
使用scipy.integrate odeint函数时如何解决值错误?

如何解决使用scipy.integrate odeint函数时如何解决值错误?

我是一名工程专业的学生,​​我试图从scipy.integrate模块中找出如何使用odeint函数(我只在MATLAB中使用过ode45)。我正在尝试以数值方式解决一个简单的二阶质量,弹簧,阻尼系统。下面是我编写的代码(特别是我正在使用Jupyter Notebook并运行最新版本的Python 3):

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

# Numerical solution to mx" + bx' + kx = f(t)

# Define state vector y and its derivative
def translational(x,t,m,b,k,f):
    y = [x[0],x[1]] # state vector
    ydot = [x[1],f -b/m*x[1] - k/m*x[0]] # derivative of state vector
    return ydot

# Parameters for the system
t = np.arange(0,10,0.01)
IC = [0,0] #[x0 v0]
m = 10 # kg
b = 2 # N*s/m
k = 5 # N/m
f = 5*np.cos(10*t)
y = odeint(translational,IC,args=(m,f))


TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
TypeError: only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-423018367c52> in <module>
     20 k = 5 # N/m
     21 f = 5*np.cos(10*t)
---> 22 y = odeint(translational,f))

~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\scipy\integrate\odepack.py in odeint(func,y0,args,Dfun,col_deriv,full_output,ml,mu,rtol,atol,tcrit,h0,hmax,hmin,ixpr,mxstep,mxhnil,mxordn,mxords,printmessg,tfirst)
    239     t = copy(t)
    240     y0 = copy(y0)
--> 241     output = _odepack.odeint(func,242                              full_output,243                              ixpr,ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.



f是一个数字数组,因此f -b/m*x[1] - k/m*x[0]也是如此,因此函数translational的返回值不正确。


def translational(x,t,m,b,k):
    y = [x[0],x[1]] # state vector
    f = 5*np.cos(10*t)
    ydot = [x[1],f -b/m*x[1] - k/m*x[0]] # derivative of state vector
    return ydot


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