


Remove JSON object from JSONArray

In java-json,there is no direct method to remove jsonObject,but usingjson-simple,it is simple to do so:

 JSONArray jsonArray = newJSONArray();JSONObject jsonObject JSONObject jsonObject1  jsonObject2  jsonObject.put("key1", "value1"); jsonObject1"key2""value2" jsonObject2"key3""value3" jsonArrayadd(jsonObjectjsonObject1jsonObject2 //........ Whole Json ArraySystem.outprintlnjsonArray//To remove 2nd jsonObject (index starts from 0)remove(1// Now the array will not have 2nd Object);
BUT: This method required at least API level 19.


How to remove JSONArray element using Java

What you have there is an array of objects. Therefore you'll have to loop through the array and remove the necessary data fromeachobject,e.g.

for (int i  0 len  jsonArrlength< len; i++){ obj getJSONObjecti// Do your removals obj"id"// etc.}

I've assumed you're usingorg.json.JSONObjectandorg.json.JSONArrayhere,but the principal remains the same whatever JSON processing library you're using.

If you wanted to convert something like[{"id":215},{"id":216}]to[215,216]you Could so something like:

 intArr  objArr intArrobjArr).getInt));}


Try this code

ArrayList<String> list >();()ifjsonArray !=null=len++){ listgettoString());}//Remove the element from arraylistposition//Recreate JSON Array jsArray list);

Edit:UsingArrayListwill add"\"to the key and values. So,useJSONArrayitself

jsonstring//Excluding the item at positioni  position}

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