
ucos iii 任务栈使用率统计方法


修改文件 os_cfg.h中的 OS_CFG_STAT_TASK_STK_CHK_EN宏。

                                                           /* -------------------------- TASK MANAGEMENT -------------------------- */
#define OS_CFG_STAT_TASK_EN             DEF_ENABLED        /* Enable (DEF_ENABLED) the statistics task                              */
#define OS_CFG_STAT_TASK_STK_CHK_EN     DEF_ENABLED        /*     Check task stacks (DEF_ENABLED) from the statistic task           */



void  OSTaskCreate (OS_TCB        *p_tcb,
                    cpu_CHAR const*p_name,
                    OS_TASK_PTR    p_task,
                    void          *p_arg,
                    OS_PRIO        prio,
                    cpu_STK       *p_stk_base,
                    cpu_STK_SIZE   stk_limit,
                    cpu_STK_SIZE   stk_size,
                    OS_MSG_QTY     q_size,
                    OS_TICK        time_quanta,
                    void          *p_ext,
                    OS_OPT         opt,
                    OS_ERR        *p_err)


*              opt            contains additional information (or options) about the behavior of the task.
*                             See OS_OPT_TASK_xxx in OS.H.  Current choices are:
*                                 OS_OPT_TASK_NONE            No option selected
*                                 OS_OPT_TASK_STK_CHK         Stack checking to be allowed for the task
*                                 OS_OPT_TASK_STK_CLR         Clear the stack when the task is created
*                                 OS_OPT_TASK_SAVE_FP         If the cpu has floating-point registers, save them
*                                                             during a context switch.
*                                 OS_OPT_TASK_NO_TLS          If the caller doesn't want or need TLS (Thread Local
*                                                             Storage) support for the task.  If you do not include this
*                                                             option, TLS will be supported by default.

则在创建任务时加入 OS_OPT_TASK_STK_CHK标志,则任务在创建时会开启统计功能



*                                                    STACK CHECKING
* Description: This function is called to calculate the amount of free memory left on the specified task's stack.
* Arguments  : p_tcb       is a pointer to the TCB of the task to check.  If you specify a NULL pointer then
*                          you are specifying that you want to check the stack of the current task.
*              p_free      is a pointer to a variable that will receive the number of free 'entries' on the task's stack.
*              p_used      is a pointer to a variable that will receive the number of used 'entries' on the task's stack.
*              p_err       is a pointer to a variable that will contain an error code.
*                              OS_ERR_NONE               Upon success
*                              OS_ERR_PTR_INVALID        If either 'p_free' or 'p_used' are NULL pointers
*                              OS_ERR_TASK_NOT_EXIST     If the stack pointer of the task is a NULL pointer
*                              OS_ERR_TASK_OPT           If you did NOT specified OS_OPT_TASK_STK_CHK when the task
*                                                        was created
*                              OS_ERR_TASK_STK_CHK_ISR   You called this function from an ISR
* Returns    : none
* Note(s)    : none

void  OSTaskStkChk (OS_TCB        *p_tcb,
                    cpu_STK_SIZE  *p_free,
                    cpu_STK_SIZE  *p_used,
                    OS_ERR        *p_err);
  • p_tcb:所需信息的任务控制块
  • p_free:指针变量,保存当前任务控制块的剩余任务栈
  • p_used:指针变量,保存当前任务控制块的使用任务栈



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