
Swift元组 – 与结构体和彼此不同?

结构中的元组有多么不同? (1)



var A : StructureX
var B : StructureX


let A : (Int,String)
let B : (Int,String)

A和B元组是否相同? (2)
使用元组而不是结构有什么优势? (3)





> Structs需要使用前的定义
> Structs不允许与其成员进行模式匹配


// All commented code causes a compilation error. Uncomment to view error messages.

struct StructureX { let a: Int = 0 var b: String = "string" }

// // Struct member variability // var structureA: StructureX = StructureX() let structureB: StructureX = StructureX() //structureA.a = 2 // declared as a constant,instance is variable structureA.b = "allowed" // declared as a variable,instance is variable //structureB.a = 2 // declared as constant,instance is constant //structureB.b = "not allowed" // declared as constant,instance is constant structureA = structureB // these are the same type structureA

// // Typealias a labeled tuple and it can be constructed similarly to a struct // typealias StructureT = (a: Int,b: String) var structureD: StructureT = StructureT(a: 0,b: "asdf") structureD //structureD = structureA // but they are distinct types

let emptyTuple: () = () // philosophically,isn't this the deFinition of Void? let single: (Int) = (23) //let namedSingle: (a: Int) = (a: 42)

// // Tuple Labeled Member Access // var labeledTupleA: (a: Int,b: String) = (a: 0,b: "string") labeledTupleA.0 = 5 labeledTupleA.a labeledTupleA

var check: (a: Int,b: String) check = labeledTupleA // same type check

// // Tuples can have functions/closures // let labeledTupleB: (Int,String,fun: () -> Void) = (0,"string",{ () -> Void in println("hi") }) labeledTupleB.1 labeledTupleB.fun() //labeledTupleB.0 = 10 // this tuple is a constant,so all of its members are constant

// // Tuples with members of the same type,but differet labels are not of the same type // var labeledTupleC: (c: Int,d: String) = (c: -1,d: "fail") //labeledTupleC = labeledTupleA //labeledTupleC = labeledTupleB

// // Tuples with anonymous members matching the type pattern of a labeled member tuple are of equivalent type // var unlabeledTuple: (Int,String) = (0,"good") unlabeledTuple = labeledTupleA unlabeledTuple = labeledTupleC

// // Tuples with closures may not refer to sibling members // var labeledTupleD: (de: Int,df: (Int) -> Void) = (de: 0,df: { (num: Int) -> Void in //de += num //self.de += num println(num) })

labeledTupleD.de labeledTupleD.df(1)

// // Tuples allow pattern matching,Structs do not // //switch structureA { //case (let i,let s): // print(i,s) //default: // break //}

switch labeledTupleD { case (_,let closure): closure(123) default: break }

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