

PHP中将session保存到数据库代码感兴趣的小伙伴,下面一起跟随编程之家 jb51.cc的小编两巴掌来看看吧!

 * PHP中将session保存到数据库代码
 * @param 
 * @arrange 512-笔记网: 512Pic.com
// 'sessions' table schema
// create table sessions (
//   session_id char(32) not null,//   session_data text not null,//   session_expiration int(11) unsigned not null,//   primary key (session_id));
include_once 'DB.PHP';
// Global Variables
$dbh = NULL;
function on_session_start ($save_path,$session_name) {
	global $dbh;
	$dbh = DB::connect('MysqL://user:secret@localhost/SITE_SESSIONS',true);
	if (DB::isError($dbh)) {
		die(sprintf('Error [%d]: %s',$dbh->getCode(),$dbh->getMessage()));
function on_session_end ()
   // nothing needs to be done in this function
   // since we used persistent connection.
function on_session_read ($key)
	global $dbh;
	$stmt = select session_data from sessions;
	$stmt .=  where session_id = '$key';
	$stmt .=  and session_expiration > Now();
	$sth = $dbh->query($sth);
	$row = $sth->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
	return $row['session_data'];
function on_session_write ($key,$val)
	global $dbh;
	$val = addslashes($val);
	$insert_stmt = insert into sessions values('$key','$val',Now() + 3600);
	$update_stmt = update sessions set session_data = '$val',;
	$update_stmt .= session_expiration = Now() + 3600 ;
	$update_stmt .= where session_id = '$key';
	// First we try to insert,if that doesn't succeed,it means
	// session is already in the table and we try to update
	if (DB::isError($dbh->query($insert_stmt)))
function on_session_destroy ($key)
	global $dbh;
   $stmt = delete from sessions where session_id = '$key';
function on_session_gc ($max_lifetime)
	global $dbh;
	// In this example,we don't use $max_lifetime parameter
	// We simply delete all sessions that have expired
	$stmt = delete from sessions where session_expiration < Now();
session_start ();
// Register the $counter variable as part
// of the session
session_register (counter);
// Set the save handlers
session_set_save_handler (on_session_start,on_session_end,on_session_read,on_session_write,on_session_destroy,on_session_gc);
// Let's see what it does
print $counter;

/***   来自编程之家 jb51.cc(jb51.cc)   ***/


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