
Akka.Net 在同一网络内的不同机器上集群不同的 Actor但是actorsystems无法找到彼此 1.) pc 一:后端,灯塔在 pc2 上:

如何解决Akka.Net 在同一网络内的不同机器上集群不同的 Actor但是actorsystems无法找到彼此 1.) pc 一:后端,灯塔在 pc2 上:

我使用以下设置。在同一网络内的两台不同的 PC 上,我想在第一台运行一个后端产品。个人电脑 而 Gui 部分在 2 日运行。个人电脑。

  1. PC 1 和 Pc 2 使用不同的静态 IP 地址。

  2. 后端产品维护一个 ActorSystem名称:ProductXY-ActorSystem

  3. Gui 产品正在维护第二个 ActorSystem名称:ProductXY-ActorSystem

  4. Lighthouse 在 pc one 上运行,后端正在运行。

  5. 我通过 Cluster.Tools 使用 Publish/Subscibe 进行通信。


1.) pc 一:(后端,灯塔)

---- backend.config

akka {
  stdout-loglevel = INFO
  loglevel = INFO
  ACTOR_SYstem ="ProductXY-ActorSystem"

  actor {
      serialize-messages = on

      debug {
              receive = on      # log any received message
              autoreceive = on  # log automatically received messages,e.g. PoisonPill
              lifecycle = on    # log actor lifecycle changes
              event-stream = on # log subscription changes for Akka.NET event stream
              unhandled = on    # log unhandled messages sent to actors

      provider = "Akka.Cluster.ClusteractorRefProvider,Akka.Cluster"

      serializers {
          hyperion = "Akka.Serialization.HyperionSerializer,Akka.Serialization.Hyperion"
          akka-pubsub = "Akka.Cluster.Tools.PublishSubscribe.Serialization.distributedPubSubMessageSerializer,Akka.Cluster.Tools"

      serialization-bindings {
          "System.Object" = hyperion
          "Akka.Cluster.Tools.PublishSubscribe.IdistributedPubSubMessage,Akka.Cluster.Tools" = akka-pubsub
          "Akka.Cluster.Tools.PublishSubscribe.Internal.SendToOnesubscriber,Akka.Cluster.Tools" = akka-pubsub

      serialization-identifiers {
          "Akka.Cluster.Tools.PublishSubscribe.Serialization.distributedPubSubMessageSerializer,Akka.Cluster.Tools" = 9

  remote {
      log-remote-lifecycle-events = off

      dot-netty.tcp {
          transport-class = "Akka.Remote.Transport.DotNetty.TcpTransport,Akka.Remote"
          applied-adapters = []
          transport-protocol = tcp

          port = 0
          hostname = "" # <<-- IP to backend pc.

  cluster {
      roles = ["shared-cluster"]
      seed-nodes = ["akka.tcp://"${akka.ACTOR_SYstem}"@"]# <<-- IP to backend pc.


actorsystem: "ProductXY-ActorSystem"

akka {
actor {
  provider = cluster

  serializers {
      hyperion = "Akka.Serialization.HyperionSerializer,Akka.Serialization.Hyperion"
      akka-pubsub = "Akka.Cluster.Tools.PublishSubscribe.Serialization.distributedPubSubMessageSerializer,Akka.Cluster.Tools"

  serialization-bindings {
      "System.Object" = hyperion
      "Akka.Cluster.Tools.PublishSubscribe.IdistributedPubSubMessage,Akka.Cluster.Tools" = akka-pubsub
      "Akka.Cluster.Tools.PublishSubscribe.Internal.SendToOnesubscriber,Akka.Cluster.Tools" = akka-pubsub

  serialization-identifiers {
      "Akka.Cluster.Tools.PublishSubscribe.Serialization.distributedPubSubMessageSerializer,Akka.Cluster.Tools" = 9

remote {
  log-remote-lifecycle-events = DEBUG
  dot-netty.tcp {
    transport-class = "Akka.Remote.Transport.DotNetty.TcpTransport,Akka.Remote"
    applied-adapters = []
    transport-protocol = tcp
    #will be populated with a dynamic host-name at runtime if left uncommented
    public-hostname = "" # <<-- IP to backend pc.
    port = 4053

cluster {
  #will inject this node as a self-seed node at run-time
  seed-nodes = [] 
  roles = [lighthouse]

在 pc2 上:

-------- Gui.config
  akka {
    stdout-loglevel = INFO
    loglevel = INFO
    ACTOR_SYstem ="ProductXY-ActorSystem"

    actor {
        serialize-messages = on

        debug {
                receive = on      # log any received message
                autoreceive = on  # log automatically received messages,e.g. PoisonPill
                lifecycle = on    # log actor lifecycle changes
                event-stream = on # log subscription changes for Akka.NET event stream
                unhandled = on    # log unhandled messages sent to actors

        provider = "Akka.Cluster.ClusteractorRefProvider,Akka.Cluster"

        serializers {
            hyperion = "Akka.Serialization.HyperionSerializer,Akka.Serialization.Hyperion"
            akka-pubsub = "Akka.Cluster.Tools.PublishSubscribe.Serialization.distributedPubSubMessageSerializer,Akka.Cluster.Tools"

        serialization-bindings {
            "System.Object" = hyperion
            "Akka.Cluster.Tools.PublishSubscribe.IdistributedPubSubMessage,Akka.Cluster.Tools" = akka-pubsub
            "Akka.Cluster.Tools.PublishSubscribe.Internal.SendToOnesubscriber,Akka.Cluster.Tools" = akka-pubsub

        serialization-identifiers {
            "Akka.Cluster.Tools.PublishSubscribe.Serialization.distributedPubSubMessageSerializer,Akka.Cluster.Tools" = 9

    remote {
        log-remote-lifecycle-events = off

        dot-netty.tcp {
            transport-class = "Akka.Remote.Transport.DotNetty.TcpTransport,Akka.Remote"
            applied-adapters = []
            transport-protocol = tcp

            port = 0
            hostname = "" # <<-- IP to gui pc.

    cluster {
        roles = ["shared-cluster"]
        seed-nodes = ["akka.tcp://"${akka.ACTOR_SYstem}"@"] # <<-- IP to backend pc.

总结: 在后端 pc 上:灯塔和后端产品协同工作得很好。 但是 pc 2 上的 Gui-Product 无法连接到 pc 1 上的灯塔。 在 pc1 上 1 可以 ping pc2,反之亦然。


问:我的 hocon 配置文件有什么问题?


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