        println("Cleared firstCList. Is firstCList empty: " + firstCList.isEmpty());

        catch (LinkedStringException ex)
            println("Exception handling is working. " + ex.getMessage());

        firstCList  = new LinkedString(data);
            println("Printing the 2 and 3 character from firstCList: "+firstCList.substring(1,10));
        catch (LinkedStringException ex)
            println("Exception handling is working. " + ex.getMessage());

            println("Printing the 2 and 3 character from firstCList: "+firstCList.substring(-1,10));
        catch (LinkedStringException ex)
            println("Exception handling is working. " + ex.getMessage());


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