



  1. 开始
  2. 进行中
  3. 完成


在此先感谢&BR 亨利

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                      "elmType": "span","style": {
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                        "iconName": "CircleRing","style": {
                        "font-size": "=if([$StatusCode] > 0,'16px',''","font-weight": "=if([$StatusCode] > 0,'600',"padding-left": "9px"
                      },"txtContent": "Ready to be packed","attributes": {
                        "class": "='ms-fontColor-' + if([$StatusCode] > 0,'green','green')"
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                        "iconName": "=if([$StatusCode] > 0,'StatusCirclecheckmark','CircleRing')","class": "='ms-fontColor-' + if([$StatusCode] > 0,'neutralSecondaryAlt')"
                    },"txtContent": "Packed","border-left-style": "solid","border-left-color": "=if([$StatusCode] > 1,'black')"
                      },"txtContent": "[$PackedDate]"
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                        "class": "='ms-fontColor-' + if([$StatusCode] > 1,"attributes": {
                        "iconName": "=if([$StatusCode] > 1,"class": "='ms-fontColor-' + if([$StatusCode] > 1,"style": {
                        "font-size": "=if([$StatusCode] > 1,"font-weight": "=if([$StatusCode] > 1,"txtContent": "Shipped","border-left-color": "= if([$StatusCode] > 2,"txtContent": "[$ShippedDate]"
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                        "class": "='ms-fontColor-' + if([$StatusCode] > 2,"attributes": {
                        "iconName": "=if([$StatusCode] > 2,"class": "='ms-fontColor-' + if([$StatusCode] > 2,"style": {
                        "font-size": "=if([$StatusCode] > 2,"font-weight": "=if([$StatusCode] > 2,"txtContent": "In transit","border-left-color": "=if([$StatusCode] > 3,"txtContent": "[$InTransitStartDate]"
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                        "class": "='ms-fontColor-' + if([$StatusCode] > 3,"attributes": {
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     Step 1: You need to create a choice column named as "Status" with options as Start,In progress,Done

     Step 2: You need to create a choice column named as "Status Code" with options as 1,2,3 where 1(represents Start),2 (In Progress),3 (Done). Set Number Accordingly.

以您的列格式添加以下JSON。以下JSON的结果: enter image description here 现在,在您的列格式中添加以下JSON:

