
SipHash 伪随机函数


授权协议: 未知

操作系统: 跨平台

开发语言: C/C++

SipHash 介绍

SipHash 是一系列伪随机函数(又名的散列函数),专为短消息的速度优化。

SipHash 的用户包括

  • Bloomberg: SipHash-2-4 is one of the hashes in Bloomberg’s Basic Development Environment (documentation,code)

  • OpenBSD: SipHash-2-4 and SipHash-4-8 have been committed under sys/crypto, and SipHash-2-4 is to be used in the in_pcb hashing

  • Shardmap: SipHash-2-4 is the hash function of this directory indexing system, “the designated successor of HTree”

  • SoundHound, which “makes heavy use” of SipHash

  • Python: SipHash-2-4 is used as hash() “on all major platforms” (patch, PEP)

  • FreeBSD: SipHash-2-4 is used to protect SYN cookies from forgeries (code, revision)

  • Hashable: SipHash-2-4 is used to hash objects in this Haskell package part of the Haskell Platform (blog)

  • Rubinius: SipHash-2-4 is used in the hash tables implementation (commit)

  • JRuby: SipHash-2-4 is the optional algorithm in the hash tables implementation (commit)

  • Perl 5: SipHash-2-4 is optional in Perl builds (commit,code)

  • Redis: SipHash-2-4 is used in the hash tables implementation of this advanced key-value data store (pull request)

  • Ruby: SipHash-2-4 is used in the hash tables implementation (vulnerability report, changelog)

  • OpenDNS: SipHash-2-4 is used in the dnscache instances of all OpenDNS resolvers (patch).

  • Rust: SipHash-2-4 is used in the hash tables implementation of this “safe, concurrent, practical language” developed by Mozilla (patch,hash.rs).

  • Sodium: SipHash-2-4 is the “shorthash” function of this cryptography library based on NaCl

SipHash 官网


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