
R中QAP Logistic回归的Pseudo-R ^ 2度量sna软件包中的netlogit

如何解决R中QAP Logistic回归的Pseudo-R ^ 2度量sna软件包中的netlogit


  1. 结果提供了两个伪R ^ 2度量,(Dn-Dr)/(Dn-Dr + dfn):0.4250345和(Dn-Dr)/ Dn:0.5332452。这些是什么?有什么不同?我该如何解释它们?一个比另一个更好用吗?

  2. 什么是正确的总分数:0.875?我该怎么解释?


## Network Logit Model
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate    Exp(b)    Pr(<=b) Pr(>=b) Pr(>=|b|)
## (intercept) -2.57893819 0.0758545 0.000   1.000   0.000    
## x1           2.17792200 8.8279428 0.999   0.001   0.001    
## x2          -0.02228475 0.9779617 0.517   0.483   0.972    
## Goodness of Fit Statistics:
## Null deviance: 332.7106 on 240 degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 155.2943 on 237 degrees of freedom
## Chi-Squared test of fit improvement:
##   177.4164 on 3 degrees of freedom,p-value 0 
## AIC: 161.2943    BIC: 171.7362 
## Pseudo-R^2 Measures:
##  (Dn-Dr)/(Dn-Dr+dfn): 0.4250345 
##  (Dn-Dr)/Dn: 0.5332452 
## Contingency Table (predicted (rows) x actual (cols)):
##       0     1
## 0   210    30
## 1     0     0
##  Total Fraction Correct: 0.875 
##  Fraction Predicted 1s Correct: NaN 
##  Fraction Predicted 0s Correct: 0.875 
##  False Negative Rate: 1 
##  False Positive Rate: 0 
## Test Diagnostics:
##  Null Hypothesis: qap 
##  Replications: 1000 
##  distribution Summary:
##        (intercept)        x1        x2
## Min      -7.240807 -2.540211 -2.995598
## 1stQ     -6.537942 -0.820302 -1.010798
## Median   -6.266030 -0.328922 -0.103392
## Mean     -6.230127  0.049667 -0.006711
## 3rdQ     -5.947601  0.813030  0.899497
## Max      -4.705737  5.194956  4.716553

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