
前端框架Aurelia - 依赖注入Dependency Injection一

Let's say we have aCustomerEditScreenthat needs to load aCustomerentity by ID from a web service. We wouldn't want to place all the details of our AJAX implementation inside ourclass. Instead,we would want to factor that into aCustomerServiceclass that our,or any other class,can use when it needs to load a. Aurelia's dependency injection container lets you accomplish this by declaring that theneeds to have ainjected at creation time.

我们不想把Ajax请求写在CustomerEditScreen里面,我们把Ajax请求放在CustomerService里面,这样任何class都可以利用这个文件请求。Aurelia's dependency injection container 通过在创建时候声明CustomerEditScreen需要注入来帮你完成。

Typically,you would use Decorators,an ES Next feature supported by both Babel and TypeScript. Here's what it looks like to declare that theneeds aCustomerService


import {CustomerService} from 'backend/customer-service';
import {inject} from 'aurelia-framework';

export class CustomerEditScreen {
  constructor(private customerService: CustomerService) {
    this.customer = null;

  activate(params) {
    return this.customerService.getCustomerById(params.customerId)
      .then(customer => this.customer = customer);

Notice that we use theinjectdecorator and that the constructor signature matches the list of dependencies in thedecorator. This tells the DI that any time it wants to create an instance ofit must first obtain an instance ofwhich it caninjectinto the constructor ofduring instantiation. You can have as many injected dependencies as you need. Simply ensure that thedecorator and the constructor match one another.



import {CustomerService} from 'backend/customer-service';
import {CommonDialogs} from 'resources/dialogs/common-dialogs';
import {EventAggregator} from 'aurelia-event-aggregator';
import {inject} from 'aurelia-framework';

export class CustomerEditScreen {
  constructor(private customerService: CustomerService,private dialogs: CommonDialogs,private ea: EventAggregator) {
    this.customer = null;

  activate(params) {
    return this.customerService.getCustomerById(params.customerId)
      .then(customer => this.customer = customer)
      .then(customer => this.ea.publish('edit',customer));

If you are using TypeScript,you can take advantage of an experimental feature of the language to have the TypeScript transpiler automatically provide Type information to Aurelia's DI. You can do this by configuring the TypeScript compiler with the"emitDecoratorMetadata": trueoption in thecompilerOptionssection of yourtsconfig.jsonfile. If you do this,you don't need to duplicate the type information withFinition contains its paramaters' types,you can use Aurelia'sautoinjectdecorator like this


Interestingly,you don't need to use ourautoinjectdecorator at all to get the above to work. The TypeScript compiler will emit the type Metadata ifanydecorator is added to the class. Aurelia can read this Metadata regardless of what decorator triggers TypeScript to add it. We simply provide thedecorator for consistency and clarity.


import {CustomerService} from 'backend/customer-service';
import {CommonDialogs} from 'resources/dialogs/common-dialogs';
import {EventAggregator} from 'aurelia-event-aggregator';
import {autoinject} from 'aurelia-framework';

export class CustomerEditScreen {
  constructor(private customerService: CustomerService,247)">If you aren't using Babel's or TypeScript's decorator support (or don't want to),you can easily provideMetadata using a simple static method or property on your class:


import {CustomerService} from 'backend/customer-service';
import {CommonDialogs} from 'resources/dialogs/common-dialogs';
import {EventAggregator} from 'aurelia-event-aggregator';

export class CustomerEditScreen {
  static inject() { return [CustomerService,EventAggregator]; }

  constructor(customerService,dialogs,ea) {
    this.customerService = customerService;
    this.dialogs = dialogs;
    this.ea = ea;
    this.customer = null;

  activate(params) {
    return this.customerService.getCustomerById(params.customerId)
      .then(customer => this.customer = customer)
      .then(customer => this.ea.publish('edit:begin',247)">因为我们class文件里面的方法都是public或者private,我们想要使用必须对class进行实例化,只有static可以直接使用,


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