

项目:snobot-2017    文件Snobot.java   
 * This function is run when the robot is first started up and should be
 * used for any initialization code.
public void robotinit()
    // PWM's
    mTestMotor1 = new Talon(0);
    mTestMotor2 = new Jaguar(1);
    mServo = new Servo(2);

    // Digital IO
    mDigitalOutput = new DigitalOutput(0);
    mRightEncoder = new Encoder(4,5);
    mLeftEncoder = new Encoder(1,2);
    mUltrasonic = new Ultrasonic(7,6);

    // Analog IO
    mAnalogGryo = new AnalogGyro(0);
    mPotentiometer = new AnalogPotentiometer(1);

    // Solenoid
    mSolenoid = new Solenoid(0);

    // Relay
    mRelay = new Relay(0);

    // Joysticks
    mJoystick1 = new Joystick(0);
    mJoystick2 = new XBoxController(1);

    // SPI
    mSpiGryo = new ADXRS450_Gyro();

    // Utilities
    mTimer = new Timer();
    mPDP = new PowerdistributionPanel();

    Preferences.getInstance().putDouble("Motor One Speed",.5);
项目:Stronghold2016-340    文件ClawArm.java   
public ClawArm() {
    System.out.println("Claw arm constructor method called");
    armMotor = new TalonSRX(RobotMap.ClawArmMotor);

    clawPiston = new Solenoid(RobotMap.ClawPiston);

    armAngleSensor = new AnalogPotentiometer(RobotMap.ClawArmAngleSensor,270);
    bottomSwitch = new DigitalInput(RobotMap.ClawBottomSwitch);
    topSwitch = new DigitalInput(RobotMap.ClawTopSwitch);
    System.out.println("Claw arm constructor method complete.");
项目:4500-2014    文件Robottemplate.java   
public void robotinit(){
    driveStick= new JoyStickCustom(1,DEADZONE);
    secondStick=new JoyStickCustom(2,DEADZONE);

    frontLeft= new Talon(1);
    rearLeft= new Talon(2);
    frontRight= new Talon(3);
    rearRight= new Talon(4);

    timer=new Timer();

    armM = new Victor(7);
    rollers =new Victor(6);

    mainDrive=new RobotDrive(frontLeft,rearLeft,frontRight,rearRight);


    armP = new AnalogPotentiometer(1);
    distance= new AnalogChannel(2);
    ultra=new Ultrasonic(6,7);

    compress=new Compressor(5,1);

    handJoint=new Pneumatics(3,4);

    //ultra = new Ultrasonic(6,5);

    winch = new Winch(secondStick);

项目:frc-2014    文件IntakeArm.java   
 * Constructor takes references two talons and pot used by intake
 * system.
 * @param rollerMotors
 * @param armMotors
 * @param pot
public IntakeArm(Talon rollerMotors,Talon armMotors,AnalogPotentiometer pot) {
    this.armMotors      = armMotors;
    this.rollerMotors   = rollerMotors;
    this.pot            = pot;

    currentSetpoint     = UP_POSITION;
    armPID              = new PIDController(kP,kI,kD,pot,armMotors);

项目:649code2014    文件ClawPivotSubsystem.java   
public ClawPivotSubsystem() {
    motor = new Victor(RobotMap.CLAW_PIVOT.MOTOR);
    potentiometer = new AnalogPotentiometer(RobotMap.CLAW_PIVOT.POTENTIOMETER);
    clawPID = new PIDController649(kP,potentiometer,this);
项目:StormRobotics2017    文件StringPot.java   
public StringPot(int Num,double maxSafeVal) {
    _pot = new AnalogPotentiometer(Num);
    VAL_MAX_SAFE = maxSafeVal;
项目:StormRobotics2017    文件RotaryPot.java   
public RotaryPot(int Num,double maxSafeVal) {
    _pot = new AnalogPotentiometer(Num);
    VAL_MAX_SAFE = maxSafeVal;
项目:El-Jefe-2017    文件Kicker.java   
public Kicker(){
    kickerPot = new AnalogPotentiometer(RobotMap.kickerPotentiometer,3600,kickerStartVal);
    kickerMotor = new Talon(RobotMap.kickerMotor);
项目:turtleshell    文件Elevator.java   
* The log method puts interesting information to the SmartDashboard.
  public void log() {
      SmartDashboard.putData("Wrist Pot",(AnalogPotentiometer) pot);
项目:turtleshell    文件Wrist.java   
* The log method puts interesting information to the SmartDashboard.
  public void log() {
      SmartDashboard.putData("Wrist Angle",(AnalogPotentiometer) pot);
项目:Felix-2014    文件Console.java   
public void init() {

    motorLeft = new Talon(1);
    motorRight = new Talon(2);
    System.out.println("[INFO] TALON[1&2]: Created!");
    elToro1 = new Talon(3);
    elToro2 = new Talon(4);
    System.out.println("[INFO] TALON[3&4]: Created!");
    robotdrive = new RobotDriveSteering(motorLeft,motorRight);

    compressor = new Compressor(1,1); // presureSwitchDigitalInput,RelayOut

    wormgear = new Relay(2);
    spreader = new Relay(3);
    System.out.println("[INFO] RELAY[1&2&3]: Created!");

    joystick = new Joystick(1);
    //joystick2 = new Joystick(2);
    System.out.println("[INFO] JOYSTICK[1&2]: Created!");

    cock = new Solenoid(1);
    uncock = new Solenoid(2);
    lock = new Solenoid(3);
    fire = new Solenoid(4);

