




Scenario('Check Box of specific table row',async (I,loginAs,navFragment) => {
  let msg = await I.grabTextFrom(`tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(2)`);
  within(`tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1) span span`,() => {



async test() {
    const totalRows = await I.grabAttributeFrom('tbody tr');
    I.say('Total Rows: ' + totalRows.length);

    for (let i = 1; i < totalRows.length; i++) {
      I.say('Made it into the for loop')
      const str = await I.grabTextFrom(`tbody tr:nth-child(${i}) td:nth-child(2)`);
      I.say('String value from table is: ' + str);
      if (str === 'IDH') {
        I.say('Match found in row: ' + i);
        within(`tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1) span span`,() => {




async test() {
    const totalRows = await I.grabAttributeFrom('tbody tr');
    I.say('Total Rows: ' + totalRows.length);

    for (let i = 1; i < totalRows.length; i++) {
      I.say('Made it into the for loop')
      const str = await I.grabTextFrom(`tbody tr:nth-child(${i}) td:nth-child(2)`);
      I.say('String value from table is: ' + str);
      // if (str === 'IDR') {
      //   I.say('Match found in row: ' + i);
      //   within(`tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1) span span`,() => {
      //     I.click('input');
      //   });
      //   break;
      // }



PS C:\ projects \ csPptr \ ipt> npx codeceptjs运行./src/tests/_sandBox.js --steps --verbose
CodeceptJS v2.6.10 使用测试根目录“ C:\ projects \ csPptr \ ipt” 帮手:Puppeteer,ChaiWrapper,TableHelper,ShowIPhone 插件:retryFailedStep,自动登录

SandBox to play around in --
    [1] Starting recording promises
    Emitted | suite.before ([object Object])
  Table check ALL
    Emitted | test.before ([object Object])
    Emitted | test.start ([object Object])
    Emitted | step.before (I am on page "/login")
    Emitted | step.after (I am on page "/login")
    Emitted | step.before (I fill field "#username","bob@infdig.com")
    Emitted | step.after (I fill field "#username","bob@infdig.com")
    Emitted | step.before (I fill field "#password",*****)
    Emitted | step.after (I fill field "#password",*****)
    Emitted | step.before (I click "Sign in")
    Emitted | step.after (I click "Sign in")
    Emitted | step.before (I grab cookie )
    Emitted | step.after (I grab cookie )
    Emitted | step.before (I click "li[id="resources.admin.name"]")
    Emitted | step.after (I click "li[id="resources.admin.name"]")
    Emitted | step.before (I click "Sites")
    Emitted | step.after (I click "Sites")
    Emitted | step.before (I grab attribute from "tbody tr")
    Emitted | step.after (I grab attribute from "tbody tr")
    Emitted | step.before (I wait 5)
    Emitted | step.after (I wait 5)
    Emitted | step.start (I am on page "/login")
    Object: login
      I am on page "/login"
      » [Url] https://infinity-production-tracker-qa.web.app/#/login
      » [browser:Warning] 
It looks like you're using the development build of the Firebase JS SDK.
When deploying Firebase apps to production,it is advisable to only import
the individual SDK components you intend to use.

For the module builds,these are available in the following manner
(replace <PACKAGE> with the name of a component - i.e. auth,database,etc):

Commonjs Modules:
const firebase = require('firebase/app');

ES Modules:
import firebase from 'firebase/app';
import 'firebase/<PACKAGE>';

import * as firebase from 'firebase/app';
import 'firebase/<PACKAGE>';
It looks like you're using the development build of the Firebase JS SDK.
When deploying Firebase apps to production,etc):

Commonjs Modules:
const firebase = require('firebase/app');

ES Modules:
import firebase from 'firebase/app';
import 'firebase/<PACKAGE>';

import * as firebase from 'firebase/app';
import 'firebase/<PACKAGE>';

