
指针 – Lua Alien – 指针算术和解除引用

我的目标是调用 WindowsGetModuleInformation函数获取 MODULEINFO结构.这一切都很好.问题来自于我想要对LPVOID lpBaSEOfDll进行指针运算和解引用,这是MODULEINFO的一部分.


require "luarocks.require"
require "alien"

sizeofMODULEINFO = 12   --Gotten from sizeof(MODULEINFO) from Visual Studio

MODULEINFO = alien.defstruct{
    {"lpBaSEOfDll","pointer"};    --Does this need to be a buffer? If so,how?

local GetModuleinformation = alien.Kernel32.K32GetModuleinformation
GetModuleinformation:types{ret = "int",abi = "stdcall","long","pointer","ulong"}

local GetModuleHandle = alien.Kernel32.GetModuleHandleA
GetModuleHandle:types{ret = "pointer","pointer"}

local GetCurrentProcess = alien.Kernel32.GetCurrentProcess
GetCurrentProcess:types{ret = "long",abi = "stdcall"}

local mod = MODULEINFO:new() --Create struct (needs buffer?)

local currentProcess = GetCurrentProcess()
local moduleHandle = GetModuleHandle("myModule.dll")
local success = GetModuleinformation(currentProcess,moduleHandle,mod(),sizeofMODULEINFO)

if success == 0 then  --If there is an error,exit
    return 0

local dataPtr = mod.lpBaSEOfDll

--Now how do I do pointer arithmetic and/or dereference "dataPtr"?


Alien Documentation中唯一可以解决我正在尝试做的事情的信息是:


Alien also provides three convenience functions that let you
dereference a pointer and convert the value to a Lua type:

alien.tostring takes a userdata (usually returned from a function that has a pointer return value),casts it to char*,and returns a Lua
string. You can supply an optional size argument (if you don’t Alien
calls strlen on the buffer first).

alien.toint takes a userdata,casts it to int*,dereferences it and returns it as a number. If you pass it a number it assumes the
userdata is an array with this number of elements.

alien.toshort,alien.tolong,alien.tofloat,and alien.todouble are like alien.toint,but works with with the respective typecasts.
Unsigned versions are also available.



After making a buffer you can pass it in place of any argument of
string or pointer type.

You can also pass a buffer or other userdata to the new method of your
struct type,and in this case this will be the backing store of the
struct instance you are creating. This is useful for unpacking a
foreign struct that a C function returned.

这似乎表明我可以使用alien.buffer作为MODULEINFO的LPVOID lpBaSEOfDll的参数.缓冲区被描述为字节数组,可以使用这种表示法对其进行索引:buf [1],buf [2]等.此外,缓冲区按字节进行,因此这将理想地解决所有问题. (如果我正确理解这一点).


有关如何通过解引用和指针算法在mod.lpBaSEOfDll中逐字节(C char-by-char)的任何见解?


I need to go byte-by-byte,and there is no alien.tochar function.


alien.tostring takes a userdata (usually returned from a function that has a pointer return value),and returns a Lua string. You can supply an optional size argument (if you don’t Alien calls strlen on the buffer first).



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