
安装keras和keras_contrib后激活运行Tensirflow1-GPU的Cona Env时出错转储

如何解决安装keras和keras_contrib后激活运行Tensirflow1-GPU的Cona Env时出错转储


(base) C:\Users\Pitch>conda activate tf1-gpu

C:\Users\Pitch>SET disTUTILS_USE_SDK=1

C:\Users\Pitch>SET MSSdk=1

C:\Users\Pitch>SET "VS_VERSION=15.0"

C:\Users\Pitch>SET "VS_MAJOR=15"

C:\Users\Pitch>SET "VS_YEAR=2017"

C:\Users\Pitch>set "MSYS2_ARG_CONV_EXCL=/AI;/AL;/OUT;/out"

C:\Users\Pitch>set "MSYS2_ENV_CONV_EXCL=CL"

C:\Users\Pitch>set "PY_VCRUNTIME_REdisT=\bin\vcruntime140.dll"

C:\Users\Pitch>set "CXX=cl.exe"

C:\Users\Pitch>set "CC=cl.exe"

C:\Users\Pitch>set "VSINSTALLDIR="

C:\Users\Pitch>for /F "usebackq tokens=*" %i in (`vswhere.exe -nologo -products * -version [15.0,16.0) -property installationPath`) do (set "VSINSTALLDIR=%i\" )

C:\Users\Pitch>(set "VSINSTALLDIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\" )

C:\Users\Pitch>if not exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\" (for /F "usebackq tokens=*" %i in (`vswhere.exe -nologo -products * -requires Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.v141.x86.x64 -property installationPath`) do (set "VSINSTALLDIR=%i\" ) )

C:\Users\Pitch>if not exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\" (set "VSINSTALLDIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\" )

C:\Users\Pitch>if not exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\" (set "VSINSTALLDIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\" )

C:\Users\Pitch>if not exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\" (set "VSINSTALLDIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\BuildTools\" )

C:\Users\Pitch>if not exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\" (set "VSINSTALLDIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\" )

C:\Users\Pitch>IF NOT "" == "" (
set "INCLUDE=;"
 set "LIB=;"

C:\Users\Pitch>call :GetWin10SdkDir

C:\Users\Pitch>call :GetWin10SdkDirHelper HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node  1>nul 2>&1

C:\Users\Pitch>if errorlevel 1 call :GetWin10SdkDirHelper HKCU\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node  1>nul 2>&1

C:\Users\Pitch>if errorlevel 1 call :GetWin10SdkDirHelper HKLM\SOFTWARE  1>nul 2>&1

C:\Users\Pitch>if errorlevel 1 call :GetWin10SdkDirHelper HKCU\SOFTWARE  1>nul 2>&1

C:\Users\Pitch>if errorlevel 1 exit /B 1

C:\Users\Pitch>exit /B 0

C:\Users\Pitch>for /F %i in ('dir /ON /B "\include\10.*"') DO (SET WindowsSDKVer=%~i )
The system cannot find the file specified.

C:\Users\Pitch>if errorlevel 1 (echo "Didn't find any windows 10 SDK. I'm not sure if things will work,but let's try..." )  else (echo Windows SDK version found as: "" )
Windows SDK version found as: ""

C:\Users\Pitch>IF "win-64" == "win-64" (
set "CMAKE_GEN=Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"
 set "BITS=64"
)  else (
set "CMAKE_GEN=Visual Studio 15 2017"
 set "BITS=32"

C:\Users\Pitch>pushd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community>CALL "VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat" -vcvars_ver=14.16
The system cannot find the path specified.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community>popd

C:\Users\Pitch>IF "" == "" SET "CMAKE_GENERATOR=Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"

C:\Users\Pitch>call :GetWin10SdkDirHelper HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node  1>nul 2>&1

C:\Users\Pitch>if errorlevel 1 call :GetWin10SdkDirHelper HKCU\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node  1>nul 2>&1

C:\Users\Pitch>if errorlevel 1 call :GetWin10SdkDirHelper HKLM\SOFTWARE  1>nul 2>&1

C:\Users\Pitch>if errorlevel 1 call :GetWin10SdkDirHelper HKCU\SOFTWARE  1>nul 2>&1

C:\Users\Pitch>if errorlevel 1 exit /B 1

C:\Users\Pitch>exit /B 0

(tf1-gpu) C:\Users\Pitch>

================================================ =============================== 下面是conda环境转储

名称:tf1-gpu 频道:

