Rx.Net GroupBy,如何使多个观察者订阅特定的组

如何解决Rx.Net GroupBy,如何使多个观察者订阅特定的组




我有一个DataProvider类,该类定期发出HTTP Api请求。

  • 以特定值开头(StartWith运算符)
  • 它缓冲前一个项目以与当前项目进行比较(Buffer(2,1)运算符)
  • 如果当前项目与先前项目不同(在此处),则发出当前项目



  • 观察者可以提前订阅(在Item.Id出现在响应流上之前以及在创建组之前)
  • 观察者可以延迟订阅(在响应流中出现Item.Id并创建组之后)
  • 最新的订户应该收到Item.Id(Replay(1))的最后更改,但我似乎也无法弄清楚这部分。


    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Reactive.Linq;
    using System.Reactive.Subjects;
    using System.Threading;

namespace RxTest
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

            var dataService = new MockDataService();

            // How do I subscribe to a specific group?
            // Eg. I am only interested in changes to Items where Id == 1
            // Subscribers can be early (before the stream is hot)
            var item1Stream = dataService.SubscribetoItem(1);

            // There can be multiple subscribers to a group
            var item1Stream2 = dataService.SubscribetoItem(1);

            Console.WriteLine("Press Any Key to Start");


            // Subscribers can be late (Eg. Subscriber to Item Id == 2 after it has emitted items)
            var item2Stream = dataService.SubscribetoItem(2);

            // Subscribers can be early (After connect but before the Item Id appears on the Stream (before group creation))
            // Eg. Subscribe to group 4 (Group 4 doesn't get created until 20s after connect in this example)
            var item4Stream = dataService.SubscribetoItem(4);

            // What is the Rx way to Multicast a Group?

            Console.WriteLine("Press Any Key to Exit");


    public class MockDataService
        private readonly IConnectableObservable<Item> _itemsstream;
        private Idisposable _itemsSubscription;

        private readonly IObservable<Item> _changeStream;
        private Idisposable _changeSubscription;

        public MockDataService()
            // Simulate Http response pipeline.
            //// Time:   1s...............10s..............20s.....etc
            //// stream: [[1][2]]repeat...[[2][3]]repeat...[[3][4]]repeat...
            IObservable<List<Item>> responseStream = Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1))
                .Select(tick =>
                    // Every 10 ticks an item drops off the stream and a new one starts
                    // Every 2 ticks the Item value increases to generate a change.
                    int rangeStart = Math.Min(((int)tick / 10) + 1,5);
                    return Enumerable.Range(rangeStart,2).Select(id => new Item(id,(int)tick / 2)).ToList();

            // Flatten the list into IObservable<Item>
            //// Time:   1s.............10s............20s.....etc
            //// stream: [1][2]repeat...[2][3]repeat...[3][4]repeat...
            _itemsstream = responseStream
                .SelectMany(list => list)

            // Split into groups by Item.Id and process each group for changes
            // ChangeStream is an IObservable<Item> that have changes.
            _changeStream = _itemsstream
                .GroupBy(item => item.Id)
                    .SelectMany(grp =>
                        // Pipeline for each group.
                        .StartWith(new Item(grp.Key,-1))                       // Initial item from Db
                        //.takeuntil(Item => Item.IsComplete())                 // Logic to complete the group
                        .LogConsoleWithThread($"Group: {grp.Key}")
                        .Where(buffer => buffer.Count == 2 && buffer[0].HasChanges(buffer[1]))
                        .Select(buffer => buffer[1])
                        .LogConsoleWithThread($"Group.Change : {grp.Key}")
                        // How do I push changes in this group to Zero..Many subscribed Observers?
                        // I would also like to Replay(1) to all late subscribers to a group.

        /// <summary>
        /// How to get the IObservable for a specific group?
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="itemId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IObservable<Item> SubscribetoItem(int itemId)
            // ????
            return null;

        public void Start()
            _changeSubscription = _changeStream.SubscribeConsole("ChangeStream");
            _itemsSubscription = _itemsstream.Connect();

        public void Stop()


    public class Item
        public int Id { get; private set; }

        public int Value { get; private set; }

        public Item(int id,int value)
            Id = id;
            Value = value;

        public bool HasChanges(Item compareItem)
            return this.Value != compareItem.Value;

        public override string ToString()
            return $"Item: Id={Id}  Value={Value}";

    public static class RxExtensions
        public static Idisposable SubscribeConsole<T>(this IObservable<T> observable,string name = "")
            return observable.Subscribe(new ConsoleObserver<T>(name));

        /// <summary>
        /// Logs to the Console the subscriptions and emissions done on/by the observable
        /// each log message also includes the thread it happens on
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The Observable Type</typeparam>
        /// <param name="observable">The Observable to log.</param>
        /// <param name="name">An optional name prefix that will be added before each notification</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IObservable<T> LogConsoleWithThread<T>(this IObservable<T> observable,string name = "")
            return Observable.Defer(() =>
                Console.WriteLine("{0} Subscription happened on Thread: {1}",name,Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);

                return observable.Do(
                    x => Console.WriteLine("{0} - OnNext({1}) Thread: {2}",x,Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId),ex =>
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} - OnError Thread:{1}",Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
                        Console.WriteLine("\t {0}",ex);
                    },() => Console.WriteLine("{0} - OnCompleted() Thread {1}",Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId));

    /// <summary>
    /// An observer that outputs to the console each time the OnNext,OnError or OnComplete occurs
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
    public class ConsoleObserver<T> : IObserver<T>
        private readonly string _name;

        public ConsoleObserver(string name = "")
            _name = name;

        public void OnNext(T value)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} - OnNext({1})",_name,value);

        public void OnError(Exception error)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} - OnError:",_name);
            Console.WriteLine("\t {0}",error);

        public void OnCompleted()
            Console.WriteLine("{0} - OnCompleted()",_name);




public class ReplayLastPerKeySubject<T,TKey> : ISubject<T>
    private readonly Func<T,TKey> _keySelector;
    private readonly ReplaySubject<ReplaySubject<T>> _subjects;
    private readonly IObservable<T> _mergedSubjects;
    private readonly Dictionary<TKey,ReplaySubject<T>> _perKey;

    public ReplayLastPerKeySubject(Func<T,TKey> keySelector)
        _keySelector = keySelector;
        _subjects = new ReplaySubject<ReplaySubject<T>>();
        _mergedSubjects = _subjects.Merge();
        _perKey = new Dictionary<TKey,ReplaySubject<T>>();

    public void OnNext(T value)
        var key = _keySelector(value);
        ReplaySubject<T> subject;
        if (!_perKey.TryGetValue(key,out subject))
            subject = new ReplaySubject<T>(1);

    public void OnCompleted()
        // All subjects,inner and outer,must be completed
        _subjects.Subscribe(subject => subject.OnCompleted());

    public void OnError(Exception error)
        // Faulting the master (outer) subject is enough

    public IDisposable Subscribe(IObserver<T> observer)
        return _mergedSubjects.Subscribe(observer);

此实现基于RX专家写的similar question的答案。原始答案使用Concat观察值来订阅观察者,而这个答案使用Merge观察值,所以我不确定它的正确性和效率100%。


var published = YourObservable
    .Multicast(new ReplayLastPerKeySubject<Item,int>(x => x.Id)))


var changeStream13 = published.Where(x => x.Id == 13);

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