



biz_hrs <- Vectorize(function(CreateDate,OpenedDate,starting_time = '8:00',ending_time = '17:00',holidays = NULL){
if(OpenedDate < CreateDate){
  } else {
    start_datetime <- as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(start,1,11),starting_time,':00'))
    end_datetime <- as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(end,ending_time,':00'))
    if(as.Date(CreateDate) == as.Date(OpenedDate) & !as.Date(CreateDate) %in% holidays & !format(as.Date(CreateDate),"%u") %in% c(6,7)){ #if starting time stamp is on same day as ending time stamp and if day is not a holiday or weekend
      if(CreateDate > start_datetime & OpenedDate < end_datetime){ #if starting time stamp is later than start business hour and ending time stamp is earlier then ending business hour.
        return(as.numeric(difftime(OpenedDate,CreateDate),units = 'hours'))
      } else if(CreateDate > start_datetime & OpenedDate > end_datetime & CreateDate < end_datetime){ #if starting time stamp is later than end business hour and ending time stamp is earlier then ending business hour.
        return(as.numeric(difftime(as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(start,':00')),units = 'hours'))
      } else if(CreateDate < start_datetime & OpenedDate < end_datetime & OpenedDate > start_datetime){ #if starting time stamp is earlier than end business hour and ending time stamp is later than starting business hour.
        return(as.numeric(difftime(OpenedDate,start_datetime),units = 'hours'))
      } else if(CreateDate > end_datetime & OpenedDate > end_datetime){ #if starting time stamp is later than end business hour and ending time stamp is later than ending business hour.
      } else if(CreateDate < start_datetime & OpenedDate < start_datetime){ #if starting time stamp is earlier than start business hour and ending time stamp is earlier than starting business hour.
      } else {
        return(as.numeric(difftime(end_datetime,units = 'hours'))
    } else { #if starting time stamp and ending time stamp occured on a different day.
      business_hrs <- as.numeric(difftime(as.POSIXct(paste0('2017-01-01',as.POSIXct(paste0('2017-01-01',':00')) #calculate business hours range by specified parameters
      ),units = 'hours')
      start_day_hrs <- ifelse(CreateDate < as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(start,':00')) & !as.Date(CreateDate) %in% holidays & !format(as.Date(CreateDate),7),#if start time stamp is earlier than specified ending time
                              as.numeric(difftime(as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(start,units = 'hours'),#calculate time between time stamp and specified ending time
                              0 #else set zero
      ) #calculate amount of time on starting day
      start_day_hrs <- pmin(start_day_hrs,business_hrs) #cap the maximum amount of hours dertermined by the specified business hours
      end_day_hrs <- ifelse(OpenedDate > as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(end,':00')) & !as.Date(OpenedDate) %in% holidays & !format(as.Date(OpenedDate),#if end time stamp is later than specified starting time
                            as.numeric(difftime(end,as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(end,':00'))),#calculate time between time stamp and specified starting time
                            0) #calculate amount of time on ending day
      end_day_hrs <- pmin(end_day_hrs,business_hrs) #cap the maximum amount of hours dertermined by the specified business hours
      days_between <- seq(as.Date(CreateDate),as.Date(OpenedDate),by = 1) #create a vector of dates (from and up to including) the starting time stamp and ending time stamp
      business_days <- days_between[!days_between %in% c(as.Date(CreateDate),as.Date(OpenedDate)) & !days_between %in% holidays & !format(as.Date(days_between),7)] #remove weekends and holidays from vector of dates
      return(as.numeric(((length(business_days) * business_hrs) + start_day_hrs + end_day_hrs))) #multiply the remaining number of days in the vector (business days) by the amount of business hours and add hours from the starting and end day. Return the result


Weekly_Final$ResponseTime <- biz_hrs(Weekly_Final$CreateDate,Weekly_Final$OpenedDate,'8:00','17:00')


Error in as.character(x) : 
  cannot coerce type 'closure' to vector of type 'character' 


重命名变量时,您有时会犯错。调用substr(start,1,11)时出现错误,因为没有名为start的变量。 R认为您是指称为start功能。我假设CreateDate曾经被称为start,而OpenedDate曾经被称为end。如果我们只是更新这些,则该函数将返回输出