  • conda-forge
  • 认 依赖项:
  • _tflow_select = 2.1.0 = gpu
  • absl-py = 0.9.0 = py37_0
  • argon2-cffi = 20.1.0 = py37he774522_1
  • astor = 0.8.1 = py37_0
  • attrs = 20.1.0 = py_0
  • backcall = 0.2.0 = py_0
  • blas = 1.0 = mkl
  • bleach = 3.1.5 = py_0
  • blinker = 1.4 = py37_0
  • brotlipy = 0.7.0 = py37he774522_1000
  • ca-certificates = 2020.6.20 = hecda079_0
  • cachetools = 4.1.1 = py_0
  • certifi = 2020.6.20 = py37hc8dfbb8_0
  • cffi = 1.14.2 = py37h7a1dbc1_0
  • chardet = 3.0.4 = py37_1003
  • click = 7.1.2 = py_0
  • colorama = 0.4.3 = py_0
  • cryptography = 3.1 = py37h7a1dbc1_0
  • cudatoolkit = 10.0.130 = 0
  • cudnn = 7.6.5 = cuda10.0_0
  • cycler = 0.10.0 = py37_0
  • decorator = 4.4.2 = py_0
  • defusedxml = 0.6.0 = py_0
  • entrypoints = 0.3 = py37_0
  • freetype = 2.10.2 = hd328e21_0
  • gast = 0.2.2 = py37_0
  • google-auth = 1.21.1 = py_0
  • google-auth-oauthlib = 0.4.1 = py_2
  • google-pasta = 0.2.0 = py_0
  • grpcio = 1.31.0 = py37he7da953_0
  • h5py = 2.10.0 = py37h5e291fa_0
  • hdf5 = 1.10.4 = h7ebc959_0
  • icc_rt = 2019.0.0 = h0cc432a_1
  • icu = 58.2 = ha925a31_3
  • idna = 2.10 = py_0
  • importlib-Metadata = 1.7.0 = py37_0
  • importlib_Metadata = 1.7.0 = 0
  • intel-openmp = 2020.2 = 254
  • ipykernel = 5.3.4 = py37h5ca1d4c_0
  • ipython = 7.18.1 = py37h5ca1d4c_0
  • ipython_genutils = 0.2.0 = py37_0
  • ipywidgets = 7.5.1 = py_0
  • jedi = 0.17.2 = py37_0
  • jinja2 = 2.11.2 = py_0
  • joblib = 0.16.0 = py_0
  • jpeg = 9b = hb83a4c4_2
  • jsonschema = 3.2.0 = py37_1
  • jupyter = 1.0.0 = py37_7
  • jupyter_client = 6.1.6 = py_0
  • jupyter_console = 6.2.0 = py_0
  • jupyter_core = 4.6.3 = py37_0
  • keras = 2.3.1 = py37h21ff451_0
  • keras-applications = 1.0.8 = py_1
  • keras-base = 2.3.1 = py37_0
  • keras-preprocessing = 1.1.0 = py_1
  • kiwisolver = 1.2.0 = py37h74a9793_0
  • libgpuarray = 0.7.6 = hfa6e2cd_1003
  • libpng = 1.6.37 = h2a8f88b_0
  • libprotobuf = 3.13.0 = h200bbdf_0
  • libsodium = 1.0.18 = h62dcd97_0
  • libtiff = 4.1.0 = h56a325e_1
  • lz4-c = 1.9.2 = h62dcd97_1
  • m2w64-gcc-libgfortran = 5.3.0 = 6
  • m2w64-gcc-libs = 5.3.0 = 7
  • m2w64-gcc-libs-core = 5.3.0 = 7
  • m2w64-gmp = 6.1.0 = 2
  • m2w64-libwinpthread-git = = 2
  • mako = 1.1.3 = pyh9f0ad1d_0
  • markdown = 3.2.2 = py37_0
  • markupsafe = 1.1.1 = py37hfa6e2cd_1
  • matplotlib = 3.3.1 = 0
  • matplotlib-base = 3.3.1 = py37hba9282a_0
  • mistune = 0.8.4 = py37hfa6e2cd_1001
  • mkl = 2020.2 = 256
  • mkl-service = 2.3.0 = py37hb782905_0
  • mkl_fft = 1.1.0 = py37h45dec08_0
  • mkl_random = 1.1.1 = py37h47e9c7a_0
  • msys2-conda-epoch = 20160418 = 1
  • nbconvert = 5.6.1 = py37_1
  • nbformat = 5.0.7 = py_0
  • notebook = 6.1.1 = py37_0
  • numpy = 1.19.1 = py37h5510c5b_0
  • numpy-base = 1.19.1 = py37ha3acd2a_0
  • oauthlib = 3.1.0 = py_0
