
ruby-on-rails-3 – 最佳实践,写真正的bdd黄瓜功能/场景

我们是bdd / cucumber的新手,并讨论如何编写正确的功能/场景.


Feature: Give access to dossiers to other registered users
  As a logged in user
  In order to show my dossier to other users
  I want to give other users (limited) access to my dossiers

    Given I am logged in as "Oliver"
    And another user "Pascal" exists
    And another user "Tobias" exists

  Scenario: I can give access to my own dossier
    When I grant access to "Pascal" with permisson "readonly"
    Then I should see "Access granted."
    And user "Pascal" should have permission "readonly" on dossier "Oliver"

  Scenario: I can give access to a created dossier
    Given I created a new dossier "Max Müller"
    When I grant access on dossier "Max Müller" to "Pascal" with permisson "readonly"
    Then I should see "Access granted."
    And user "Pascal" should have permission "readonly" on dossier "Max Müller"

  Scenario: I can give access to a managed dossier
    Given I manage the dossier from "Tobias"
    When I grant access on dossier "Tobias" to "Pascal" with permisson "readonly"
    Then I should see "Access granted."
    And user "Pascal" should have permission "readonly" on dossier "Tobias"

  Scenario: I cannot give access to a writable dossier
    Given I have write access to the dossier from "Tobias"
    When I follow "Grant access"
    Then I should see "You are not allowed to grant access on this dossier."

  Scenario: I cannot give access to a readonly dossier
    Given I have readonly access to the dossier from "Tobias"
    When I follow "Grant access"
    Then I should see "You are not allowed to grant access on this dossier."

  Scenario: I can give access to a dossier with an expiration date
    Given I created a new dossier "Max Müller"
    When I grant access on dossier "Max Müller" to "Pascal" with permisson "readonly" until "2020-01-01"
    Then I should see "Access granted till 2020-01-01."
    And user "Pascal" should have permission "readonly" on dossier "Max Müller" until "2020-01-01"

  Scenario: I cannot transfer a created dossier to a new owner who is already registered
    Given I created a new dossier "Max Müller"
    When I transfer dossier "Max Müller" to "Pascal"
    Then I should see "Pascal already has a dossier,transfer not possible."


Feature: Grant access on dossiers to registered users
  As a logged in user
  In order to allow others to view/ manage dossiers I have access to
  I want to give access of those to other users

    Given I am logged in as "gucki@email.com"
    And I am working with my own dossier

  Scenario: Invalid data entered 
    When I visit the grant dossier access page
    And I press "Grant access"
    Then I should see a validation error on "email-address"

  Scenario: Valid data entered 
    Given a user "pascal@email.com" exists
    When I visit the grant dossier access page
    And I fill in "email-address" with "pascal@email.com"
    And I select "readonly" from "Permissions"
    And I press "Grant access"
    Then I should see "Access granted."
    And I should be on the dossiers page

  Scenario: Valid data entered with expiry date 
    Given a user "pascal@email.com" exists
    When I visit the grant dossier access page
    And I fill in "email-address" with "pascal@email.com"
    And I select "readonly" from "Permissions"
    And I fill in "Valid until" with "2010-03-01"
    And I press "Grant access"
    Then I should see "Access granted till 2010-03-01."
    And I should be on the dossiers page

  Scenario: display calendar on click on "Valid until"
    When I click on the field "Valid until"
    Then a calendar popup should be displayed
    When I click on "1943-01-02"
    Then the field "Valid until" should be have "1943-01-02"
    And the calendar popup should be hidden

  Scenario: Only allow to grant access to categories I have access to myself
    Given I have limited access to the working dossier 
    When I visit the grant dossier access page
    Then I should not see categories I have no access to

  Scenario: Dossier with permission "manager" can only grant readonly,readwrite
    Given I have the permission "manager" on my working dossier 
    When I visit the grant dossier access page
    Then I should only see the permissions "readonly,readwrite"

  Scenario: Dossier with permission "readwrite" is not allowed to grant any permissions
    Given I have the permission "readwrite" on my working dossier 
    When I visit the grant dossier access page
    Then I should the see the error "You cannot grant access on this dossier!"
    And I should be on the dossiers page








> http://benmabey.com/2008/05/19/imperative-vs-declarative-scenarios-in-user-stories.html
> http://dannorth.net/2011/01/31/whose-domain-is-it-anyway/
> http://elabs.se/blog/15-you-re-cuking-it-wrong



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