1. 字符串比较函数
int StrCmp(LPCTSTR lpStr1,LPCTSTR lpStr2);
int StrCmpN(LPCTSTR lpStr1,LPCTSTR lpStr2,int nChar);
int strcmp( const char *string1,const char *string2 );
int wcscmp( const wchar_t *string1,const wchar_t *string2 );
int CompareString(LCID Locale,DWORD dwCmpFlags,LPCTSTR lpString1,int cchCount1,LPCTSTR lpString2,int cchCount2);
2. 计算字符串长度
HRESULT StringCchLength( LPCTSTR psz,size_t cchMax,size_t *pcch); //replacement for strlen
size_t strlen( const char *string );
size_t wcslen( const wchar_t *string );
3. 字符串赋值函数
HRESULT StringCchcopy(LPTSTR pszDest,size_t cchDest,LPCTSTR pszSrc); //replacement for strcpy
HRESULT StringCchcopyN(LPTSTR pszDest,LPCTSTR pszSrc,size_t cchSrc); //replacement for strncpy
LPTSTR Strcpy(LPTSTR psz1,LPCTSTR psz2); //存在安全问题
LPTSTR StrcpyN(LPTSTR psz1,LPCTSTR psz2,int cchMax); //存在安全问题
char *strcpy( char *strDestination,const char *strSource );
wchar_t *wcscpy( wchar_t *strDestination,const wchar_t *strSource );
char *strncpy( char *strDest,const char *strSource,size_t count );
wchar_t *wcsncpy( wchar_t*strDest,const wchar_t *strSource,size_t count );
4. 字符串连接函数
HRESULT StringCchCat( LPTSTR pszDest,LPCTSTR pszSrc); //replacement for strcat
HRESULT StringCchCatN( LPTSTR pszDest,size_t cchMaxAppend); //replacement for strncat
LPTSTR StrCat( LPTSTR psz1,LPCTSTR psz2); //存在安全问题
LPTSTR StrNCat( LPTSTR pszFront,LPCTSTR pszBack,int cchMax); //存在安全问题
char *strcat( char *strDestination,const char *strSource );
wchar_t *wcscat( wchar_t *strDestination,const wchar_t *strSource );
char *strncat( char *strDest,size_t count );
wchar_t *wcsncat( wchar_t *strDest,size_t count );
5. 字符查找函数
LPTSTR StrChr( LPCTSTR lpStart,TCHAR wMatch); //区分大小写
char *strchr( const char *string,int c );
wchar_t *wcschr( const wchar_t *string,wchar_t c );
LPTSTR StrChrI( LPCTSTR lpStart,TCHAR wMatch); //不区分大小写
LPTSTR StrRChr( LPCTSTR lpStart,LPCTSTR lpEnd,TCHAR wMatch); //区分大小写
char *strrchr( const char*string,int c );
wchar *wcsrchr( const wchar_t *string,int c );
LPTSTR StrRChrI( LPCTSTR lpStart,TCHAR wMatch); //不区分大小写
*注 StrRChr()函数可以通过StrChr()函数和while循环来实现。
_tcstod( const char *nptr,char **endptr )
字符串转化为double型整数(只取整数部分,不取小数)Convert strings to a long-integer value.
_tcstoul ( const char *nptr,char **endptr,int base )
_tcstol ( const char *nptr,int base )
Extracts a substring of length nCount characters from this CStringT object,starting at position iFirst (zero-based).
CStringT Mid(
int iFirst,
int nCount
) const;
CStringT Mid(
int iFirst
) const;
//typedef CStringT < TCHAR,StrTraitATL < TCHAR > > CAtlString;
CAtlString s( _T("abcdef") );
_ASSERT( s.Mid( 2,3 ) == _T("cde") );
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