
React Native导航器之react-navigation使用



1.StackNavigator :类似于普通的Navigator,屏幕上方导航栏

·routeName- 目标路由名称,将在你的app router中注册
·action-(高级)sub-action ,如果该界面是一个navigator的话,将运行这个sub-action


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class HomeScreen extends React.Component { render() { const {navigate} = this.props.navigation; return ( <View> <Text>This is the home screen of the app</Text> <Button onPress={() => navigate('Profile',{name: 'Brent'})} title="点击我跳转" /> </View> ) } }


·routeName - router配置的名称
dispatch -使用dispatch可以向任何navigation传递一些其他的action,主要支持的action有


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    import { NavigationActions } from 'react-navigation' const navigationAction = NavigationActions.navigate({ routeName: params: {},// navigate can have a nested navigate action that will be run inside the child router action: NavigationActions.navigate({ routeName: 'SubProfileRoute'}) }) this.props.navigation.dispatch(navigationAction)



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    import { NavigationActions } const resetAction = NavigationActions.reset({ index: 0,actions: [ NavigationActions.navigate({ routeName: 'Profile'}) ] }) this.props.navigation.dispatch(resetAction)



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    import { NavigationActions } const setParamsAction = NavigationActions.setParams({ // these are the new params that will be merged into the existing route params // The key of the route that should get the new params key: 'screen-123',}) this.props.navigation.dispatch(setParamsAction)



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    MyHomeScreen Component { static navigationoptions = { title: 'Home',0); Box-sizing: border-Box;">//设置navigator的title } render() { return ( //button的onPress方法,实现点击跳转界面,并且传递参数name:Lucy <Button onPress={() => this.props.navigation.navigate('Lucy'})} title="Go to Lucy's profile" /> ); } } //生成路由关系 const ModalStack = StackNavigator({ Home: { //对应界面MyHomeScreen screen: MyHomeScreen,},Profile: { path: 'people/:name',screen: MyProfileScreen,});


    option for the route(路由选项):

    ·initialRouteName -为stack设置认的界面,必须和route configs里面的一个key匹配。
    ·initialRouteParams - 初始路由的参数。
    ·navigationoptions- 屏幕导航的认选项。
    ·paths-route config里面路径设置的映射。

    Visual Option(视觉选项):

    ·mode- 定义渲染(rendering)和转换(transitions)的模式,两种选项:
    1) card-使用标准的iosAndroid的界面切换,这是认的。
    2)modal- 仅在iOS端有用,即模态出该视图。

    ·headerMode- 指定header应该如何被渲染,选项:
    1)float- 共用一个header 意思就是有title文字渐变效果
    2)screen- 各用各的header 意思就是没有title文字渐变效果
    3)none- 没有header。

    ·cardStyle- 使用该属性继承或者重载一个在stack中的card的样式。
    ·onTransitionStart- 一个函数,在换场动画开始的时候被激活。
    ·ontransitionend- 一个函数,在换场动画结束的时候被激活。


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    lass ProfileScreen extends React.Component { //设置navigation选项 static navigationoptions = { //标题 title: ({ state }) => `${state.params.name}'s Profile!`,//头部定义了一个右按钮,来改变edit的状态 ing或者完成 header: ({ state,setParams }) => ({ // Render a button on the right side of the header // When pressed switches the screen to edit mode. right: ( <Button title={state.params.editing ? 'Done' : 'Edit'} onPress={() => setParams({editing: state.params.editing ? false : true})} /> ),}),}; ...

    1)visible - bool值,header是否可见。
    2)title-标题 String或者是一个react节点
    4)right- react 节点显示在header右边,例如右按钮
    5)left- react 节点显示在header左边,例如左按钮
    7)titleStyle- header的title的style (^__^) 嘻嘻……
    8)tintColor- header的前景色
    ·cardStack- 配置card stack




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    npm install --save reactnavigation


