
为什么psutil CPU使用率太低?

如何解决为什么psutil CPU使用率太低?

我已经使用psutil用Python编写了性能监控器功能,以测量cpu,GPU和磁盘I / O,以对另一个应用程序进行基准测试。在我最初的测试中,它工作得很好,但是当它接近100%时,我发现它严重低估了cpu使用率。我正在寻求帮助,以找出发生这种情况的原因。



这是在Windows 10上运行的。任务管理器显示cpu使用率恒定为100%,没有波动,如果我在另一个显示100%的窗口中运行psutil.cpu_times_percent(),则此处的功能显示为大约90%。

import psutil
import time
import shlex
import subprocess
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

def perf_monitor(proc):
    # measure cpu,GPU,and disk R/W every 1 seconds,and calculate a rolling average every 5 seconds
    # return the maximum of each rolling average
    rolling_interval = 5
    sample_interval = 1
    rolling_samples = []
    stats = {
        'cpu': 0,}
    cpu_count = psutil.cpu_count()

    while True: # loop until subprocess is finished
        # reset starting values
        start = time.time()
        cpu1 = psutil.cpu_times()
        cpu1 = cpu1.user + cpu1.system

        # measure again after the interval
        cpu2 = psutil.cpu_times()
        cpu2 = cpu2.user + cpu2.system
        # list starts at zero and counts up,then remains at 5
        elapsed = time.time() - start # may be slightly longer than sample_interval
            'cpu': (cpu2 - cpu1) / cpu_count / elapsed,})
        # skip reporting for the first 5 seconds warm up
        if len(rolling_samples) < rolling_interval:
        # get the rolling average over a defined interval (5 seconds)
        rolling_avg_cpu = sum([sample['cpu'] for sample in rolling_samples]) / rolling_interval

        print([sample['cpu'] for sample in rolling_samples],elapsed) # for debugging
        print(f"cpu: {rolling_avg_cpu:.1%}  ",end='\n',)

        # update each stat only if it has increased
        if rolling_avg_cpu > stats['cpu']:
            stats['cpu'] = rolling_avg_cpu
        # remove oldest sample so we always keep 5
        del rolling_samples[0]

        # return stats when render is finished
        if proc.poll() is not None:
            return stats

if __name__ == "__main__":
    command = '"MyApp.exe'
    with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
        proc = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command))
        thread = executor.submit(perf_monitor,proc)
        stats = thread.result()

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