      » [browser:Log] JSHandle@objectJSHandle@object
      » [browser:Log] custom routes JSHandle@objectJSHandle:custom routes JSHandle@object
      » [browser:Log] Registering custom data provider for resource: stationadoptJSHandle:Registering custom data provider for

资源:stationadopt »[浏览器:日志] FrameworkApp初始化JSHandle @ objectJSHandle:FrameworkApp初始化JSHandle @ object »[浏览器:日志]节点环境是生产JSHandle:节点环境是生产 »[浏览器:日志]注册服务人员JSHandle:注册服务人员 »[浏览器:日志]注册服务人员级别2 JSHandle:注册服务人员级别2 »[浏览器:详细] [DOM]输入元素应具有自动完成属性(建议:“用户名”):(更多信息: https:// googl / 9p2vKq)%o »[浏览器:日志]注册服务人员级别3 JSHandle:注册服务人员级别3 »[浏览器:日志] JSHandle @ objectJSHandle @ object »[浏览器:日志]内容被缓存供脱机使用。JSHandle:内容被缓存供脱机使用。 »[浏览器:日志] JSHandle @ objectJSHandle @ object »[浏览器:日志] JSHandle @ objectJSHandle @ object 发射step.passed(我在页面“ /登录”上) 发射step.finish(我在页面“ /登录”上) 发射step.start(我填写了字段“ #username”,“ bob@infdig.com”) 我填写“ #username”,“ bob@infdig.com”字段 发射step.passed(我填写字段“ #username”,“ bob@infdig.com”) 发射step.finish(我填写字段“ #username”,“ bob@infdig.com”) 发射step.start(我填写字段“ #password”,*****) 我填写“ #password”字段,***** 发射step.passed(我填写字段“ #password”,*****) 发射step.finish(我填写字段“ #password”,*****) 发射step.start(我单击“登录”) 我点击“登录” 发射step.passed(我单击“登录”) 发射step.finish(我单击“登录”) 发射step.start(我抓取cookie) 我抓饼干 发射step.passed(我抓饼干) 发射step.finish(我抓饼干) 发射step.start(我单击“ li [id =“ resources.admin.name”]“) 我单击“ li [id =“ resources.admin.name”]“ [1]重试...尝试#2 »[网址] https://infinity-production-tracker-qa.web.app/#/ »[浏览器:日志] FrameworkAppLayout初始化JSHandle:FrameworkAppLayout初始化 »[浏览器:日志]构建菜单JSHandle:构建菜单 »[浏览器:日志]菜单结构JSHandle @ objectJSHandle:菜单结构JSHandle @ object »[浏览器:日志]加载的本地存储数据JSHandle @ objectJSHandle:加载的本地存储数据JSHandle @ object [1]重试...尝试#3 »[浏览器:日志]构建菜单JSHandle:构建菜单 »[浏览器:日志]菜单结构JSHandle @ objectJSHandle:菜单结构JSHandle @ object 发射step.passed(我单击“ li [id =“ resources.admin.name”]“) 发射step.finish(我单击“ li [id =“ resources.admin.name”]“) 发射step.start(我单击“站点”) 我点击“站点” »[网址] https://infinity-production-tracker-qa.web.app/#/site »[浏览器:日志] FrameworkAppLayout初始化JSHandle:FrameworkAppLayout初始化 »[浏览器:日志]数据提供者工厂请求:GET_LIST站点[对象对象] JSHandle:数据提供者工厂请求:GET_LIST站点 [对象对象] »[浏览器:日志]使用认提供程序JSHandle:使用认提供程序 发射step.passed(我单击“站点”) 发射step.finish(我单击“站点”) 发射step.start(我从“ tbody tr”获取属性) 我从“ tbody tr”中获取属性 [1]重试...尝试#2 [1]重试...尝试#3 发射step.passed(我从“ tbody tr”获取属性) 发射step.finish(我从“ tbody tr”获取属性) 发射step.before(我从“ tbody tr:nth-​​child(1)td:nth-​​child(2)”中获取文本) 发射step.after(我从“ tbody tr:nth-​​child(1)td:nth-​​child(2)”中获取文本) 发射step.start(我等5) 我等5 »[浏览器:日志] FrameworkAppLayout初始化JSHandle:FrameworkAppLayout初始化 发射step.passed(我等5) 发射step.finish(我等待5) 发射test.passed([对象对象]) 发射test.finish([对象对象]) √12968毫秒内确定