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    import React from 'react'; import { AppRegistry,Text,} from 'react-native'; //导入stack导航组件 import { StackNavigator } from 'react-navigation'; static navigationoptions = { title: 'Welcome',0); Box-sizing: border-Box;">//标题 }; render() { return <Text>Hello,Navigation!</Text>; } } //导航注册 const SimpleApp = StackNavigator({ Home: { screen: HomeScreen },}); AppRegistry.registerComponent('SimpleApp',() => SimpleApp);



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    ChatScreen 'Chat with Lucy',}; render() { return ( <View> <Text>Chat with Lucy</Text> </View> ); } }

    4,在HomeScreen中添加一个button组件,使用routeName Chat关联到ChatScreen。

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    const { navigate } = this.props.navigation; return ( <View> <Text>Hello,Chat App!</Text> <Button onPress={() => navigate('Chat')} title="Chat with Lucy" /> </View> ); } }


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    //新添加页面 });


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    Component { static navigationoptions = { title: //设置标题内容 }; render() { const { navigate } = this.props.navigation; return ( <View> <Text>Hello,Navigation!</Text> <Button onPress={() => navigate('Chat',{user:'Lucy'})} title="Chat with Lucy"/> </View> ); } } const SimpleApp = StackNavigator({ Home: {screen: HomeScreen},Chat:{screen:ChatScreen},});




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  • constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = {}; } ... if(navigator) { navigator.push({ name: 'SecondPageComponent',component: SecondPageComponent,params:{ user:this.state.user,pwd:this.state.pwd } }) }


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  • onChangeText={(text) => this.setState({user: text})}


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  • componentDidMount() { //这里获取从FirstPageComponent传递过来的参数: id this.setState({ user:this.props.user,pwd:this.pwd }); }


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  • value={this.state.user }


    对于 react-navigation参数的传递,使用上比较简单,只需要在navigate中加一个json格式的对象即可,如:

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  • navigate('Lucy' })


    static navigationoptions = {
        // Nav options can be defined as a function of the navigation prop:
        title: ({ state }) => `Chat with ${state.params.user}`,};
      render() {
        // The screen's current route is passed in to `props.navigation.state`:
        const { params } = this.props.navigation.state;
        return (
            <Text>Chat with {params.user}</Text>




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    // 注册tabs const Tabs = TabNavigator({ Home: { screen: Home,navigationoptions: { // 也可以写在组件的static navigationoptions内 tabBar: { label: '首页',icon: ({tintColor}) => (<Image source={require('./app/images/home.png')} style={[{tintColor: tintColor},styles.icon]}/>),} },Bill: { screen: Bill,navigationoptions: { tabBar: { label: '账单',0); Box-sizing: border-Box;">'./app/images/bill.png')} style={[{tintColor: tintColor},Me: { screen: Me,0); Box-sizing: border-Box;">'我',0); Box-sizing: border-Box;">'./app/images/me.png')} style={[{tintColor: tintColor},} } },{ animationEnabled: false,0); Box-sizing: border-Box;">// 切换页面时是否有动画效果 tabBarPosition: 'bottom',0); Box-sizing: border-Box;">// 显示在底端,android 认是显示页面顶端的 swipeEnabled: // 是否可以左右滑动切换tab backBehavior: 'none',0); Box-sizing: border-Box;">// 按 back 键是否跳转到第一个Tab(首页), none 为不跳转 tabBarOptions: { activeTintColor: '#ff8500',0); Box-sizing: border-Box;">// 文字图片选中颜色 inactiveTintColor: '#999',0); Box-sizing: border-Box;">// 文字图片未选中颜色 showIcon: true,0); Box-sizing: border-Box;">// android 不显示 icon,需要设置为 true 才会显示 indicatorStyle: { height: 0 // 如TabBar下面显示有一条线,可以设高度为0后隐藏 },style: { backgroundColor: '#fff',0); Box-sizing: border-Box;">// TabBar 背景色 // height: 44 },labelStyle: { fontSize: 10,0); Box-sizing: border-Box;">// 文字大小 },});



