


代码块的基本要点是对sobel运算符应用边缘检测。 我有一个for循环嵌套在一个for循环中,以迭代遍历各个像素,另一个嵌套的for循环中,迭代遍历较小的2D数组以应用sobel运算符,但是最后一行像素和一些右边缘arent正确解析。 非常感谢!

#include <math.h>
#include "helpers.h"

//prototype functions
void calcVert (int h,int w,int height,int width,RGBTRIPLE temp[height][width],int *blue,int *green,int *red);
void calcHori (int h,int *red);

// Detect edges
void edges(int height,RGBTRIPLE image[height][width])
    int sobelBlueV;
    int sobelGreenV;
    int sobelRedV;
    int sobelBlueH;
    int sobelGreenH;
    int sobelRedH;
    RGBTRIPLE temp[height][width];
    for (int h = 0; h < height; h++)
        for (int w = 0; w < width; w++)
            temp[h][w].rgbtBlue = image[h][w].rgbtBlue;
            temp[h][w].rgbtGreen = image[h][w].rgbtGreen;
            temp[h][w].rgbtRed = image[h][w].rgbtRed;
    for (int h = 0; h < height; h++)
        for (int w = 0; w < width; w++)
            [-1] [0] [+1]    [+1] [+2] [+1]
            [-2] [0] [+2]    [0 ] [0 ] [0 ]
            [-1] [0] [+1]    [-1] [-2] [-1]
            // ^2 and sqrt
            int bluePoint = round(sqrt(pow(sobelBlueV,2) + pow(sobelBlueH,2)));
            if (bluePoint > 255) bluePoint = 255;
            int GreenPoint = round(sqrt(pow(sobelGreenV,2) + pow(sobelGreenH,2)));
            if (GreenPoint > 255) GreenPoint = 255;
            int RedPoint = round(sqrt(pow(sobelRedV,2) + pow(sobelRedH,2)));
            if (RedPoint > 255) RedPoint = 255;
            image[h][w].rgbtBlue = bluePoint;
            image[h][w].rgbtGreen = GreenPoint;
            image[h][w].rgbtRed = RedPoint;
void calcVert (int h,int *red)
            //row 1: [-1] [0] [+1]
            //row 2: [-2] [0] [+2]
            //row 3: [-1] [0] [+1] vertical kernel
    int cellCalc = 0;
    int totalRed = 0;
    int totalBlue = 0;
    int totalGreen = 0;
    //row 1
    for (int relativeH = -1; relativeH <= 1; relativeH++)
        for (int relativeW = -1; relativeW <= 1; relativeW++)
            //overreach cases
            if (h + relativeH < 0 && w + relativeW < 0)//top left corner
                //set cell values
                if (relativeH == 0 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeW == 0) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == 1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == 1) cellCalc = 1;
                if (relativeH == 0 && relativeW ==1) cellCalc = 2;
                totalBlue += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtBlue) * cellCalc);
                totalGreen += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtGreen) * cellCalc);
                totalRed += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtRed) * cellCalc);
                *blue = totalBlue;
                *green = totalGreen;
                *red = totalRed;
            else if (h + relativeH < 0 && w + relativeW >= width)//top right corner
                //set cell values
                if (relativeH == 0 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = -2;
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = -1;
                if (relativeW == 0) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == 1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == 1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == 0 && relativeW ==1) cellCalc = 0;
                totalBlue += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtBlue) * cellCalc);
                totalGreen += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtGreen) * cellCalc);
                totalRed += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtRed) * cellCalc);
                *blue = totalBlue;
                *green = totalGreen;
                *red = totalRed;
            else if (h + relativeH < 0)//top edge
                //set cell values
                if (relativeH == 0 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = -2;
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = -1;
                if (relativeW == 0) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == 1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == 1) cellCalc = 1;
                if (relativeH == 0 && relativeW ==1) cellCalc = 2;
                totalBlue += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtBlue) * cellCalc);
                totalGreen += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtGreen) * cellCalc);
                totalRed += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtRed) * cellCalc);
                *blue = totalBlue;
                *green = totalGreen;
                *red = totalRed;
            else if (w + relativeW < 0 && h + relativeH >= height)//bottom left corner
                //set cell values
                if (relativeH == 0 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeW == 0) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == 1) cellCalc = 1;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == 1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == 0 && relativeW ==1) cellCalc = 2;
                totalBlue += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtBlue) * cellCalc);
                totalGreen += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtGreen) * cellCalc);
                totalRed += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtRed) * cellCalc);
                *blue = totalBlue;
                *green = totalGreen;
                *red = totalRed;
            else if (w + relativeW < 0)//left edge
                //set cell values
                if (relativeH == 0 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeW == 0) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == 1) cellCalc = 1;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == 1) cellCalc = 1;
                if (relativeH == 0 && relativeW ==1) cellCalc = 2;
                totalBlue += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtBlue) * cellCalc);
                totalGreen += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtGreen) * cellCalc);
                totalRed += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtRed) * cellCalc);
                *blue = totalBlue;
                *green = totalGreen;
                *red = totalRed;
            else if (h + relativeH >= height && w + relativeW >= width)//bottom right corner
                //set cell values
                if (relativeH == 0 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = -2;
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = -1;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeW == 0) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == 1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == 1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == 0 && relativeW ==1) cellCalc = 0;
                totalBlue += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtBlue) * cellCalc);
                totalGreen += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtGreen) * cellCalc);
                totalRed += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtRed) * cellCalc);
                *blue = totalBlue;
                *green = totalGreen;
                *red = totalRed;
            else if (w + relativeW >= width)//right edge
                //set cell values
                if (relativeH == 0 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = -2;
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = -1;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = -1;
                if (relativeW == 0) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == 1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == 1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == 0 && relativeW ==1) cellCalc = 0;
                totalBlue += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtBlue) * cellCalc);
                totalGreen += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtGreen) * cellCalc);
                totalRed += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtRed) * cellCalc);
                *blue = totalBlue;
                *green = totalGreen;
                *red = totalRed;
            else //valid cases
                //set cell values
                if (relativeH == 0 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = -2;
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = -1;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = -1;
                if (relativeW == 0) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == 1) cellCalc = 1;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == 1) cellCalc = 1;
                if (relativeH == 0 && relativeW ==1) cellCalc = 2;
                totalBlue += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtBlue) * cellCalc);
                totalGreen += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtGreen) * cellCalc);
                totalRed += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtRed) * cellCalc);
                *blue = totalBlue;
                *green = totalGreen;
                *red = totalRed;

