



//first use

        fun showData(teams: List<proc1>) {
            recyclerView.apply {
                layoutManager = linearlayoutmanager(context)
                adapter = TeamsAdapter(teams)

// second use

        fun showData(compteams: List<compteams>) {
            recyclerView.apply {
                layoutManager = linearlayoutmanager(context)
                adapter = CompTeamsAdapter(compteams)


class TeamsAdapter(private val teams: List<proc1>) :
    RecyclerView.Adapter<TeamsAdapter.ViewHolder>() {
    override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup,viewType: Int): TeamsAdapter.ViewHolder {
        val view = LayoutInflater.from(parent.context).inflate(R.layout.team_row,parent,false)
        return ViewHolder(view)

    override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: TeamsAdapter.ViewHolder,position: Int) {
        val team = teams[position]
//        println("hello ${team::class}")
        val context = holder.imageView.context
        val filename = team.field2!!.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)
        val drawid = context.getResources().getIdentifier(
        holder.field1.text = team.field1
        holder.field2.text = team.field2

    override fun getItemCount() = teams.size

    class ViewHolder(itemView: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView) {
        val imageView: ImageView = itemView.image_view
        val field1: TextView = itemView.field1
        val field2: TextView = itemView.field2

class CompTeamsAdapter(private val compteams: List<compteams>) :
    RecyclerView.Adapter<CompTeamsAdapter.ViewHolder>() {
    override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup,viewType: Int): CompTeamsAdapter.ViewHolder {
        val view = LayoutInflater.from(parent.context).inflate(R.layout.comp_teams_row,false)
        return ViewHolder(view)

    override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: CompTeamsAdapter.ViewHolder,position: Int) {
        val compteam = compteams[position]
//        println("hello ${compteam::class}")
        val context = holder.imageView1.context
        val filename1 = compteam.team1!!.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)
        val filename2 = compteam.team2!!.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)
        val drawid1 = context.getResources().getIdentifier(
        val drawid2 = context.getResources().getIdentifier(
        holder.team1.text = compteam.team1
        holder.team2.text = compteam.team2
        holder.score1.text = compteam.pf
        holder.score2.text = compteam.pa
        holder.date11.text = compteam.date11
        holder.record.text = compteam.record
        holder.game.text = compteam.game

    override fun getItemCount() = compteams.size

    class ViewHolder(itemView: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView) {
        val imageView1: ImageView = itemView.image_team1
        val imageView2: ImageView = itemView.image_team2
        val team1: TextView = itemView.data_team1
        val team2: TextView = itemView.data_team2
        val score1: TextView=itemView.data_score1
        val score2: TextView=itemView.data_score2
        val date11: TextView=itemView.data_date11
        val record: TextView=itemView.data_record
        val game:TextView=itemView.data_game

**I hate that I have such similar logic in two different places.  Ideally,I would have one adapter,and one showData routine.  and they would be designed to handle any recyclerView and any List.  Below I will show where showData is called from two different functions:**  

object CommonSubs {
    fun getTeams(context: Context,recyclerView: RecyclerView) {

        fun showData(teams: List<proc1>) {
            recyclerView.apply {
                layoutManager = linearlayoutmanager(context)
                adapter = TeamsAdapter(teams)

        val TAG = "NFL - List Teams"
        val newKVT = kvtproc1()
        newKVT.NGprojID = "Demo"
        newKVT.NGprocID = "Proc1"
        newKVT.demovar = "Thomas"
        val newBIS = bisproc1(spKVs = newKVT)

        val api = RetrofitBuilder.buildService(ApiService::class.java)
        val requestCall: Call<List<proc1>> = api.postBISteams(newBIS)
        requestCall.enqueue(object : Callback<List<proc1>> {

            // If you receive an HTTP response,then this method is executed
            // Your HTTP STATUS Code will decide if your HTTP response is a Success or an Error
            override fun onResponse(call: Call<List<proc1>>,response: Response<List<proc1>>) {
                Log.d(TAG,"OkHttp response from BIS")
                when {
                    response.isSuccessful -> {
                        Log.d(TAG,"OkHttp response from BIS isSuccessful")
                        // the HTTP STATUS Code is in the range 200 to 299
                        var BISresponse = response.body() // Use it or ignore it

                        Log.d("NFL BIS pretty json =>","      \n\r" + BISresponse)
                            "NFL BIS pretty json =>","      \n\r" +
                        Toast.makeText(context,"Request Complete",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
                    response.code() == 401 -> { //appplication level failure
                        // the HTTP STATUS Code is in the range of 300's,400's,or 500's
                            context,"OkHttp session has expired.",Toast.LENGTH_LONG
                    else -> { //application level failure
                        // the HTTP STATUS Code is in the range of 300's,or 500's
                        Toast.makeText(context,"Unexpected OkHttp Response.",Toast.LENGTH_LONG)

            override fun onFailure(call: Call<List<proc1>>,t: Throwable) {
                Log.d(TAG,"OkHttp response from BIS Failed$t")
                    context,"Failed to connect - System failure.",Toast.LENGTH_LONG

    fun getCompTeams(context: Context,recyclerView: RecyclerView,team1:String,team2:String) {

        fun showData(compteams: List<compteams>) {
            recyclerView.apply {
                layoutManager = linearlayoutmanager(context)
                adapter = CompTeamsAdapter(compteams)

        val TAG = "NFL - List Teams"
        val newKVT = kvtcompteams()
        newKVT.NGprojID = "NFL"
        newKVT.NGprocID = "COMPTEAMS"
        newKVT.team1 = team1
        newKVT.team2 = team2
        val newBIS = biscompteams(spKVs = newKVT)

        val api = RetrofitBuilder.buildService(ApiService::class.java)
        val requestCall: Call<List<compteams>> = api.postBIScompteams(newBIS)
        requestCall.enqueue(object : Callback<List<compteams>> {

            // If you receive an HTTP response,then this method is executed
            // Your HTTP STATUS Code will decide if your HTTP response is a Success or an Error
            override fun onResponse(
                call: Call<List<compteams>>,response: Response<List<compteams>>
            ) {

            override fun onFailure(call: Call<List<compteams>>,Toast.LENGTH_LONG

最后,我想展示两种不同的retrofit2 API服务,这些服务理想情况下可以组合成具有适当参数的单个函数

interface ApiService {

    fun postBISteams(@Body newBIS: bisproc1): Call<List<proc1>>

    fun postBIScompteams(@Body newBIS: biscompteams): Call<List<compteams>>


这都是工作逻辑,但是随着我在后端添加越来越多的API,当这些都是通用的例程时,我不想继续添加越来越多的代码。当我在后端添加新的API时,我应该能够添加新的匹配数据类,新的recyclerView行布局,并且仅此而已。我不应该每次都重复这些大例程。我还没有KOTLIN或ANDROID技能来组合这些内容。请帮忙! ts

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