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       3 4 ,根据苹果公司提供的文字资料,美国 Fortu n e 》杂志 公布了 Steve Jobs 本人在 iPad 2 发布会上的讲演内容(原文共计 229 个字),准确地反映了他本人真实的完整思想,值得我们认真研究。 (注:请见原文” Steve Jobs' post-PC credo” )


    下面就是 Jobs 的讲演内容(即 自己的原话 ,这段文字很珍贵 。注,后面我会用中文解释 ):

I've said this before,but thought it was worth repeating: It's in Apple's DNA that technology alone is not enough. That it's technology married with liberal arts,married with the humanities,that yields us the result that makes our hearts sing.
And Nowhere is that more true than in these post-PC devices.
And a lot of folks in this tablet market are rushing in and they're looking at this as the next PC. The hardware and the software are done by different companies. And they're talking about speeds and Feeds just like they did with PCs.
And our experience and every bone in our body says that that is not the right approach to this. That these are post-PC devices that need to be even easier to use than a PC. That need to be even more intuitive than a PC. And where the software and the hardware and the applications need to intertwine in an even more seamless way than they do on a PC.
And we think we're on the right track with this. We think we have the right architecture not just in silicon,but in the organization to build these kinds of products.
And so I think we stand a pretty good chance of being pretty competitive in this market. And I hope that what you've seen today gives you a good feel for that.
              由此,我们可以清楚地看出,关于所谓“后 PC” 时代的电子计算设备应该是个什么样子,具有什么品质, Jobs 本人是有他自己一套想法的。他不认为依靠单一的技术“先进”就能够取胜;他认为,技术必须与人文科学相结合,与人的本性相结合。他认为,后 PC 时代的电子产品与我们现在 PC 计算机的最大区别应该在于:前者是软件、硬件与应用三者相互紧密结合(缠绕)在一起的最终产物,而不能与后者传统 PC 一样,将软件、硬件和应用三者分解开来去单独地分别“求优”之后,再组合(或组装)起来。这就是 Steve Jobs 的核心思想(或中心理念)。
               就是在 Steve Jobs 的这种思想指导下,苹果公司终于成长起来了(现共计 4.6 万职工), Jobs 走了也不要紧。现在,苹果公司有经济实力,有品牌优势,也有知识资本,傲视其他一切传统 PC 制造厂商。苹果的后 PC 时代产品,即 iPad 2 平板电脑,精美绝伦,无可匹敌,严格地讲, iPad 2 平板电脑是一款完整的人造“工艺品”。我们应该站在这一个视角去完整地欣赏苹果的“人造工艺品” iPad 2 平板电脑,而不能像医院的外科大夫那样看人,把人都看“散”了(手、胳膊、腿都是散开的,怪怕人的)。
              令人不解的是, 3 4 日,中国开源软件推进联盟主席陆首群发表文章,题为“乔布斯传递什么价值?”,作者就像医院外科大夫一样,把苹果 iPad 2 平板电脑大卸八块,逐一与别人比较,品头论足,让人很难受。这种“分解式”比较,对苹果是不公平的,也有违 Steve Jobs 本人的原始思想。
              说明:我不看好 Jobs 的“封闭思想”。现代汽车不是由分别生产的零部件组装起来的吗?为什么用于后 PC 电子产品不行?我同意 Jobs 关于下一代电子产品应该是人造的“工艺品”,但是,组装式生产也应该是可行的,只是需要有一个优秀的总体设计师罢了,就像 Mark Shuttleworth 带领大队人马开发“工艺品” Ubuntu 11.04 版本一样,总不能让苹果公司一家独大吧?

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