  • olefile = 0.46 = py37_0
  • openssl = 1.1.1g = he774522_1
  • opt_einsum = 3.1.0 = py_0
  • packaging = 20.4 = py_0
  • pandas = 1.1.1 = py37ha925a31_0
  • pandoc = 2.10.1 = 0
  • pandocfilters = 1.4.2 = py37_1
  • parso = 0.7.0 = py_0
  • pickleshare = 0.7.5 = py37_1001
  • pillow = 7.2.0 = py37hcc1f983_0
  • pip = 20.2.2 = py37_0
  • prometheus_client = 0.8.0 = py_0
  • prompt-toolkit = 3.0.7 = py_0
  • prompt_toolkit = 3.0.7 = 0
  • protobuf = 3.13.0 = py37h6538335_0
  • pyasn1 = 0.4.8 = py_0
  • pyasn1-modules = 0.2.7 = py_0
  • pycparser = 2.20 = py_2
  • pygments = 2.6.1 = py_0
  • pygpu = 0.7.6 = py37h44b1f71_1001
  • pyjwt = 1.7.1 = py37_0
  • pyopenssl = 19.1.0 = py_1
  • pyparsing = 2.4.7 = py_0
  • pyqt = 5.9.2 = py37h6538335_2
  • pyreadline = 2.1 = py37_1
  • pyrsistent = 0.16.0 = py37he774522_0
  • pysocks = 1.7.1 = py37_1
  • python = 3.7.9 = h60c2a47_0
  • python-dateutil = 2.8.1 = py_0
  • python_abi = 3.7 = 1_cp37m
  • pytz = 2020.1 = py_0
  • pywin32 = 227 = py37he774522_1
  • pywinpty = 0.5.7 = py37_0
  • pyyaml = 5.3.1 = py37he774522_1
  • pyzmq = 19.0.1 = py37ha925a31_1
  • qt = 5.9.7 = vc14h73c81de_0
  • qtconsole = 4.7.6 = py_0
  • qtpy = 1.9.0 = py_0
  • requests = 2.24.0 = py_0
  • requests-oauthlib = 1.3.0 = py_0
  • rsa = 4.6 = py_0
  • scikit-learn = 0.23.2 = py37h47e9c7a_0
  • scipy = 1.5.2 = py37h9439919_0
  • send2trash = 1.5.0 = py37_0
  • setuptools = 49.6.0 = py37_0
  • sip = 4.19.8 = py37h6538335_0
  • six = 1.15.0 = py_0
  • sqlite = 3.33.0 = h2a8f88b_0
  • tensorboard = 2.2.1 = pyh532a8cf_0
  • tensorboard-plugin-wit = 1.6.0 = py_0
  • tensorflow = 1.15.0 = gpu_py37hc3743a6_0
  • tensorflow-base = 1.15.0 = gpu_py37h1afeea4_0
  • tensorflow-estimator = 1.15.1 = pyh2649769_0
  • tensorflow-gpu = 1.15.0 = h0d30ee6_0
  • termcolor = 1.1.0 = py37_1
  • terminado = 0.8.3 = py37_0
  • testpath = 0.4.4 = py_0
  • theano = 1.0.5 = py37h1834ac0_0
  • threadpoolctl = 2.1.0 = pyh5ca1d4c_0
  • tk = 8.6.10 = he774522_0
  • tornado = 6.0.4 = py37he774522_1
  • traitlets = 4.3.3 = py37_0
  • urllib3 = 1.25.10 = py_0
  • vc = 14.1 = h0510ff6_4
  • vs2015_runtime = 14.16.27012 = hf0eaf9b_3
  • vs2017_win-64 = 19.16.27038 = h2e3bad8_2
  • vswhere = 2.7.1 = h21ff451_0
  • wcwidth = 0.2.5 = py_0
  • webencodings = 0.5.1 = py37_1
  • werkzeug = 0.16.1 = py_0
  • wheel = 0.35.1 = py_0
  • widgetsnbextension = 3.5.1 = py37_0
  • win_inet_pton = 1.1.0 = py37_0
  • wincertstore = 0.2 = py37_0
  • winpty = 0.4.3 = 4
  • wrapt = 1.12.1 = py37he774522_1
  • xz = 5.2.5 = h62dcd97_0
  • yaml = 0.2.5 = he774522_0
  • zeromq = 4.3.2 = ha925a31_3
  • zipp = 3.1.0 = py_0
  • zlib = 1.2.11 = h62dcd97_4
  • zstd = 1.4.5 = h04227a9_0
  • 点:
    • keras-contrib == 2.0.8 前缀:C:\ Users \ Pitch.conda \ envs \ tf1-gpu

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