//mainPromise chains to promise0 and chains to promise1 function doPromise(rejectRightAway) { if (rejectRightAway) { return Promise.reject(new Error('intending to throw mainPromise rejection')); //is this right place to use Promise.reject? //returning just new Error throws in error console,something like: '.then is not a function' and points to the onReject function of mainPromise.then } promise0.then( function () { var promise1 = somePromiSEObject; promise1.then( function () { alert('promise1 success'); },function (aRejReason) { alert('promise1 rejected ' + aRejReason.message); return new Error('promise1 rejected so through promise0 rej then mainPromise rej'); //want to throw promise1 rejection //ok to just return new Error? } ); },function (aRejReason) { alert('promise0 rejected with reason = ' + aRejReason.message); } ); return promise0; } var mainPromise = doPromise(); mainPromise.then( function () { alert('mainPromise success'); },function (aRejectReason) { alert('mainPromise rejected with reason = ' + aRejectReason.message) } );
我不确定这段代码是否有效,所以我的问题是我如何拒绝—比如什么时候返回Promise.reject(new Error())以及何时只是新的Error()?
承诺不只是一个<行话>组成顺序monadic DSL< /行话>对并发的抽象 - 它们也是安全的! 在这方面,投掷安全真的很棒,你可以像顺序代码那样行事:
function foo(){ if(somethingWrong){ // instead of returning normally,we throw,using the built in exception chain // code blocks have. This indicates something unexpected breaking the sequence of cour code throw new Error("Something was wrong"); } return "some normal result"; // here we indicate a function terminated normally,// and with which value. }
somePromise.then(function(){ if(rejectRightAway){ throw new Error("rejecting right away..."); } return "some normal result"; })....
//want to throw promise1 rejection //ok to just return new Error? return new Error('promise1 rejected so through promise0 rej then mainPromise rej');
throw new Error("promise1 rejected so through promise0 rej then mainPromise rej");
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