
MirrorBrain 分布式内容分发框架


授权协议: 未知

操作系统: Linux

开发语言: C/C++

MirrorBrain 介绍

MirrorBrain:A Download Redirector and Metalink Generator

MirrorBrain 是一个使用镜像服务器来运行内容分发系统的框架。It solves a challenge that many popular
open source projects face: a flood of download requests, often magnitudes more
than a single site Could practically handle. A central (and probably the most
obvIoUs) part is a “download redirector” that automatically redirects requests
from Web browsers or download programs to a mirror server near them. Choosing
a suitable mirror for a user’s request is the key, and MirrorBrain uses
geolocation and global routing data to make a sensible choice and achieve
load-balancing for the mirrors at the same time. The algorithm is both
sophisticated and easy to control and tune. In addition, MirrorBrain monitors
mirrors, scans them for files, generates mirror lists, and more.

MirrorBrain 官网


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