



在执行此操作之前,请确保使用的是Microsoft Access 2010或更高版本。 要将Access数据库转换为JSON格式,您需要安装Access转换器。

  Option Compare Database
  Option Explicit

  ' Convert to JSON button click event
  Private Sub cmdConvertToJson_Click()

    Dim strjsonOutput As String
    ' Use our function to handle conversion
    strjsonOutput = ConvertToJson()
    ' Output to the text Box control
    Me.txtJsonOutput.Value = strjsonOutput
  End Sub

  ' Function to convert the current Access table to JSON format
  Public Function ConvertToJson() As String

    Dim strsql As String
    Dim strjsonOutput As String
    Dim objTable As DAO.Recordset
    Dim objField As DAO.Field
    ' Get the current table name from the comboBox control
    strsql = "SELECT * FROM " & Me.cboTableNames.Value
    ' Open a Recordset object for the current table
    Set objTable = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strsql,dbOpenSnapshot)
    ' Start building our JSON string
    strjsonOutput = "{""data"": ["
    Do Until objTable.EOF
      ' Start a new JSON object
      strjsonOutput = strjsonOutput & "{"
      ' Loop through each field in the recordset and add it to the JSON object
      For Each objField In objTable.Fields
        If objField.Type  dbAttachment And Not IsNull(objField.Value) Then
          strjsonOutput = strjsonOutput & """" & objField.Name & """:""" & objField.Value & ""","
        End If
      Next objField
      ' Remove any trailing comma from the JSON object
      If Right(strjsonOutput,1) = "," Then
        strjsonOutput = Left(strjsonOutput,Len(strjsonOutput) - 1)
      End If
      ' End the current JSON object
      strjsonOutput = strjsonOutput & "},"
      ' Move to the next record
    ' Remove any trailing comma from the JSON string
    If Right(strjsonOutput," Then
      strjsonOutput = Left(strjsonOutput,Len(strjsonOutput) - 1)
    End If
    ' End the JSON string
    strjsonOutput = strjsonOutput & "]}"
    ' Close the recordset and return the JSON string
    Set objTable = nothing
    ConvertToJson = strjsonOutput
  End Function



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