









import random class bankUser: # 卡号,用户姓名,身份证号,手机,预存,密码 Count_id = "" Count_Name = "" Count_IDCard = "" Count_phone = "" Count_Money = 0.00 Count_password = "" Count_Root = True def __init__(self, Count_id, Count_IDCard, Count_Name, Count_phone, Count_Money, Count_password, Count_Root): self.Count_id = Count_id self.Count_IDCard = Count_IDCard self.Count_phone = Count_phone self.Count_Money = Count_Money self.Count_password = Count_password self.Count_Root = Count_Root self.Count_Name = Count_Name class DaoServer: # 检测账号是否已经被锁 def isLock(self, i_id): with open("F:\userFile.txt", 'r') as seaFile: mes = seaFile.readlines() for index in mes: matchId = index.split("~")[0] if matchId == i_id and index.split("~")[6] is False: return True pass return False # 作用1:开户匹配是否有同样的身份证注册这个账户,有就返回假,没有返回真。传的参数是身份证号 # 作用2:在查询时看看是否存在这个账号 def searchBlock(self, IdCard): with open("F:\userFile.txt", 'r') as seaFile: mes = seaFile.readlines() # id~pass~idcard~name~phone~money for index in mes: matchIdcard = index.split("~")[1] matchId = index.split("~")[0] if matchIdcard == IdCard or matchId == IdCard: return False pass return True # 注册账户 def register(self, user): if self.searchBlock(user.Count_IDCard): # 开始开户 a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0] # 产生的一个账号 numArray = random.sample(a, 6) # id~pass~idcard~name~phone~money # Count_id, Count_IDCard, Count_phone, Count_Money, Count_password, Count_Root # user.Count_id = ''.join(str(k) for k in numArray) # 用于生成的账户是否已经存在,如果存在就重新生成 while not self.searchBlock(user.Count_id): numArray = random.sample(a, 6) # Count_id, Count_IDCard, Count_phone, Count_Money, Count_password, Count_Root user.Count_id = ''.join(str(k) for k in numArray) line = user.Count_id + "~" + user.Count_IDCard + "~" + user.Count_Name + "~" + user.Count_phone + "~" + str( user.Count_Money) + "~" + user.Count_password + "~" + str(user.Count_Root) + "n" with open("F:\userFile.txt", 'a+') as writeFile: writeFile.writelines(line) pass return True else: return False # 验证密码和账号是否一致 # 正确返回user对象,否则返回Null def proof(self, pId, pPassword): with open("F:\userFile.txt", 'r') as proofFile: proofMes = proofFile.readlines() for pIndex in proofMes: fId = pIndex.split("~")[0] fPassword = pIndex.split("~")[5] if fId == pId and fPassword == pPassword: f = bankUser(pIndex.split("~")[0], pIndex.split("~")[1], pIndex.split("~")[2], pIndex.split("~")[3], pIndex.split("~")[4], pIndex.split("~")[5], pIndex.split("~")[6]) return f return None # 锁控制函数 + 还可以进行重新数据更新后重新写入数据 # 数据更新函数 def Lock(self, lockU, res): lId = lockU.Count_id r_mes = [] with open('F:\userFile.txt', 'r') as rFile: r_mes = rFile.readlines() for r_index in r_mes: if r_index.split("~")[0] == lId: line = lId + "~" + r_index.split("~")[1] + "~" + r_index.split("~")[2] + "~" + r_index.split("~")[ 3] + "~" + str(lockU.Count_Money) + "~" + r_index.split("~")[5] + "~" + str(res) + "n" r_mes.remove(r_index) r_mes.append(line) break pass with open('F:\userFile.txt', 'w') as file: pass with open('F:\userFile.txt', 'w') as file: for i in r_mes: file.writelines(i) pass # 查询账户 def search(self, sId, sPassword): # 看看有没有这个账户 # 参数:账户 if not self.searchBlock(sId): # 存在这个账户,然后进行账户密码验证 # 查看是否被锁定 if self.isLock(sId): print("账号有危险,程序自动退出!") exit(0) res = self.proof(sId, sPassword) n = 1 while res