
sqlite 's readme for sqlite3-doc package

This directory contains source code to 此目录内容如下: sqlite: An Embeddable sql Database Engine To compile the project,first create a directory in which to place the build products. It is recommended,but not required,that the build directory be separate from the source directory. Cd into the build directory and then from the build directory run the configure script found at the root of the source tree. Then run "make". sqlite:一个嵌入式的sql数据库项目。第一,创建一个目录空间,运行 configure 脚本找到 root的源码树。这时运行 make. For example: 例如: tar xzf sqlite.tar.gz ;# Unpack the source tree into "sqlite" 解压源码树到 sqlite mkdir bld ;# Build will occur in a sibling directory 建立一个 bld 文件夹 cd bld ;# Change to the build directory 进入文件夹。 ../sqlite/configure ;# Run the configure script 运行 配置脚本。 make ;# Run the makefile. 运行 编译 make install ;# (Optional) Install the build products 进行安装产品 The configure script uses autoconf 2.50 and libtool. If the configure 配置需要脚本 autoconf 为2.5以上,libtool script does not work out for you,there is a generic makefile named 如果配置脚本不能工作。改名。 "Makefile.linux-gcc" in the top directory of the source tree that you can copy and edit to suite your needs. Comments on the generic makefile show what changes are needed. The linux binaries on the website are created using the generic makefile,not the configure script. The configure script is unmaintained. (You can volunteer to take over maintenance of the configure script,if you want!) The windows binaries on the website are created using MinGW32 configured as a cross-compiler running under Linux. For details,see the ./publish.sh script at the top-level of the source tree. Contacts: 连接 http://www.sqlite.org/

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