





顺便说一句,如果您要在ICloud之间进行备份,那么使用migratePersistentStore API来制作/导入备份会更安全.另请注意,示例应用程序假定您没有使用WAL模式,这是iOS 7的认模式.WAL模式使用多个文件,这些文件都需要备份或复制.



/*! Creates a backup of the ICloud store

     @return Returns YES of file was migrated or NO if not.
    - (bool)backupICloudStore {
        FLOG(@"backupICloudStore called");

        // Lets use the existing PSC
        NSPersistentStoreCoordinator *migrationPSC = [[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator alloc] initWithManagedobjectModel:self.managedobjectModel];

        // Open the store
        id sourceStore = [migrationPSC addPersistentStoreWithType:NSsqliteStoreType configuration:nil URL:[self icloudStoreURL] options:[self icloudStoreOptions] error:nil];

        if (!sourceStore) {

            FLOG(@" Failed to add old store");
            migrationPSC = nil;
            return FALSE;
        } else {
            FLOG(@" Successfully added store to migrate");

            NSError *error;

            FLOG(@" About to migrate the store...");
            id migrationSuccess = [migrationPSC migratePersistentStore:sourceStore toURL:[self backupStoreURL] options:[self localStoreOptions] withType:NSsqliteStoreType error:&error];

            if (migrationSuccess) {
                FLOG(@"store successfully backed up");
                migrationPSC = nil;
                // Now reset the backup preference
                [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:NO forKey:_makeBackupPreferenceKey];
                [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];
                return TRUE;
            else {
                FLOG(@"Failed to backup store: %@,%@",error,error.userInfo);
                migrationPSC = nil;
                return FALSE;

        migrationPSC = nil;
        return FALSE;
    /*! Creates a backup of the Local store

     @return Returns YES of file was migrated or NO if not.
    - (bool)backupLocalStore {
        FLOG(@"backupLocalStore called");

        // Lets use the existing PSC
        NSPersistentStoreCoordinator *migrationPSC = [[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator alloc] initWithManagedobjectModel:self.managedobjectModel];

        // Open the store
        id sourceStore = [migrationPSC addPersistentStoreWithType:NSsqliteStoreType configuration:nil URL:[self localStoreURL] options:[self localStoreOptions] error:nil];

        if (!sourceStore) {

            FLOG(@" Failed to add old store");
            migrationPSC = nil;
            return FALSE;
        } else {
            FLOG(@" Successfully added store to migrate");

            NSError *error;

            FLOG(@" About to migrate the store...");
            id migrationSuccess = [migrationPSC migratePersistentStore:sourceStore toURL:[self backupStoreURL] options:[self localStoreOptions] withType:NSsqliteStoreType error:&error];

            if (migrationSuccess) {
                FLOG(@"store successfully backed up");
                migrationPSC = nil;
                // Now reset the backup preference
                [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:NO forKey:_makeBackupPreferenceKey];
                [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];
                return TRUE;
            else {
                FLOG(@"Failed to backup store: %@,error.userInfo);
                migrationPSC = nil;
                return FALSE;

        migrationPSC = nil;
        return FALSE;

/**  Sets the selected file as the current store.
 Creates a backup of the current store first.

 @param fileURL The URL for the file to use.
- (BOOL)restoreFile:(NSURL *)fileURL {
    FLOG(@" called");

    // Check if we are using iCloud
    if (_isCloudEnabled) {
        FLOG(@" using iCloud store so OK to restore");
        NSURL *currentURL = [self storeURL];
        FLOG(@" currentURL is %@",currentURL);

        FLOG(@" URL to use is %@",fileURL);

        [self saveContext];

        [self backupCurrentStoreWithNoCheck];

        // Close the current store and delete it
        _persistentStoreCoordinator = nil;
        _managedobjectContext = nil;

        [self removeICloudStore];

        [self moveStoreFiletoICloud:fileURL delete:NO backup:NO];

    } else {
        FLOG(@" using local store so OK to restore");
        NSURL *currentURL = [self storeURL];
        FLOG(@" currentURL is %@",fileURL);

        [self saveContext];

        [self backupCurrentStoreWithNoCheck];

        // Close the current store and delete it
        _persistentStoreCoordinator = nil;
        _managedobjectContext = nil;

        NSError *error = nil;
        NSFileManager *fm = [[NSFileManager alloc] init];

        // Delete the current store file
        if ([fm fileExistsAtPath:[currentURL path]]) {
            FLOG(@" target file exists");
            if (![fm removeItemAtURL:currentURL error:&error]) {
                FLOG(@" error unable to remove current store file");
                NSLog(@"Error removing item Error: %@,error.userInfo);
                return FALSE;
            } else {
                FLOG(@" current store file removed");

        //simply copy the file over
        BOOL copySuccess = [fm copyItemAtPath:[fileURL path]
                                       toPath:[currentURL path]
        if (copySuccess) {
            FLOG(@" replaced current store file successfully");
            //[self postFileUpdateNotification];
        } else {
            FLOG(@"Error copying items Error: %@,error.userInfo);
            return FALSE;

    // Now open the store again

    [self openPersistentStore];

    return TRUE;

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当我们远离最新的 iOS 16 更新版本时,我们听到了困扰 Apple 最新软件的错误和性能问题。
欧版/美版 特别说一下,美版选错了 可能会永久丧失4G,不过只有5%的概率会遇到选择运营商界面且部分必须连接到iTunes才可以激活
一般在接外包的时候, 通常第三方需要安装你的app进行测试(这时候你的app肯定是还没传到app store之前)。
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(1)在C++11标准时,open函数的文件路径可以传char指针也可以传string指针,而在C++98标准,open函数的文件路径只能传char指针;(2)open函数的第二个参数是打开文件的模式,从函数定义可以看出,如果调用open函数时省略mode模式参数,则默认按照可读可写(ios_base:in | ios_base::out)的方式打开;(3)打开文件时的mode的模式是从内存的角度来定义的,比如:in表示可读,就是从文件读数据往内存读写;out表示可写,就是把内存数据写到文件中;
首先在 iOS 设备中打开开发者模式。位于:设置 - 隐私&安全 - 开发者模式(需重启)
一 现象导入MBProgressHUD显示信息时,出现如下异常现象Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "_OBJC_CLASS_$_MBProgressHUD", referenced from: objc-class-ref in ViewController.old: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64clang: error: linker command failed wit
Profiles >> 加号添加 >> Distribution >> "App Store" >> 选择 2.1 创建的App ID >> 选择绑定 2.3 的发布证书(.cer)>> 输入描述文件名称 >> Generate 生成描述文件 >> Download。Certificates >> 加号添加 >> "App Store and Ad Hoc" >> “Choose File...” >> 选择上一步生成的证书请求文件 >> Continue >> Download。