
icon 大小集合

Drag the following files into the project window iPhone folder (if designing for iPhone):

Icon.png (57x57px)


Icon-Small.png (29x29px)

Icon-Small@2x.png (58x58px)

Drag the following files into the project window iPad folder (if designing for iPad):

Icon-72.png (72x72px)

Icon-Small-50.png (50x50px)

If your icon already has the glossy and beveled effects

Open MyApName-Info.plist.  Right click in the blank area and add a row with the key name ’Icon Already Includes Gloss Effects’ (was ‘UIPrerenderedIcon’) with a setting of ‘YES’.

The following is no longer requried

In MyApName-Info.plist:

IconFile = [blank]

Click the ‘+’ button and add ‘IconFiles’.  Then add the icon files as follows:

Item 0 – Icon.png

Item 1 – Icon@2x.png

Item 2 -Icon-72.png

Item 3 -Icon-Small-50.png

Item 4 -Icon-Small.png

Item 5 -Icon-Small@2x.png

Default Image

The default image is the image that loads while the application starts up.  Ideally this should be an image that mimics the real application start-up page so that the user experience is just of the app starting,although it can be treated as an application start-up splash screen if preferred.

Default.png (320x480px)

Default@2x.png (640x960px)

Default-Portrait~ipad.png (768x1004px) (and optionally Default-PortraitUpsideDown.png)

Default-Landscape~ipad.png (1024x748px) (or Default-LandscapeLeft.png and Default-LandscapeRight.png)

Corner Radius

Corner radius for 512×512 = 80
Corner radius for 114×114 = 18
Corner radius for 72×72 = 11
Corner radius for the 57×57 = 9

Adding the iTunes Image

Create the following file:

iTunesArtwork (512x512px) (no.png file extension)

This file is submitted with the applicaiton,but is not part of the application (it is not stored in the application).  This image will be used by iTunes and re-sampled as needed.

Size of Screen Elements

Top iPhone status bar 20px

iPhone nav bar 44px

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