


我用pyarmor + nuitka构建我的python代码,所以我得到了exe。与共享网络共享此exe。 但是当exe尝试加载dll(导入clr)时,它会得到

Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileLoadException: Failed to load the file 'file: // \\ \ MyFolder\ GameMenu \ Python.Runtime.dll' or its integrated code or one of its dependencies. Operation is not supported. (HRESULT returned exception: 0x80131515) ---> System.NotSupportedException: An attempt was made to load an integrated code from a network location that would cause it to be sandBoxed in prevIoUs .NET Framework versions. This .NET Framework version does not enable CAS policy by default,so the installation in question can be dangerous. If this installation is not intended to sandBox the integrated code,please enable the loadFromremoteSources switch. For more information. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=155569

但是,当我将所有文件夹复制到桌面上并尝试运行我的exe时,它运行正常。问题是从共享网络加载dll。 谢谢!

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