
JavaFX Modular项目问题

如何解决JavaFX Modular项目问题

我有gluon Mobile示例项目,并决定通过添加module-info.java类使其模块化,此后我一直收到许多程序包错误,例如:

error: package com.gluonhq.attach.util.impl is not visible
package com.gluonhq.attach.util.impl is declared in module com.gluonhq.attach.util,which does not export it
package com.sun.javafx is declared in module javafx.base,which does not export it to module Simple
package com.sun.javafx is not visible
package com.sun.javafx is declared in module javafx.base,which does not export it to module Simple


if(isWindows() || isMac() || isUnix()) {

        // define service for desktop
        StorageService storageService = new StorageService() {
            public Optional<File> getPrivateStorage() {
                // user home app config location (linux: /home/[yourname]/.gluonmaps)
                return Optional.of(new File(System.getProperty("user.home")));

            public Optional<File> getPublicStorage(String subdirectory) {
                // this should work on desktop systems because home path is public
                return getPrivateStorage();

            public boolean isExternalStorageWritable() {
                //noinspection ConstantConditions
                return getPrivateStorage().get().canWrite();

            public boolean isExternalStorageReadable() {
                //noinspection ConstantConditions
                return getPrivateStorage().get().canRead();

        // define service factory for desktop
        ServiceFactory<StorageService> storageServiceFactory = new ServiceFactory<StorageService>() {

            public Class<StorageService> getServiceType() {
                return StorageService.class;

            public Optional<StorageService> getInstance() {
                return Optional.of(storageService);

        // register service


Sep 21,2020 2:09:35 PM com.gluonhq.attach.util.Platform <clinit>
INFO: javafx.platform is not defined. Desktop will be assumed by default.


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