Check the backups
;with Radhe as ( SELECT @@Servername as [Server_Name],B.name as Database_Name,ISNULL(STR(ABS(DATEDIFF(day,GetDate(),MAX(Backup_finish_date)))),'NEVER') as DaysSinceLastBackup,ISNULL(Convert(char(11),MAX(backup_finish_date),113)+ ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8),108),'NEVER') as LastBackupDate,BackupSize_GB=CAST(COALESCE(MAX(A.BACKUP_SIZE),0)/1024.00/1024.00/1024.00 AS NUMERIC(18,2)),BackupSize_MB=CAST(COALESCE(MAX(A.BACKUP_SIZE),0)/1024.00/1024.00 AS NUMERIC(18,media_set_id = MAX(A.media_set_id),[AVG Backup Duration]= AVG(CAST(DATEDIFF(s,A.backup_start_date,A.backup_finish_date) AS int)),[Longest Backup Duration]= MAX(CAST(DATEDIFF(s,A.type FROM sys.databases B LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.backupset A ON A.database_name = B.name AND A.is_copy_only = 0 AND (A.type = 'D') --'D' full,'L' log GROUP BY B.Name,A.type ) SELECT r.[Server_Name],r.Database_Name,[Backup Type] = r.type,r.DaysSinceLastBackup,r.LastBackupDate,r.BackupSize_GB,r.BackupSize_MB,F.physical_device_name,r.[AVG Backup Duration],r.[Longest Backup Duration] FROM Radhe r LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily F ON R.media_set_id = F.media_set_id ORDER BY r.Server_Name,r.Database_Name
For checking the security:
Server Level and Database Permissions by Kenneth Fisher
Checking the restores:
DECLARE @dbname sysname,@days int SET @dbname = NULL --substitute for whatever database name you want SET @days = -30 --prevIoUs number of days,script will default to 30 SELECT rsh.destination_database_name AS [Database],rsh.user_name AS [Restored By],CASE WHEN rsh.restore_type = 'D' THEN 'Database' WHEN rsh.restore_type = 'F' THEN 'File' WHEN rsh.restore_type = 'G' THEN 'Filegroup' WHEN rsh.restore_type = 'I' THEN 'Differential' WHEN rsh.restore_type = 'L' THEN 'Log' WHEN rsh.restore_type = 'V' THEN 'Verifyonly' WHEN rsh.restore_type = 'R' THEN 'Revert' ELSE rsh.restore_type END AS [Restore Type],rsh.restore_date AS [Restore Started],bmf.physical_device_name AS [Restored From],rf.destination_phys_name AS [Restored To] FROM msdb.dbo.restorehistory rsh INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.backupset bs ON rsh.backup_set_id = bs.backup_set_id INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.restorefile rf ON rsh.restore_history_id = rf.restore_history_id INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily bmf ON bmf.media_set_id = bs.media_set_id WHERE rsh.restore_date >= DATEADD(dd,ISNULL(@days,-30),GETDATE()) --want to search for prevIoUs days --AND destination_database_name = ISNULL(@dbname,destination_database_name) --if no dbname,then return all ORDER BY rsh.restore_history_id DESC GO
--first thing - go to the publisher DB and find out the distributor server and DB sp_helpdistributor -- go to the distributor server and DB found above and run the following: sp_replmonitorhelppublication null
--============================================================================== -- query that shows the current state of each database in the mirroring --============================================================================== SELECT db_name(sd.[database_id]) AS [Database Name],sd.mirroring_state AS [Mirror State],sd.mirroring_state_desc AS [Mirror State],sd.mirroring_partner_name AS [Partner Name],sd.mirroring_role_desc AS [Mirror Role],sd.mirroring_safety_level_desc AS [Safety Level],sd.mirroring_witness_name AS [Witness],sd.mirroring_connection_timeout AS [Timeout(sec)] FROM sys.database_mirroring AS sd WHERE mirroring_guid IS NOT null ORDER BY [Database Name];
我用的是the script by Rudy Panigas
-- Always On Status Report -- -- This script will show the status of the Alway On replication status SELECT disTINCT primary_replica as 'Primary Server',[endpoint_url] as 'End Point URL',primary_recovery_health_desc as 'Primary Server Health Status',secondary_recovery_health_desc as 'Secondary Server Health Status',operational_state_desc as 'Operational State',connected_state_desc as 'Connection State',recovery_health_desc as 'Recovery Health',synchronization_state_desc as 'Synchronization State',database_state_desc as 'Database State',JOIN_state_desc as 'Join State',suspend_reason_desc as 'Suspended Reason',availability_mode_desc as 'Availability Mode',failover_mode_desc as 'Failover Mode',primary_role_allow_connections_desc as 'Primary Connections Allowed',secondary_role_allow_connections_desc as 'Secondary Connections Allowed',create_date as 'Date Created',modify_date as 'Date Modified',[backup_priority] as 'Backup Priority',role_desc as 'Role Type',last_connect_error_description as 'Last Connection Error',last_connect_error_timestamp as 'Last Connection Error Time',last_sent_time as 'Last Data Send Time',last_received_time as 'Last Data Recieved TIme',last_hardened_time as 'Last Hardened Time',last_redone_time as 'Last Redone Time',log_send_queue_size as 'Log Send Queue Size',log_send_rate as 'Log Send Rate',redo_queue_size as 'Redo Queue Size',redo_rate as 'Rate of Redo',filestream_send_rate as 'Filestream Send Rate',last_commit_time as ' Last Commit Time',low_water_mark_for_ghosts as 'Low Water Mark for Ghosts' FROM sys.dm_hadr_availability_group_states JOIN sys.availability_replicas ON sys.dm_hadr_availability_group_states.group_id = sys.availability_replicas.group_id JOIN sys.dm_hadr_availability_replica_cluster_states ON sys.dm_hadr_availability_group_states.group_id = sys.dm_hadr_availability_replica_cluster_states.group_id JOIN sys.dm_hadr_availability_replica_states ON sys.dm_hadr_availability_group_states.group_id = sys.dm_hadr_availability_replica_states.group_id JOIN sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_states ON sys.dm_hadr_availability_group_states.group_id = sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_states.group_id WHERE operational_state_desc IS NOT NULL AND database_state_desc IS NOT NULL ORDER BY [endpoint_url] DESC -- Testing section /* -- Suspend replication from primary ALTER DATABASE [AdventureWorksLT2008] SET HADR SUSPEND -- Resume replication from secondary ALTER DATABASE [AdventureWorksLT2008] SET HADR RESUME -- Force a manual failover of replication with data loss. MUST EXECUTE ON SECONDARY sql SERVER ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP [AG-AdventureWorksLT2008] FORCE_FAIlovER_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS; -- Force a manual failover of replication with NO data loss MUST EXECUTE ON SECONDARY sql SERVER --- YOU MUST EXECUTE THE FOLLOWING SCRIPT IN sqlCMD MODE. --Connect VDV1OPS03 ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP [AG-AdventureWorksLT2008] FAIlovER; GO --- YOU MUST EXECUTE THE FOLLOWING SCRIPT IN sqlCMD MODE. --:Connect OPSDBSRV ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP [AG-AdventureWorksLT2008] FAIlovER; GO */
Log Shipping:
Different ways to monitor Log Shipping for SQL Server databases
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