无法正确包装的MapOne JavaScript。
1.Resource Group | az group create -l westeurope -n Domains
2.CDN > profile > create | az cdn profile create -g Domains -n HomeProfile --sku Premium_Verizon
3.CDN > endpoint > create | az cdn endpoint create -g Domains -n HomeEndpoint --profile-name HomeProfile --origin www.home1991-2000.com
4.DNS > Zones > create | az network dns zone create -g Domains -n www.home1991-2000.com
5.DNS > Record sets > CNAME > create | az network dns record-set cname create -g Domains -z www.home1991-2000.com -n HomeRecordSet
6.eventgrid > domain > create | az eventgrid domain create -g Domains --name home1991-2000 -l westeurope
7.CDN > custom-domain > create | az cdn custom-domain create -g Domains --endpoint-name HomeEndpoint --profile-name HomeProfile -n home1991-2000-name --hostname www.home1991-2000.com
未正确包装的MapOne HTML:
let userResultMapOne;
if ((userInputMapOne > absoluteValueMapOne) && (answerMapOne === zoneOutcomeMapOne)) {
userResultMapOne = "But your value of " + userInputMapOne + " is too high for this scenario.";
} else if ((userInputMapOne < absoluteValueMapOne2) && (answerMapOne === zoneOutcomeMapOne)) {
userResultMapOne = "But your value of " + userInputMapOne + " is too low for this scenario.";
} else if ((userInputMapOne > absoluteValueMapOne) && (answerMapOne !== zoneOutcomeMapOne)) {
userResultMapOne = "And your value of " + userInputMapOne + " is too high for this scenario.";
} else if ((userInputMapOne < absoluteValueMapOne2) && (answerMapOne !== zoneOutcomeMapOne)) {
userResultMapOne = "And your value of " + userInputMapOne + " is too low for this scenario.";
} else if (answerMapOne !== zoneOutcomeMapOne) {
userResultMapOne ="Although your value of " + userInputMapOne + " fits well if the zone is correct.";
} else userResultMapOne = "Your value of " + userInputMapOne + " fits well in this scenario.";
console.log("User result",userResultMapOne);
//Outputs generated for the user to check their work
document.getElementById("MapOneResultOne").innerHTML = resultsMapOne;
document.getElementById("MapOneResultTwo").innerText = userResultMapOne;
document.getElementById("MapOneResultThree").innerHTML = "Our calculations: " + Math.abs(zoneCalcMapOne).toFixed(2) + " m " + zoneOutcomeMapOne;
<div><span id="MapOneResultOne"></span></div>
<div><span id="MapOneResultTwo"></span></div>
<div><span id="MapOneResultThree"></span></div>
let userResultMapTwo;
if ((userInputMapTwo > absoluteValueMapTwo) && (answerMapTwo === zoneOutcomeMapTwo)) {
userResultMapTwo = "But your value of " + userInputMapTwo + " is too high for this scenario.";
} else if ((userInputMapTwo < absoluteValueMapTwo2) && (answerMapTwo === zoneOutcomeMapTwo)) {
userResultMapTwo = "But your value of " + userInputMapTwo + " is too low for this scenario.";
} else if ((userInputMapTwo > absoluteValueMapTwo) && (answerMapTwo !== zoneOutcomeMapTwo)) {
userResultMapTwo = "And your value of " + userInputMapTwo + " is too high for this scenario.";
} else if ((userInputMapTwo < absoluteValueMapTwo2) && (answerMapTwo !== zoneOutcomeMapTwo)) {
userResultMapTwo = "And your value of " + userInputMapTwo + " is too low for this scenario.";
} else if (answerMapTwo !== zoneOutcomeMapTwo) {
userResultMapTwo ="Although your value of " + userInputMapTwo + " fits well if the zone is correct.";
} else userResultMapTwo = "Your value of " + userInputMapTwo + " fits well in this scenario.";
console.log("User result",userResultMapTwo);
//Outputs generated for the user to check their work
document.getElementById("MapTwoResultOne").innerHTML = resultsMapTwo;
document.getElementById("MapTwoResultTwo").innerText = userResultMapTwo;
document.getElementById("MapTwoResultThree").innerHTML = "Our calculations: " + Math.abs(zoneCalcMapTwo).toFixed(2) + " m " + zoneOutcomeMapTwo;
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