void calcHori (int h,int *red)
            //row 1: [+1] [+2] [+1]
            //row 2: [ 0] [ 0] [ 0]
            //row 3: [-1] [-2] [-1]
    int cellCalc = 0;
    int totalRed = 0;
    int totalBlue = 0;
    int totalGreen = 0;
    //row 1
    for (int relativeH = -1; relativeH <= 1; relativeH++)
        for (int relativeW = -1; relativeW <= 1; relativeW++)
            //overreach cases
            if (h + relativeH < 0 && w + relativeW < 0)//top left corner
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == 0) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == 1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == 0) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == 0) cellCalc = 2;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == 1) cellCalc = 1;
            else if (h + relativeH < 0 && w + relativeW >= width)//top right corner
                //set cell values
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == 0) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == 1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == 0) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = 1;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == 0) cellCalc = 2;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == 1) cellCalc = 0;
                totalBlue += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtBlue) * cellCalc);
                totalGreen += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtGreen) * cellCalc);
                totalRed += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtRed) * cellCalc);
                *blue = totalBlue;
                *green = totalGreen;
                *red = totalRed;
            else if (h + relativeH < 0)//top edge
                //set cell values
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == 0) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == 1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == 0) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = 1;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == 0) cellCalc = 2;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == 1) cellCalc = 1;
                totalBlue += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtBlue) * cellCalc);
                totalGreen += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtGreen) * cellCalc);
                totalRed += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtRed) * cellCalc);
                *blue = totalBlue;
                *green = totalGreen;
                *red = totalRed;
            else if (w + relativeW < 0 && h + relativeH >= height)//bottom left corner
                //set cell values
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == 0) cellCalc = -2;
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == 1) cellCalc = -1;
                if (relativeH == 0) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == 0) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == 1) cellCalc = 0;
                totalBlue += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtBlue) * cellCalc);
                totalGreen += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtGreen) * cellCalc);
                totalRed += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtRed) * cellCalc);
                *blue = totalBlue;
                *green = totalGreen;
                *red = totalRed;
            else if (w + relativeW < 0)//left edge
                //set cell values
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == 0) cellCalc = -2;
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == 1) cellCalc = -1;
                if (relativeH == 0) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == 0) cellCalc = 2;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == 1) cellCalc = 1;
                totalBlue += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtBlue) * cellCalc);
                totalGreen += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtGreen) * cellCalc);
                totalRed += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtRed) * cellCalc);
                *blue = totalBlue;
                *green = totalGreen;
                *red = totalRed;
            else if (h + relativeH >= height && w + relativeW >= width)//bottom right corner
                //set cell values
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = -1;
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == 0) cellCalc = -2;
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == 1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == 0) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == 0) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == 1) cellCalc = 0;
                totalBlue += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtBlue) * cellCalc);
                totalGreen += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtGreen) * cellCalc);
                totalRed += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtRed) * cellCalc);
                *blue = totalBlue;
                *green = totalGreen;
                *red = totalRed;
            else if (w + relativeW >= width)//right edge
                //set cell values
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = -1;
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == 0) cellCalc = -2;
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == 1) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == 0) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = 1;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == 0) cellCalc = 2;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == 1) cellCalc = 0;
                totalBlue += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtBlue) * cellCalc);
                totalGreen += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtGreen) * cellCalc);
                totalRed += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtRed) * cellCalc);
                *blue = totalBlue;
                *green = totalGreen;
                *red = totalRed;
            else //valid cases
                //set cell values
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = -1;
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == 0) cellCalc = -2;
                if (relativeH == -1 && relativeW == 1) cellCalc = -1;
                if (relativeH == 0) cellCalc = 0;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == -1) cellCalc = 1;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == 0) cellCalc = 2;
                if (relativeH == 1 && relativeW == 1) cellCalc = 1;
                totalBlue += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtBlue) * cellCalc);
                totalGreen += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtGreen) * cellCalc);
                totalRed += ((temp[h + relativeH][w + relativeW].rgbtRed) * cellCalc);
                *blue = totalBlue;
                *green = totalGreen;
                *red = totalRed;



  • 第一行的处理;

  • 内部行的处理循环;

  • 最后一行的处理;


  • 第一个像素的处理;

  • 内列上的
  • 处理循环;

  • 处理最后一个像素。



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