




def request = testRunner.testCase.getTestStepByName( "TestStep名称" );

def property = request.getProperty( "request" );




def balanceQueryParser = new groovy.util.XmlParser(false,false).parseText(property.value);


def transactionid = balanceQueryParser["soapenv:Body"]["uvs:balanceQuery"]["uvs:BalanceQueryRequest"]["uvs:RequestMessage"]["uvs:MessageHeader"]["uvs:TransactionId"][0];




def writer = new java.io.StringWriter();
def printer = new groovy.util.XmlNodePrinter( new PrintWriter( writer ));
printer.print( balanceQueryParser );
property.setValue( writer.toString() )






def groovyUtils = new com.eviware.soapui.support.GroovyUtils( context )

def holder = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder( "balanceQuery#Response" )



def messageBody = holder.getDomNode("//uvs:balanceQuery/uvs:BalanceQueryRequest/uvs:RequestMessage/uvs:MessageBody")
def subscriberNo = messageBody.getElementsByTagName("SubscriberNo");




GroovyUtils 与 XmlHolder 参考:


GroovyUtils currently includes the following (few) methods:

  • projectPath : a property holding the path to the containing project,useful for accessing data files in same folder
  • setPropertyValue( String testStepName,String propertyName,String value ) : sets the specified property value
  • expand( string ) - expands the specified Property Expansion string
  • getXmlHolder( String xmlPropertyOrString ) : Creates an XmlHolder object (see below) for easily accessing/modifying contents of an XML document using XPath expressions. The argument must either be a TestStep property in the TestStepName#PropertyName format or a valid XML string

XmlHolder object has the following methods:

  • getNodeValue( String xpath ) : returns the value of the first node pointed to by the specified XPath expression (can be replaced by holder[xpath] expression,see below )
  • getNodeValues( String xpath ) : returns a String array containing the values of all nodes pointed to by the specified XPath expression.
  • getDomNode( String xpath ) : returns the DOM Node of the first node pointed to by the specified XPath expression.
  • getDomNodes( String xpath ) : returns a DOM Node array containing all nodes pointed to by the specified XPath expression.
  • setNodeValue( String xpath,String value ) : sets the content of the first node pointed to by the specified XPath expression to the specified value (can be replaced by holder[xpath] = value expression,see below )
  • declareNamespace( String prefix,String namespaceURI ) : declares a namespace that will be used in a following get/set operation,can also be set with holder.namespaces[prefix] = namespaceUri (see example below)
  • getNamespaces() - returns a Map of prefixes to namespace URI:s that will be used in XPath expressions
  • removeDomNodes( xpath ) - removes all DOM nodes matching the specified XPath expression
  • xml : property containing the updated xml string
  • xmlObject : property containing the parsed XMLBeans XmlObject for the xml string
  • prettyXml : property containing the pretty-printed updated xml string
  • updateproperty() : if the XmlHolder was created from a TestStep property,that property will be updated with the currently held xml (see example below)
  • updateProperty( boolean prettyPrint ) : same as prevIoUs,with option to pretty print the updated xml. Defaults to false when not specified.


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