    System.out.println("[INFO] Digital I/O: Enabled.");

    sonic = new Ultrasonic(4,2);
    sonic2 = new AnalogChannel(3);
    pot = new AnalogPotentiometer(2,10);

    autonomousTimer = new Timer();
    t = new Timer();

    LCD = DriverStationLCD.getInstance();
    ds = DriverStation.getInstance();

    System.out.println("[INFO] Robot Initialized");
项目:strongback-java    文件Hardware.java   
 * Create a new {@link AngleSensor} from an {@link AnalogPotentiometer} using the specified channel,scaling,and
 * offset. This method is often used when the offset can be hard-coded by measuring the value of the potentiometer at
 * the mechanism's zero-point. On the other hand,if a limit switch is used to always determine the position of the
 * mechanism upon startup,then see {@link #potentiometer(int,double)}.
 * <p>
 * The scale factor multiplies the 0-1 ratiometric value to return the angle in degrees.
 * <p>
 * For example,let's say you have an ideal 10-turn linear potentiometer attached to a motor attached by chains and a
 * 25x gear reduction to an arm. If the potentiometer (attached to the motor shaft) turned its full 3600 degrees,the
 * arm would rotate 144 degrees. Therefore,the {@code fullVoltageRangetoInches} scale factor is
 * {@code 144 degrees / 5 V},or {@code 28.8 degrees/volt}.
 * <p>
 * To prevent the potentiometer from breaking due to minor shifting in alignment of the mechanism,the potentiometer may
 * be installed with the "zero-point" of the mechanism (e.g.,arm in this case) a little ways into the potentiometer's
 * range (for example 30 degrees). In this case,the {@code offset} value of {@code 30} is determined from the
 * mechanical design.
 * @param channel The analog channel this potentiometer is plugged into.
 * @param fullVoltageRangetodegrees The scaling factor multiplied by the analog voltage value to obtain the angle in
 *        degrees.
 * @param offsetIndegrees The offset in degrees that the angle sensor will subtract from the underlying value before
 *        returning the angle
 * @return the angle sensor that uses the potentiometer on the given channel; never null
public static AngleSensor potentiometer(int channel,double fullVoltageRangetodegrees,double offsetIndegrees) {
    AnalogPotentiometer pot = new AnalogPotentiometer(channel,fullVoltageRangetodegrees,offsetIndegrees);
    return AngleSensor.create(pot::get);
项目:strongback-java    文件Hardware.java   
 * Create a new {@link distanceSensor} from an {@link AnalogPotentiometer} using the specified channel,and
 * offset. This method is often used when the offset can be hard-coded by first measuring the value of the potentiometer
 * at the mechanism's zero-point. On the other hand,double)}.
 * <p>
 * The scale factor multiplies the 0-1 ratiometric value to return useful units,and an offset to add after the scaling.
 * Generally,the most useful scale factor will be the angular or linear full scale of the potentiometer.
 * <p>
 * For example,let's say you have an ideal single-turn linear potentiometer attached to a robot arm. This pot will turn
 * 270 degrees over the 0V-5V range while the end of the arm travels 20 inches. Therefore,the
 * {@code fullVoltageRangetoInches} scale factor is {@code 20 inches / 5 V},or {@code 4 inches/volt}.
 * <p>
 * To prevent the potentiometer from breaking due to minor shifting in alignment of the mechanism,arm in this case) a little ways into the potentiometer's
 * range (for example 10 degrees). In this case,the {@code offset} value is measured from the physical mechanical
 * design and can be specified to automatically remove the 10 degrees from the potentiometer output.
 * @param channel The analog channel this potentiometer is plugged into.
 * @param fullVoltageRangetoInches The scaling factor multiplied by the analog voltage value to obtain inches.
 * @param offsetininches The offset in inches that the distance sensor will subtract from the underlying value before
 *        returning the distance
 * @return the distance sensor that uses the potentiometer on the given channel; never null
public static distanceSensor potentiometer(int channel,double fullVoltageRangetoInches,double offsetininches) {
    AnalogPotentiometer pot = new AnalogPotentiometer(channel,fullVoltageRangetoInches,offsetininches);
    return distanceSensor.create(pot::get);
项目:frc-2014    文件IntakeArm.java   
 * Constructor takes PWM channels for talons and channel for pot on analog
 * breakout port
 * @param rollerMotorChannel
 * @param armMotorChannel
 * @param potChannel
public IntakeArm(int rollerMotorChannel,int armMotorChannel,int potChannel) {
    this(new Talon(rollerMotorChannel),new Talon(armMotorChannel),new AnalogPotentiometer(potChannel));

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