




当前,程序最终结果时间性能约为.02秒。 需要帮助以将时间缩短至0.01秒或更短。


import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.util.Scanner;

 *         Utility class to compute the pairwise winner of elections
public class PairwiseVote {
     * Get the placement order of a candidate in a rank order list of candidates
     * @param VotersVotes
     *            an array of rank order candidates. First has the highest rank.
    public static int getPlacement(int candidate,int[] VotersVotes) {
        for (int placement = 0; placement < VotersVotes.length; placement++) {
            if (candidate == VotersVotes[placement]) {
                return placement;
        return VotersVotes.length + 1;

     * Get the candidate winner from a set of rank ordered ballots
     * @param Votes
     *            - a two dimensional array,first dimension is the Voter,second
     *            dimension is the rank ordered ballot of candidates for the given
     *            Voter
    public static int getPairwiseWinner(int[][] Votes) {
        int noVoters = Votes.length;

        if (noVoters == 0) {
            return -1;

        int noCandidates = Votes[0].length;

        if (noCandidates == 0) {
            return -1;

        // Compare every pair of candidates
        for (int candidate1 = 0; candidate1 < noCandidates; candidate1++) {
            int noTimesCandidate1Wins = 0;
            for (int candidate2 = 0; candidate2 < noCandidates; candidate2++) {
                // Consider a candidate compared with themselves to be a winner
                if (candidate1 == candidate2) {

                // Determine count the ballots for each candidate
                int candidate1Votes = 0;
                int candidate2Votes = 0;
                for (int Voter = 0; Voter < noVoters; Voter++) {
                    int placement1 = getPlacement(candidate1,Votes[Voter]);
                    int placement2 = getPlacement(candidate2,Votes[Voter]);
                    if (placement1 < placement2) {
                    } else {

                // determine if candidate1 is the winner if so increment the number of wins
                if (candidate1Votes > candidate2Votes) {

            // Determine if candidate 1 wins all
            if (noTimesCandidate1Wins == noCandidates) {
                return candidate1;

        // No winner
        return -1;

    static int electionNo = 0;

     * Main - reads several test elections using the text file Votes.txt. Each
     * election begins with two number,the number of Voters and the number of
     * candidates,all followed by the ballots of each Voter.
    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
        int noVoters;
        int noCandidates;

        Scanner in = new Scanner(new FileInputStream("Votes.txt"));

        // read ballots for each election
        for (;;) {
            noVoters = in.nextInt();
            noCandidates = in.nextInt();

            if (noVoters == 0 && noCandidates == 0) {

            final int[][] Votes = new int[noVoters][noCandidates];

            // Read the ballots
            for (int i = 0; i < noVoters; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < noCandidates; j++) {
                    Votes[i][j] = in.nextInt();

            new TimeExec(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    int winner = getPairwiseWinner(Votes);
                    if (winner >= 0) {
                        System.out.printf("Winner of election %d is candidate %d\n",electionNo,winner);
                    } else {
                        System.out.printf("No winner for election %d\n",electionNo);
            },"Election " + ++electionNo,System.out).start();





public static int getPairwiseWinner(int[][] votes) {
    int noVoters = votes.length;

    if (noVoters == 0) {
        return -1;

    int noCandidates = votes[0].length;

    if (noCandidates == 0) {

        return -1;

    int[][] placements = new int[noVoters][noCandidates]; // to store precalculated placements

    // go through each of the voters and precalculate the placements of each candidate
    for (int voter = 0; voter<noVoters; voter++) {

        for (int candidate = 0; candidate < noCandidates; candidate++) {

            placements[voter][candidate] = getPlacement(candidate,votes[voter]);

    // Compare every pair of candidates
    for (int candidate1 = 0; candidate1 < noCandidates; candidate1++) {

        int noTimesCandidate1Wins = 0;
        for (int candidate2 = 0; candidate2 < noCandidates; candidate2++) {

            // Consider a candidate compared with themselves to be a winner
            if (candidate1 == candidate2) {


            // Determine count the ballots for each candidate
            int candidate1votes = 0;
            int candidate2votes = 0;
            for (int voter = 0; voter < noVoters; voter++) {

                // use precalculated placements
                if (placements[voter][candidate1] < placements[voter][candidate2]) {

                } else {


            // determine if candidate1 is the winner if so increment the number of wins
            if (candidate1votes > candidate2votes) {


        // Determine if candidate 1 wins all
        if (noTimesCandidate1Wins == noCandidates) {

            return candidate1;

    // No winner
    return -1;

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