


Objects (32)

  • Geoserver
    Last update: 2009-03-11 16:35:08
    The GeoServer project is a full transactional Java (J2EE) implementation of the OpenGIS Consortiums Web Feature Server (WFS) specification. Additionally a OGC Web Map Server (WMS) and support for WCS (Web Coverage Service) and WMS Raster is realised.
  • UMN MapServer
    Last update: 2009-12-22 17:13:12
    The heart of UMN MapServer is a CGI-based application for delivering dynamic GIS and image processing content via the World-Wide Web (WWW). The package also contains a number of stand alone applications for building maps,scalebars and legends offline. Access to the development environment of MapServer is possible with a number of different programming languages.
  • http://www.mapserver.org/
    Last update: 2010-05-31 15:36:26
    Last update: 2008-12-16 08:11:29
    PostGIS adds support for geographic objects to the PostgreSQL object-relational database. In effect,PostGIS "spatially enables" the PostgreSQL server,allowing it to be used as a backend for GIS.

    PostGIS/PostgreSQL includes the following functionality:

    • Simple Features as defined by the OpenGIS Consortium (OGC)
    • Support for Well-Known Text and Well-Known Binary representations of GIS objects
    • Fast spatial indexing using GiST
    • Geospatial analysis functions
    • PostgreSQL JDBC extension objects corresponding to the geometries
    • Support for OGC access functions as defined by the Simple Features Specification
  • Quantum GIS (QGIS)
    Last update: 2010-03-02 15:55:08
    Quantum GIS (QGIS) is a user friendly Geographic Information System (GIS). QGIS supports vector,raster,and database formats. It supports many common spatial data formats. QGIS supports plugins to do things like display tracks from GPS or served online spatial data as OGC-compliant WMS or WFS.
  • Thuban
    Last update: 2009-09-23 11:11:50
    Thuban is an interactive geographic data viewer. Main features are its cross-plattform GUI,extensability and flexibility for deriving individual GIS applications. Thuban is implemented with wxPython which allows its GUI to blend in with desktop on different platforms.
  • geos (Geometry Engine Open Source (GEOS))
    Last update: 2009-03-20 09:29:36
    GEOS (Geometry Engine - Open Source) is a C++ port of the Java Topology Suite (JTS). As such,it aims to contain the complete functionality of JTS in C++. This includes all the OpenGIS "Simple Features for SQL" spatial predicate functions and spatial operators,as well as specific JTS topology functions such as IsValid().
  • uDig
    Last update: 2008-10-31 20:32:31
    uDig is a spatial data viewer/editor,with special emphasis on the OGC standards for internet GIS,the Web Map Server and Web Feature Server standards. uDig provides a common Java/Eclipse platform for building spatial applications with open source components.
  • edbs2wkt
    Last update: 2007-09-04 19:26:47
    Konverting the GIS-Format EDBS to Spatial-Database PostGIS and other using the Well Known Text-Interface. EDBS is a German Fileformat from ALK (Automatisierte Liegenschaftskarte).
  • edbsilon
    Last update: 2007-09-04 19:28:55
    edbsilon is a converter for data coming in EDBS or BZSN. After reading the EDBS- resp. BZSN-files the converter exports into various format,such as Oracle,PostGIS,Shapefiles and many others.
  • GeoTools
    Last update: 2008-10-09 22:02:05
    GeoTools is Java code library which provides standards compliant methods for the manipulation of geospatial data,for example to implement Geographic Information Systems. The GeoTools library implements OGC specifications as they are developed,in close collaboration with the GeoAPI and GeoWidgets projects.
  • PrimaGIS
    Last update: 2006-02-22 11:22:51
    PrimaGIS is a collaborative Web mapping application for Plone that is built on top of MapServer,Python Cartographic Library (PCL),and Cartographic Objects for Zope (ZCO). In addition to supporting traditional spatial data sources (e.g. shapefiles,PostGIS databases,raster images,and WMS/WFS services),it allows users to combine data from a content management system (Plone) within the maps.
  • OrbisCAD
    Last update: 2006-03-10 10:49:27
    OrbisCAD is the community precise cartography editor which allows reading shapefiles,postGIS,DXF,DGN (7.0) and DWG (2000) and writing shapefiles and postGIS. It can access any vectorial format since it is built upon GDBMS. OrbisCAD is a plugin driven application so it can be extended easily by writing plugins,creating editing tools,scripting and vectorial format drivers.
  • e00pg
    Last update: 2007-09-04 19:20:20
    e00ps translates e00 tables to sql scripts suitable to be run in a PostGIS-enabled PostgreSQL database. e00pg does not support raster grids. Polygon topology is not formed in output features. The PAL section is copied "as is". All arcs come output as LINESTRING geometries.
  • shp2svg
    Last update: 2006-09-07 22:43:53
    shp2svg is a converter from Shapefile format to Scaleable Vector Graphic format (SVG).
  • mezoGIS
    Last update: 2007-02-05 15:33:19
    mezoGIS is a desktop GIS application operating on external PostGIS databases. The goal of mezoGIS is to provide a tool for geo-spatial analysis with PostGIS,through on-the-fly SQL queries as well as through larger,external plugin scripts.
  • pgRouting
    Last update: 2007-06-21 22:52:48