    Emitted | step.comment (Total Rows: 4)
   Total Rows: 4
    Emitted | step.comment (Made it into the for loop)
   Made it into the for loop
    Emitted | step.start (I grab text from "tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(2)")
    sitesPage: test
      I grab text from "tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(2)"
    Emitted | test.after ([object Object])
    Emitted | step.passed (I grab text from "tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(2)")
    Emitted | step.finish (I grab text from "tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(2)")
    Emitted | step.before (I wait 2)
    Emitted | step.after (I wait 2)
    Emitted | step.before (I grab text from "tbody tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(2)")
    Emitted | step.after (I grab text from "tbody tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(2)")
    Emitted | step.comment (String value from table is: IDH)
   String value from table is: IDH
    Emitted | step.start (I wait 2)
      I wait 2
    Emitted | suite.after ([object Object])
    Emitted | step.passed (I wait 2)
    Emitted | step.finish (I wait 2)
    Emitted | step.comment (Made it into the for loop)
   Made it into the for loop
    Emitted | step.start (I grab text from "tbody tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(2)")
      I grab text from "tbody tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(2)"
    [1] retrying... Attempt #2
    [1] retrying... Attempt #3
    [1] retrying... Attempt #4
    [1] retrying... Attempt #5
    [1] retrying... Attempt #6
    [1] Error | TypeError: Cannot read property '$$' of null
    Emitted | step.Failed (I grab text from "tbody tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(2)")
    Emitted | step.finish (I grab text from "tbody tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(2)")
    [1] Error | TypeError: Cannot read property '$$' of null
    Emitted | test.Failed ([object Object])
  × "after all" hook: codeceptjs.afterSuite for "More goofing around" in 6665ms
    [1] Error | TypeError: Cannot read property '$$' of null
TypeError: Cannot read property '$$' of null
(node:27404) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Cannot read property '$$' of nullTypeError: Cannot read property '$$' of null
    at findElements (node_modules\codeceptjs\lib\helper\Puppeteer.js:2189:42)
    at Puppeteer._locate (node_modules\codeceptjs\lib\helper\Puppeteer.js:776:12)
    at async Puppeteer.grabTextFrom (node_modules\codeceptjs\lib\helper\Puppeteer.js:1535:17)
(node:27404) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async

没有捕获块的功能,或者拒绝了原本是 没有处理 。抓住()。要在未处理的承诺拒绝时终止节点进程,请使用CLI标志--unhandled-rejections=strict(请参见 https://nodejs.org/api/cli.html#cli_unhandled_rejections_mode)。 (拒绝ID:7) (节点:27404)[DEP0018] DeprecationWarning:已弃用未处理的承诺拒绝。将来,承诺拒绝 未处理将以非零退出终止Node.js进程 代码


  1) SandBox to play around in
       "after all" hook: codeceptjs.afterSuite for "More goofing around":
     Cannot read property '$$' of null
  ypeError: Cannot read property '$$' of null
      at findElements (node_modules\codeceptjs\lib\helper\Puppeteer.js:2189:42)
      at Puppeteer._locate (node_modules\codeceptjs\lib\helper\Puppeteer.js:776:12)
      at async Puppeteer.grabTextFrom (node_modules\codeceptjs\lib\helper\Puppeteer.js:1535:17)

  FAIL  | 1 passed,1 Failed   // 21s
    Emitted | global.result ([object Object])
    Emitted | global.after ([object Object])
PS C:\projects\csPptr\ipt>


谢谢! 鲍勃

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