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    const DrawerNav = DrawerNavigator({ Home: { screen: Home },Bill: { screen: Bill },Me: { screen: Me },HomeTwo: { screen: HomeTwo },HomeThree: { screen: HomeThree },HomeFour: { screen: HomeFour },BillTwo: { screen: BillTwo },BillThree: { screen: BillThree } },{ drawerWidth: 200,0); Box-sizing: border-Box;">// 抽屉宽 drawerPosition: 'left',0); Box-sizing: border-Box;">// 抽屉在左边还是右边 // contentComponent: CustomDrawerContentComponent,// 自定义抽屉组件 contentOptions: { initialRouteName: Home,0); Box-sizing: border-Box;">// 页面组件 activeTintColor: 'white',0); Box-sizing: border-Box;">// 选中文字颜色 activeBackgroundColor: // 选中背景颜色 inactiveTintColor: '#666',0); Box-sizing: border-Box;">// 未选中文字颜色 inactiveBackgroundColor: // 未选中背景颜色 style: { // 样式 } } });



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    - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(Nsstring *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation { return [RCTLinkingManager application:application openURL:url sourceApplication:sourceApplication annotation:annotation]; }

    js组件在注册路由时设置唯一的路径path,例如Home2: { screen: Home2,path:’app/Home2’ };
    在手机浏览器访问demo4://app/Home2,弹窗选择打开,就可以打开demo4 app并进到Home2页面



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    /** * Sample React Native App * https://github.com/facebook/react-native * @flow */ import React,{ Component } from 'react'; import TabNavigator from 'react-native-tab-navigator'; import { AppRegistry,StyleSheet,Image,View } from 'react-native'; const TabNavigatorItem =TabNavigator.Item; //认选项 const TAB_HOME_norMAL=require('./image/tabbar_homepage.png'); const TAB_mine_norMAL='./image/tabbar_mine.png'); //选中 const TAB_HOME_PRESS='./image/tabbar_homepage_selected.png'); const TAB_mine_PRESS='./image/tabbar_mine_selected.png'); export default HelloWord Component { //认选中 constructor(){ super(); this.state={ selectedTab://点击方法 onPress(tabName){ if(tabName){ this.setState({ selectedTab:tabName,} ); } } //渲染选项 renderTabView(title,tabName,tabContent,isBadge){ var tabNomal; var tabPress; switch (tabName) { case 'Home': tabNomal=TAB_HOME_norMAL; tabPress=TAB_HOME_PRESS; break; case 'mine': tabNomal=TAB_mine_norMAL; tabPress=TAB_mine_PRESS; break; default: } return( <TabNavigatorItem selected={this.state.selectedTab===tabName} title={title} titleStyle={styles.tabText} selectedTitleStyle={styles.selectedTabText} renderIcon={()=><Image style={styles.icon} source={tabNomal}/>} renderSelectedIcon={()=><Image style={styles.icon} source={tabPress}/>} onPress={()=>this.onPress(tabName)} renderBadge={()=>isBadge?<View style={styles.badgeView}><Text style={styles.badgeText}>15</Text></View>:null} > <View style={styles.page}><Text>{tabContent}</Text></View> </TabNavigatorItem> ); } //自定义TabView tabBarView(){ return ( <TabNavigator tabBarStyle={styles.tab} > {this.renderTabView('首页模块',true)} {'我的',0); Box-sizing: border-Box;">'mine',0); Box-sizing: border-Box;">'我的模块',102); Box-sizing: border-Box;">false)} </TabNavigator> ); } //渲染界面 render() { var tabView=this.tabBarView(); return ( <View style={styles.container}> {tabView} </View> ); } } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1 },tabText: { fontSize: color: 'black' },0);">selectedTabText: { 'green' },0);">tab:{ height: 52,0);">alignItems:'center',0);">backgroundColor:'#f4f5f6',0);">tabIcon:{ width:25,0);">height:badgeView:{ 22,102); Box-sizing: border-Box;">14,0); Box-sizing: border-Box;">'#f85959',0);">borderWidth:1,0);">marginLeft:marginTop:3,0);">borderColor:'#FFF',0);">justifyContent:borderRadius:8,0);">badgeText:{ color:fontSize:icon: { width: 22 },0);">page: { justifyContent: alignItems: backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF' },}); AppRegistry.registerComponent('HelloWord',() => HelloWord);

    参考:React Native页面参数传递


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