如何解决UnicodeDecodeError:“ utf-8”编解码器无法解码位置1551的字节0x87:无效的起始字节
C:\Users\bartu\Desktop\Python\pythonSmallProject>python check_wifi_password.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "check_wifi_password.py",line 10,in <module>
data = subprocess.check_output(['netsh','wlan','show','profiles']).decode(get_encoding).split('\n') # Now we will store the profiles data in the "data" variable by
TypeError: decode() argument 'encoding' must be str,not function
import subprocess # first we will import the subprocess module
import os
from chardet import detect
def get_encoding(file):
with open(file,'rb') as f:
data = f.read()
return detect(data)['encoding']
data = subprocess.check_output(['netsh','profiles']).decode(get_encoding).split('\n') # Now we will store the profiles data in the "data" variable by
# running the 1st cmd command using subprocess.check_output
profiles = [i.split(":")[1][1:-1] for i in data if "All User Profile" in i] # Now we will store the profile by converting them to list
# using for loop in python we re checking and printing the Wifi
# passwords if they are avaiable using the 2nd cmd command
for i in profiles:
# running the 2nd cmd command to check passwords
results = subprocess.check_output(['netsh','profile',i,'key = clear']).decode(get_encoding).split('\n')
# storing passwords after converting them to list
results = [j.split(":")[1][1:-1] for j in results if " Key Content" in j]
# printing the profiles(wifi name) with their passwords using
# try and except
print("{:<30} | {:<}".format(i,results[0]))
except IndexError:
print("{:<30} | {:<}".format(i,""))
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
print("{:<30} | {:<}".format(i,"ENCODING ERROR"))
data = subprocess.check_output(['netsh','wlan','show','profiles']).decode('latin1').split('\n')
import os
from chardet import detect
def get_encoding(data):
return detect(data)['encoding']
data = subprocess.check_output(['netsh','profiles'])
data_encoding = get_encoding(data)
decoded_data = data.decode(data_encoding).split('\n')
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