我一直在为PHP做一个CSS minifier,除了一件事:
这将检测-webkit,-moz等所有实例的border-radius并合并它们或者我将{vendor} border-radius放入CSS文件中,然后将其替换为-webkit-, – moz-,或无.第一个是理想的,因为我希望它可以扩展到其他项目.
“Something like this belongs to the server-side”
A server side script would need to add all prefixes, making the size of the CSS file considerably larger. Also, it should maintain a list of features that need prefixes, or add them all and unnecessarily bloat the stylesheet. -prefix-free automatically detects what needs a prefix and what doesn’t.
以及链接到的interview with its author:
“This is something better done on the server. Do it once instead of on every pageload”
What -prefix-free exactly does, is impossible to do in the server. -prefix-free detects which features need a prefix and only adds it if needed. Also, it automatically detects which properties are available that need a prefix. It doesn’t have to keep lists of which prefixes to add for which features, everything gets feature detected, and thus is very future proof. With preprocessors, lists need to be maintained about this sort of stuff. Such lists are doomed to be incomplete and quickly get out of date. Every server-side prefixer I ever tried fails in a number of cases.
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