    This project's main objective is to provide routing functionality to PostGIS / PostgreSQL. pgRouting is part of PostLBS,which provides core tools for Location Based Services (LBS). Core functionalities are Shortest Path Dijkstra (routing without heuristics),Shortest Path A* (routing for large data sets),Shortest Path Shooting Star (routing with turn restrictions),Traveling Sales Person (TSP) and Driving Distance calculation.
  • zigGIS
    Last update: 2007-11-23 21:18:23
    ESRI ArcGIS connector for connecting to PostGIS.
  • kvwmap
    Last update: 2008-02-23 11:00:43
    kvwmap is a complex WebGIS-Client and -Server solution especially for eGovernment-purposes written in PHP using UMN-Mapserver-technologies,MySQL- and PostgreSQL/PostGIS-databases,SVG. The MapClient GUI use HTML,SVG,JavaScript and partly AJAX,is user and role dependent and configurable in a MySQL Database. The application is dealing with map content available through umn-mapserver-mapscript and direct PostGIS data access. Developers can create their own custom templates. Special prepared GUI′s provide a set of functionality to manipulate data set.
  • AV PostGIS Connection Extension (avpgcon)
    Last update: 2006-10-19 22:46:41
    An ArcView 3.x extension for upload/download to/from PostGIS tables. Supports PostGIS theme queries.
  • Mapyrus
    Last update: 2009-02-19 09:19:02
    Mapyrus is software for creating plots of points,lines,polygons and labels to PostScript,PDF and web image output formats. The software combines the following three components: A Logo or turtle graphics language,reading of GIS datasets and RDBMS tables,running as a stand-alone program or as a web-server.
  • Open 3D GIS
    Last update: 2005-09-20 09:12:35
    The main goal is a simple way to display 3D objects from a Geodatabase on the Web. The core idea is to use a Blender 3D game engine and a PostGIS connection to generate a ".blend" file to the Blender WEB plug-in.
  • AppForMap
    Last update: 2006-03-14 00:26:27
    AppForMap is a web based client for OGC Web Map Servers (WMS),php/mapscript and spatial enabled databases (PostGIS). It provides an HTML / javascript interface for querying wms servers/mapscript and querying/inserting/updating features in PostGreSQL/PostGIS.
  • Hibernate Spatial
    Last update: 2009-02-19 09:00:11
    Hibernate Spatial is a extension to the Hibernate Object Relational Mapping Java library for handling geographic data. It abstracts away from the specific way a database supports geographic data,and provides a standardized,cross-database interface to geographic data storage and query functions. Hibernate Spatial supports most of the functions of the OGC Simple Feature Specification. Supported databases are: Oracle 10g/11g and Postgresql/Postgis.
  • GeoTypes
    Last update: 2007-10-21 15:50:37
    GeoTypes is a python library that implements both the OpenGIS/Postgis and standard Postgresql geometry types,it integrates with the psycopg python/Postgresql interface.
  • dxf2postgis
    Last update: 2007-10-21 16:02:05
    A tool to convert DXF files to PostGIS geometry tables. A single DXF file is converted to a PostgreSQL/PostGIS SQL script to create and populate 4 tables,using the AutoCAD information of point,line,polyline,text,circle,insert.
  • PostGIS - ArcMap Connector Project (PgArc)
    Last update: 2006-01-10 12:10:20
    This project produces an Extension and VBA module that allows ESRIs ArcMap (v8.x) product to access Open Source Postgresql/PostGIS spatial data tables. Includes importing tables and exporting/updating back to the database.
  • phpPgGIS
    Last update: 2006-05-25 01:45:14
    phpPgGIS is a PHP Web system to manage PostgreSQL/PostGIS. It was developed based on phpPgAdmin and MapServer.
  • IvyGIS
    Last update: 2006-08-21 21:42:25
    IvyGIS is a framework for producing Google-maps style displays of MapServer maps and PostGIS data in Rails applications.
  • acadmap2pgsql
    Last update: 2007-08-22 08:29:13
    The program is an converter of Autodesk Map to the PostgreSQL/PostGIS database management system. The function of the program is to convert all geometrical information and the combined object data into SQL-commands and to issue a pgsql-dump.
  • WKB4J
    Last update: 2003-09-10 17:40:39
    WKB4J is a small Java toolkit designed to parse the WKB format and convert the data into Java objects. It is portable and can work with different Java geographical toolkits. Right now,WKB4J supports the following toolkits:
    • OpenMap,
    • JTS,
    • PostGIS
  • GeoRuby
    Last update: 2007-01-26 11:30:05
    GeoRuby provides geometric data types from the OGC "Simple Features" specification. A plugin for Rails which manages PostGIS and MySQL geometric columns in a transparent way is also provided. Other stuff: some support for GeoRSS,KML,SHP.

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文章浏览阅读1.6k次。表分区是解决一些因单表过大引用的性能问题的方式,比如某张表过大就会造成查询变慢,可能分区是一种解决方案。一般建议当单表大小超过内存就可以考虑表分区了。1,继承式分区,分为触发器(trigger)和规则(rule)两种方式触发器的方式1)创建表CREATE TABLE "public"."track_info_trigger_partition" ( "id" serial, "object_type" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "object_name..._pg数据表分区的实现
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文章浏览阅读4.7k次。在项目中用到了多数据源,在连接postgres数据库时,项目启动报错,说数据库连接错误,说dual不存在,网上好多教程都是说数据库查询的时候的大小写问题,而这个仅仅是连接,咋鞥却处理方法是修改application-dev.yml中的配置文件.项目中的druid参数是这样的:确实在配置文件中有个查询语句。_relation "dual" does not exist
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