is None and n int(getRes.Count_Money): print("输入有误") return getRes else: money = int(input("请输入你要存的金额:")) getRes.Count_Money = int(getRes.Count_Money) + money self.Lock(getRes, True) print(getRes.Count_Money) return getRes # 获取转向那个人的目标钱数 def getGoalMoey(self, goalId): with open("F:\userFile.txt", 'r') as seaFile: mes = seaFile.readlines() for index in mes: if index.split("~")[0] == goalId: return int(index.split("~")[4]) pass # 转账 def Transfer(self, tId, tPa): rRes = self.search(tId, tPa) if rRes is not None: if self.isLock(tId): print("此账号有危险,程序自动退出!") exit(0) # 转向账号 goalId = input("请输入你要转向的那个人的账号:") if self.searchBlock(goalId): print("本行没有 ", goalId, " 这个账户") else: much = int(input("请输入你要转的金额:")) if much int(rRes.Count_Money): print("输入有误,即将退出...") return None else: u = bankUser(goalId, "", "", "", str(self.getGoalMoey(goalId) + much), "", True) # def Lock(self, lockU, res): self.Lock(u, True) rRes.Count_Money = int(rRes.Count_Money) - much self.Lock(rRes, True) print("已经完成转账!") else: print("本行没有 ", tId, " 这个账户") def welcomeView(): print("*" * 40) print("***", " " * 32, "***") print("***", " " * 32, "***") print("***", " " * 7, "欢迎登录银行管理系统", " " * 7, "***") print("***", " " * 32, "***") print("***", " " * 32, "***") print("*" * 40) def functionView(): print("*" * 50) print("***", " " * 42, "***") print("***t1.开户(1)", " " * 20, "2.查询(2)t ***") print("***t3.取款(3)", " " * 20, "5.存款(4)t ***") print("***t5.转账(5)", " " * 20, "6.锁定(6)t ***") print("***t7.解锁(7)", " " * 32, "***") print("***", " " * 42, "***") print("***t退出(Q)", " " * 35, "***") print("***", " " * 42, "***") print("*" * 50) welcomeView() print("欢迎管理员前来工作:") b = True m_id = input("请输入管理员账号:") while b: if m_id == "admine": break else: m_id = input("请重新输入管理员账号:") pas = input("请输入管理员密码:") a = True m_pas = input("请输入管理员密码:") while a: if m_pas == "123": break else: m_pas = input("请重新输入管理员密码:") functionView() type = input("请输入你的操作:") while type is not 'Q': if type == "1": u_name = input("请输入你的姓名:") u_phone = input("请输入你的电话:") u_idCard = input("请输入你的身份证号:") u_money = input("请输入你的预存金额:") u_pass = input("请输入你的密码:") u_user = bankUser("", u_idCard, u_name, u_phone, int(u_money), u_pass, True) d1 = DaoServer() boo = d1.register(u_user) if boo: print("注册成功!") else: print("注册失败!") elif type == "2": s_id = input("请输入你的账户:") s_pass = input("请输入你的密码:") d2 = DaoServer() d2.search(s_id, s_pass) elif type == "3": d3 = DaoServer() g_id = input("请输入你的账户:") g_pass = input("请输入你的密码:") d3.getorSaveMoney(1, g_id, g_pass) elif type == "4": d4 = DaoServer() s_id = input("请输入你的账户:") s_pass = input("请输入你的密码:") d4.getorSaveMoney(2, s_id, s_pass) elif type == "5": t_id = input("请输入你的账户:") t_pass = input("请输入你的密码:") d5 = DaoServer() d5.Transfer(t_id, t_pass) elif type == "6": d5 = DaoServer() p_id = input("请输入你的账户:") p_pass = input("请输入你的密码:") flag = d5.proof(p_id, p_pass) if flag is not None: d5.Lock(flag, False) print("锁定成功!") else: print("锁定失败") elif type == "7": d6 = DaoServer() ul_id = input("请输入你的账户:") ul_pass = input("请输入你的密码:") flag = d6.proof(ul_id, ul_pass) if flag is not None: d5.Lock(flag, True) print("解锁成功") else: print("解锁失败") elif type =="Q" or type == "q": exit(0) else: print("输入有误请重新输入:") type = input("请输入你的操作:") functionView()


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