{ “ elmType”:“ div”, “样式”:{ “字体大小”:“ 12px” }, “ txtContent”:“ [$ Status]”, “ customCardProps”:{ “格式化程序”:{ “ elmType”:“ div”, “儿童”:[ { “ elmType”:“ div”, “儿童”:[ { “ elmType”:“ div”, “样式”:{ “ padding”:“ 15px 45px 15px 15px” }, “儿童”:[ { “ elmType”:“ div”, “儿童”:[ { “ elmType”:“ div”, “样式”:{ “ font-size”:“ 18px”, “字体粗细”:“ 550”, “ text-align”:“ center”, “ margin-bottom”:“ 10px” }, “ txtContent”:“状态跟踪” } ] }, { “ elmType”:“ div”, “儿童”:[ { “ elmType”:“ span”, “样式”:{ “ border-left-style”:“ solid”, “ border-left-color”:“ ='ms-borderColor-'+ if([$ StatusCode]> 0,'green','neutralSecondaryAlt')”, “ text-align”:“ center”, “左边距”:“ 21px” }, “属性”:{ “ class”:“ ='ms-fontColor-'+ if([$ StatusCode]> 0,'green','neutralSecondaryAlt')” } } ] }, { “ elmType”:“ div”, “儿童”:[ { “ elmType”:“ span”, “样式”:{ “ font-size”:“ 16px”, “字体粗细”:“ 600”, “向左填充”:“ 15px” }, “ txtContent”:“”, “属性”:{ “ iconName”:“ = if([$ StatusCode]> 0,'StatusCircleCheckmark','CircleRing')”, “ class”:“ ='ms-fontColor-'+ if([$ StatusCode]> 0,'green','neutralSecondaryAlt')” } }, { “ elmType”:“ span”, “样式”:{ “ font-size”:“ 16px”, “字体粗细”:“ 600”, “左边距”:“-16px” }, “ txtContent”:“”, “属性”:{ “ iconName”:“ CircleRing”, “ class”:“ ='ms-fontColor-'+ if([$ StatusCode]> 0,'green','neutralSecondaryAlt')” } }, { “ elmType”:“ span”, “样式”:{ “ font-size”:“ = if([$ StatusCode]> 0,'16px',''”, “ font-weight”:“ = if([$ StatusCode]> 0,'600',''”, “向左填充”:“ 9px” }, “ txtContent”:“开始”, “属性”:{ “ class”:“ ='ms-fontColor-'+ if([$ StatusCode]> 0,'green','neutralSecondaryAlt')” } }, { “ elmType”:“ div”, “样式”:{ “ font-size”:“ 10px”, “字体粗细”:“ 600”, “ text-align”:“ center”, “ border-left-style”:“ solid”, “ border-left-color”:“ = if([$ StatusCode]> 1,'green','neutralSecondaryAlt')”, “左边距”:“ 21px” }, “属性”:{ “ class”:“ ='ms-fontColor-'+ if([$ StatusCode]> 0,'black','black')” }, “ txtContent”:“ [$ PackedDate]” } ] }, { “ elmType”:“ div”, “儿童”:[ { “ elmType”:“ span”, “样式”:{ “ border-left-style”:“ solid”, “ border-left-color”:“ ='ms-borderColor-'+ if([$ StatusCode]> 1,'green','neutralSecondaryAlt')”, “左边距”:“ 21px” }, “属性”:{ “ class”:“ ='ms-fontColor-'+ if([$ StatusCode]> 1,'green','neutralSecondaryAlt')” } } ] }, { “ elmType”:“ div”, “儿童”:[ { “ elmType”:“ span”, “样式”:{ “ font-size”:“ 16px”, “字体粗细”:“ 600”, “向左填充”:“ 15px” }, “ txtContent”:“”, “属性”:{ “ iconName”:“ = if([$ StatusCode]> 1,'StatusCircleCheckmark','CircleRing')”, “ class”:“ ='ms-fontColor-'+ if([$ StatusCode]> 1,'green','neutralSecondaryAlt')” } }, { “ elmType”:“ span”, “样式”:{ “ font-size”:“ 16px”, “字体粗细”:“ 600”, “左边距”:“-16px” }, “ txtContent”:“”, “属性”:{ “ iconName”:“ CircleRing”, “ class”:“ ='ms-fontColor-'+ if([$ StatusCode]> 1,'green','neutralSecondaryAlt')” } }, { “ elmType”:“ span”, “样式”:{ “ font-size”:“ = if([$ StatusCode]> 1,'16px',''”, “ font-weight”:“ = if([$ StatusCode]> 1,'600',''”, “向左填充”:“ 9px” }, “ txtContent”:“进行中”, “属性”:{ “ class”:“ ='ms-fontColor-'+ if([$ StatusCode]> 1,'green','neutralSecondaryAlt')” } }, { “ elmType”:“ div”, “样式”:{ “ font-size”:“ 10px”, “字体粗细”:“ 600”, “ text-align”:“ center”, “ border-left-style”:“ solid”, “ border-left-color”:“ = if([[$ StatusCode]> 2,'green','neutralSecondaryAlt')”, “左边距”:“ 21px” }, “属性”:{ “ class”:“ ='ms-fontColor-'+ if([$ StatusCode]> 1,'black','black')” }, “ txtContent”:“ [$ ShippedDate]” } ] }, { “ elmType”:“ div”, “儿童”:[ { “ elmType”:“ span”, “样式”:{ “ border-left-style”:“ solid”, “ border-left-color”:“ ='ms-borderColor-'+ if([$ StatusCode]> 2,'green','neutralSecondaryAlt')”, “左边距”:“ 21px” }, “属性”:{ “ class”:“ ='ms-fontColor-'+ if([$ StatusCode]> 2,'green','neutralSecondaryAlt')” } } ] }, { “ elmType”:“ div”, “儿童”:[ { “ elmType”:“ span”, “样式”:{ “ font-size”:“ 16px”, “字体粗细”:“ 600”, “向左填充”:“ 15px” }, “ txtContent”:“”, “属性”:{ “ iconName”:“ = if([$ StatusCode]> 2,'StatusCircleCheckmark','CircleRing')”, “ class”:“ ='ms-fontColor-'+ if([$ StatusCode]> 2,'green','neutralSecondaryAlt')” } }, { “ elmType”:“ span”, “样式”:{ “ font-size”:“ 16px”, “字体粗细”:“ 600”, “左边距”:“-16px” }, “ txtContent”:“”, “属性”:{ “ iconName”:“ CircleRing”, “ class”:“ ='ms-fontColor-'+ if([$ StatusCode]> 2,'green','neutralSecondaryAlt')” } }, { “ elmType”:“ span”, “样式”:{ “ font-size”:“ = if([$ StatusCode]> 2,'16px',''”, “ font-weight”:“ = if([$ StatusCode]> 2,'600',''”, “向左填充”:“ 9px” }, “ txtContent”:“完成”, “属性”:{ “ class”:“ ='ms-fontColor-'+ if([$ StatusCode]> 2,'green','neutralSecondaryAlt')” } }, { “ elmType”:“ div”, “样式”:{ “ font-size”:“ 10px”, “字体粗细”:“ 600”, “ text-align”:“ center”, “ border-left-style”:“ solid”, “ border-left-color”:“ = if([$ StatusCode]> 3,'green','neutralSecondaryAlt')”, “左边距”:“ 21px” }, “属性”:{ “ class”:“ ='ms-fontColor-'+ if([$ StatusCode]> 2,'black','black')” }, “ txtContent”:“ [$ InTransitStartDate]” } ] } ] } ] } ] }, “ openOnEvent”:“悬停”, “ directionHint”:“ bottomCenter”, “ isBeakVisible”:为true } }


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