biz_hrs <- Vectorize(function(CreateDate,OpenedDate,starting_time = '8:00',ending_time = '17:00',holidays = NULL){
if(OpenedDate < CreateDate){
  } else {
    start_datetime <- as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(CreateDate,11),starting_time,':00'))
    end_datetime <- as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(OpenedDate,ending_time,':00'))
    if(as.Date(CreateDate) == as.Date(OpenedDate) & !as.Date(CreateDate) %in% holidays & !format(as.Date(CreateDate),"%u") %in% c(6,7)){ #if starting time stamp is on same day as ending time stamp and if day is not a holiday or weekend
      if(CreateDate > start_datetime & OpenedDate < end_datetime){ #if starting time stamp is later than start business hour and ending time stamp is earlier then ending business hour.
        return(as.numeric(difftime(OpenedDate,CreateDate),units = 'hours'))
      } else if(CreateDate > start_datetime & OpenedDate > end_datetime & CreateDate < end_datetime){ #if starting time stamp is later than end business hour and ending time stamp is earlier then ending business hour.
        return(as.numeric(difftime(as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(start,':00')),units = 'hours'))
      } else if(CreateDate < start_datetime & OpenedDate < end_datetime & OpenedDate > start_datetime){ #if starting time stamp is earlier than end business hour and ending time stamp is later than starting business hour.
        return(as.numeric(difftime(OpenedDate,start_datetime),units = 'hours'))
      } else if(CreateDate > end_datetime & OpenedDate > end_datetime){ #if starting time stamp is later than end business hour and ending time stamp is later than ending business hour.
      } else if(CreateDate < start_datetime & OpenedDate < start_datetime){ #if starting time stamp is earlier than start business hour and ending time stamp is earlier than starting business hour.
      } else {
        return(as.numeric(difftime(end_datetime,units = 'hours'))
    } else { #if starting time stamp and ending time stamp occured on a different day.
      business_hrs <- as.numeric(difftime(as.POSIXct(paste0('2017-01-01',as.POSIXct(paste0('2017-01-01',':00')) #calculate business hours range by specified parameters
      ),units = 'hours')
      start_day_hrs <- ifelse(CreateDate < as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(CreateDate,':00')) & !as.Date(CreateDate) %in% holidays & !format(as.Date(CreateDate),7),#if start time stamp is earlier than specified ending time
                              as.numeric(difftime(as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(CreateDate,units = 'hours'),#calculate time between time stamp and specified ending time
                              0 #else set zero
      ) #calculate amount of time on starting day
      start_day_hrs <- pmin(start_day_hrs,business_hrs) #cap the maximum amount of hours dertermined by the specified business hours
      end_day_hrs <- ifelse(OpenedDate > as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(OpenedDate,':00')) & !as.Date(OpenedDate) %in% holidays & !format(as.Date(OpenedDate),#if end time stamp is later than specified starting time
                            as.numeric(difftime(end,as.POSIXct(paste0(substr(OpenedDate,':00'))),#calculate time between time stamp and specified starting time
                            0) #calculate amount of time on ending day
      end_day_hrs <- pmin(end_day_hrs,business_hrs) #cap the maximum amount of hours dertermined by the specified business hours
      days_between <- seq(as.Date(CreateDate),as.Date(OpenedDate),by = 1) #create a vector of dates (from and up to including) the starting time stamp and ending time stamp
      business_days <- days_between[!days_between %in% c(as.Date(CreateDate),as.Date(OpenedDate)) & !days_between %in% holidays & !format(as.Date(days_between),7)] #remove weekends and holidays from vector of dates
      return(as.numeric(((length(business_days) * business_hrs) + start_day_hrs + end_day_hrs))) #multiply the remaining number of days in the vector (business days) by the amount of business hours and add hours from the starting and end day. Return the result


#> 2001-05-07 
#>          9 





biz_hrs <- function(CreateDate,start_time = '8:00',end_time = '17:00',holidays = NULL)
    begin    <- as.Date(CreateDate)
    end      <- as.Date(OpenedDate)
    hours    <- as.numeric(strsplit(end_time,":")[[1]][1]) -
    sapply(seq_along(begin),function(i) {
      if(begin[i] > end[i]) NA
      else {
        all_days <- seq(begin[i],end[i],"1 day")
        sum(hours * (wday(all_days) %in% 2:6 & is.na(match(all_days,holidays))))


cal <- create.calendar('mycal',weekdays = c('saturday','sunday'))
open <- hms('08:00:00')
close <- hms('17:00:00')
start <- as_datetime('2017-05-10 18:00:00') # After closing time,so real date = '2017-05-11 08:00:00'
end <- as_datetime('2017-05-11 12:00:00') # 4 hours after open

fix_biz_date <- function(date,open,close){
    date <- lubridate::as_datetime(date)
  time <- hms(strftime(date,'%H:%M:%S'))  
  # Fix dates
  ind <- which(time >= close)
  if(length(ind) > 0)
    date[ind] <- date[ind] + days(1)
  # Fix times
  ind <- c(ind,which(time < open))
  if(length(ind) > 0){
    hour(date[ind]) <- hour(open)
    minute(date[ind]) <- minute(open)
    second(date[ind]) <- second(open)
[1] "2017-05-11 08:00:00 UTC"
[1] "2017-05-11 12:00:00 UTC"


#' @param start Starting date-time
#' @param end Ending date-time
#' @param cal calendar object (bizdays::create.calendar)
#' @param open hm(s) second object (lubridate::hms),specifying opening time of day
#' @param open hm(s) second object (lubridate::hms),specifying closing time of day
wh_diff <- function(start,end,cal,close){
  if(length(start) != length(end))
    stop('start and end needs to be of equal length!')
    open <- hms(open)
    close <- hms(close)
  start <- fix_biz_date(start,close)
  end <- fix_biz_date(end,close)
  sTime <- strftime(start,'%H:%M:%S')
  eTime <- strftime(end,'%H:%M:%S')
  days_dif <- bizdays(start,cal) 
  days_dif * (as.numeric(close - open) / 3600) + 
    as.numeric(hms(eTime) - hms(sTime)) / 3600
wh_diff(start,close) # Expected 4 hours.
[1] 4


end <- offset(end,seq(0,180,length.out = 91),cal)
wh_diff(start,close) # something like.. seq(0,18 * 91,length.out = 91) 

start <- offset(start,0:90,close) # Expect seq(9,9 * 91,length.out = 91)


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