
当REST API服务器发布自签名证书时,如何通过https从Node API与REST API通信

如何解决当REST API服务器发布自签名证书时,如何通过https从Node API与REST API通信

我们有一个Node JS API客户端连接到基于Java的REST API服务器。服务器发布自签名证书。目前,我们设置:

  rejectUnauthorized: false
So this basically doesn’t care if the server’s identity cannot be verified. And it can’t be verified as it is self-signed and it won’t match the built-in CA’s.

Now I have the Root CA and the intermediate certs in the key-chain. Is there any configuration I can use in Node to verify the certificate that the server returns if I have the Root CA's and relevant certs on File.

Also,do I need the intermediate certs in the Key chain for this?
I am not well versed in https and any help is appreciated.

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