
JSONObject put,accumulate,element的区别

public Object put (Object key,Object value) 将value映射到key下。如果此JSONObject对象之前存在一个value在这个key下,当前的value会替换掉之前的value

Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map(optional operation). If the map prevIoUsly contained . a mapping for this key,the old value is replaced by the specified value. (A map m is said to contain a mapping for a key k if and only if m.containsKey(k) would return true .))

public JSONObject accumulate (String key,Object value) 累积value到这个key下。这个方法同element()方法类似,特殊的是,如果当前已经存在一个value在这个key下那么一个JSONArray将会存储在这个key下来保存所有累积的value。如果已经存在一个JSONArray,那么当前的value就会添加到这个JSONArray中


Accumulate values under a key. It is similar to the element method except that if there is already an object stored

under the key then a JSONArray is stored under the key to hold all of the accumulated values. If there is already a

JSONArray,then the new value is appended to it. In contrast,the replace method replaces the prevIoUs value.

public JSONObject element (String key,Object value) 将键/值对放到这个JSONObject对象里面。如果当前value为空(null),那么如果这个key存在的话,这个key就会移除掉。如果这


Put a key/value pair in the JSONObject. If the value is null,then the key will be removed from the JSONObject if it is

present. If there is a prevIoUs value assigned to the key,it will call accumulate.

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